by Torry Stiles
- Cursing about the lack of snowplows has been replaced by cursing about the lack of D. O. T. trucks fixing potholes.
- You’re actually excited about seeing the first mosquito of the season.
- You have major anxiety trying to decide if you’re going to commit to a hot summer body or rely on baggy clothes to get you through the year.
- Shamrock shakes are back.
- The last of the Christmas lights come down.
- You’ve learned how to lower your eyes and walk swiftly past the Girl Scout cookie table outside the store.
- “Yard sale!”
- Your heart jumps when you realize that you’re just weeks away from the first Tee-ball game of the season.
- Mrs. Curl has taken the boards off the windows.
- The news is reporting on the first sighting of a Dale Earnhardt “3” flag.