By Melissa Gibson

The Plainfield Town Council discussed the newest construction project on Main Street Monday evening during a working session.
As the garage project is already under construction, a Town Hall building architectural draft was presented, including a three-story structure with council chambers, space for the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce, a visitors’ welcoming area and more.
Adjacent to the Town Hall, a 600-seat theatre space is planned.
In the beginning stages of the plan, council members asked about parking and traffic ease, safety and discussed the overall look of the facility.
RATIO Architects are designing the building with bids to come in for construction at a later date.
As the council moved into the regular town council meeting, two Plainfield residents were recognized; Ed Rudolphi for 30 years of service to the Town of Plainfield and Bruce Felix, received the Community Values award for respect for law and rules.
Felix is a reserve officer for the Plainfield Police Department.
The next Town Council meeting will be 7 p.m. Aug. 12 at the Plainfield Fire Territory Headquarters, 591 Moon Road.