On June 3, Pittsboro Police Chief Christi Patterson informed the Pittsboro Police Commission that she would be starting the retirement process after 17 years on the force.
“I am delighted to say that at the July 1st Pittsboro Police Commission meeting, Major Scott King was named the new Pittsboro Chief of Police,” Patterson said in a statement. “As the department and community goes through this change, I will be working as a lieutenant for the department in order to achieve a smooth transition between chiefs. I have known Chief King for over 25 years and know he will do an excellent job as your new chief.”
“It was my honor to be appointed the new chief of police for the Pittsboro Police Department,” King said. “I have worked alongside Chief Patterson and the officers of the department for nearly 13 years and I have enjoyed every minute. It will be a tough job following in the footsteps of Chief Patterson as she has done an outstanding job at winning the communities trust in our police department. She is a great friend, mentor and leader. I hope to continue her work in this community, and I’m excited to lead the Pittsboro Police Department into the future.”
Patterson too cited the friendships that she’s built over the years.
“My time in Pittsboro has been the most rewarding in my career,” she said. “I have had the opportunity to build friendships with many members of our community that will last a lifetime. I thank the amazing community of Pittsboro and Hendricks County for all of their support. The officers I have worked with over the last 30 plus years are some of the best. I thank them for always having my back as I had theirs. Be vigilant and be safe! I want to thank the Pittsboro Town Council and the Pittsboro Police Commission for their unwavering support of public safety.”
Patterson also said that she wishes the very best to the non-sworn police personnel that make up the Pittsboro Police Department.
“They have a very difficult job,” she said. “Our police officers and staff truly care for this community. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve as your police chief. I am looking forward to starting the next chapter in life.”