By Peg McRoy Glover

The Danville Town Council met for a special session one hour prior to the regular meeting on July 1 in the train station in Danville’s Ellis Park. This meeting was at the request of the park board to discuss signage and wayfinding options for Ellis Park. The board wants to replace the marquee at the entrance to the park with a double-sided digital sign. Town council asked the park board to check out any possible variance issues, consult with the town attorney and then present the request at a regular town council meeting.
The town council voted 4-0 in favor of adopting the Food and Beverage Tax, Ordinance 12-2019. This one percent tax on the gross retail income generated by Danville merchants from food or beverage transactions will be utilized to support tourism by improving parks, trails, sidewalks, streets and parking.
The town council decided not to pursue the purchase of the building that was once home to Electric Plus. The funds set aside for this purchase will instead be used for other maintenance and infrastructure costs to the town.