Construction set to begin on White Lick Creek Greenway trail in Brownsburg
By Lindsay Doty
Construction will begin this month on White Lick Creek Greenway in Brownsburg. When complete, the trail will run from McAllister’s on West Northfield Drive and extend south along White Lick Creek to the playground on the upper level of Arbuckle Acres.
It will be 12’ across with an elevated boardwalk because of the flood stage.
“This trail is only one segment of a larger plan to connect the communities of Brownsburg, Avon and Plainfield by way of a continuous trail system,” said Jonathan Blake, assistant director of Brownsburg Park Operations and Development.
“We wanted to create a unique recreation experience for residents and park visitors, encouraging them to stay fit while enjoying the scenic views along White Lick Creek.”
On May 28, the Brownsburg Town Council awarded a construction contract to Calumet Civil Contractors for Phase 1 of the trail project for $1,791,000. The bid was more than $800,000 less than the engineer’s original estimate.
The total project is estimated at $2.2 million, which includes the construction of the trail, environmental mitigation work, inspection services, and a contingency.
“The funding for construction is coming from a Park District Bond that was issued by the Park Board and Town Council in late 2019; the bond will not only fund the construction of this project, but will also fund the construction of Stephens Park later this year, and portions of a third project at Virgil Park,” said Blake.
The planning for the project started back in 2015. Construction of the greenway is expected to be completed before Halloween and open to pedestrians in late November.