Plainfield’s communications and marketing director named IUPUI Alumni of the Year

Plainfield’s communications and marketing director named IUPUI Alumni of the Year

Lindsay Doty

Whether she’s writing a press release about the latest town project or helping get the word out about local efforts during the COVID-19 situation, Stephanie Singh is tuned into what’s happening online and in the community.

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“With this COVID-19 pandemic, information is everchanging, new messaging is needed daily and I enjoy the challenge of staying on my tiptoes and being forced to adapt quickly to the new information,” said Singh, director of communications and marketing for the town of Plainfield since 2018.

“I realize we also play an integral role in keeping people safe, and that is what keeps me going daily. People want to hear from their local officials, and we are constantly working to be in front of our residents even virtually.”

Singh, a former television news reporter, enjoys her communications role and is equal parts efficient and easygoing. She’s learned that with social media and rapid information, it’s important to verify facts and stay on top things.

To recognize her accomplishments in communications, the Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Department of Communications has named her a co-recipient for the 2020 Outstanding Alumni of the Year. The award recognizes those who have distinguished themselves professionally.

“Her leadership and communication efforts for the Town of Plainfield have been a great benefit not only to our staff but also to the entire
community”, said Andrew Klinger, Plainfield Town Manager.

“Her talents are clearly on display during this current COVID-19 pandemic, as she has provided our residents with relevant updates and resource information concerning the pandemic, while continuing to position Plainfield in a leadership role when it comes to our communication outreach.”

Singh graduated from IUPUI with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications. She also obtained a Master of Strategic Public Relations in 2017 from The George Washington University. In Hendricks County, she is a 2019 graduate of Leadership Hendricks County, president of the Plainfield International Festival Board, and a member of the Main Street Plainfield Board.

“My education from IUPUI encouraged me to go out and make a difference. I work alongside some of the best in the public sector and I’m grateful to be here making a difference every single day.”

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, Singh received her award during a virtual ceremony on April 23rd via Zoom.

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