Brownsburg Town Council considering 20-year bond for multi-purpose recreation facility/aquatic center

Compiled by Amanda Babinec

The Brownsburg Town Council met Oct 26 for a regularly scheduled board meeting.  The council meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at Brownsburg Town Hall, 61 N. Green St.  The next meeting is scheduled Nov 9.

WHAT HAPPENED:  Town council president Travis Tschaenn read the Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Proclamation.

WHAT IT MEANS:  Whereas local chambers of commerce exist to address community’s top challenge and promote economic prosperity and boost quality of life, Oct. 18 was declared “Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day”.  The town council president encourages all citizens to support the Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce.

WHAT HAPPENED:  Resolution 2023-26 – A resolution expressing an interest regarding the purchase of certain real property at 411 Johnson Lane and authorizing the appraisal process.  Resolution passed unanimously.

WHAT IT MEANS:  This particular property abuts the Lincolnwood Park, a portion of it is on the fleet maintenance building, and portions are on land that the town is already maintaining.  This is one reason they would like to purchase the property.  Another reason is to have a secondary access to Lincolnwood Park from the highway.  There is also room for a potential new small office or town related building.

WHAT HAPPENED:  First preliminary determination public hearing for a multi-purpose recreation facility / aquatic center.

WHAT IT MEANS:  The town council was given the steps needed to secure a bond for the multi-purpose recreation facility / aquatic center if they decide to move forward with the project.  They are looking at a 20-year bond and were presented an amortization schedule assuming a May 2024 closing.  It was confirmed that this project would not cause a tax increase to citizens.

WHAT HAPPENED:  Ordinance 2023-21 – An ordinance amending Title V, Chapter 54, Sections 54.20, 54.21, and 54.27.  An ordinance to revise the current schedule of water rates in order to fund operations and construction for improvements of the water system for the town.  This is related to the downtown project and the lead line replacement.

WHAT IT MEANS:  SRF will not loan the town the money if they don’t have the means to pay it back, so increasing the current water rates is the only solution.  The approximate increase is $2.08 per 4,000 gallons, the average use per household.  With this increase, the town’s prices would still be in the bottom 3 of the county.  The town is currently supplementing water daily from Citizens.

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