By Torry Stiles
10. Covideos (noun): All the goofy stuff we’re putting on the internet because we’re bored stiff.
9. Couch Café (noun): Furniture so surrounded by food items one need only get up to go to the bathroom.
8. Trashioning (verb): The act of buying so much more of something that you end up throwing away much of it.
7. Blueticians (noun): Hairstylists who offer their services in home in defiance of the “Blue Laws” that have closed their shops.
6. Premembering (verb): Talking about all the things you would have done by now if you weren’t stuck at home.
5. Mommify (verb): To overwhelm one’s mother with constant whiny requests that she has no recourse but to lock herself in the bathroom and turn a radio on full blast.
4. Farcemask (noun): Nonconventional items being worn as alternatives to regular masks such as bras, beekeeper helmets and baby diapers.
3. Quarancleaning (verb): Taking everything you own and wiping it off to keep busy.
2. Covidiots (noun): Folks who just don’t get it and are crowding the stores and partying.
1.Newbers (noun): All the folks on your street that you’re meeting and talking to now that you’re all stuck at home.