
Livestock Class Awards

2017 Supreme Showmanship

Grand Champion

Chloe Wicker (Diary Cattle)


Austin Hudson (Goat)

Audrey Wehrman (Horse)

Todd Deno, (Sheep)

Emily Fry, (Beef Cattle)

Lilly Jackson, (Swine)


Beef Cattle


Beef Showmanship

Payton Doub, Junior Showmanship Award, Honor Group

William Farmer, Intermediate Showmanship Award, Honor Group

Emily Fry, Senior Showmanship Award, Honor Group


Dairy Starter Steer

Anna Brunes, Grand Champion, Breed Champion

Megan Griffith, Reserve Breed Champion

Alyson Peoples, Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Jesse Servies, Breed Champion


Dairy Starter Steer Showmanship

Eli Morgan, Junior Showmanship Award

Collin Griffith, Intermediate Showmanship Award

Cody Brunes, Senior Showmanship Award



Angus Senior

Kaylee Austin, County BBR Reserve Champion

Bryce Hofing, Grand Champion, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, Grand ChampionCounty BBR

Bryce Hofing, Breed Champion


Morgan Himsel, Reserve Breed Champion

Bryce Mayner, Breed Champion


Chase O’Neal, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Rylan Rutledge, Breed Champion


Makenna Himsel, Breed Champion

Rylee Smith, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Mattie Flohr, Reserve Breed Champion

Becca VanSlyke, County BBR Reserve Champion

Grant Covey, Reserve Breed Champion

William Farmer, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Emily Fry, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Abygail Fleece, County BBR Reserve Champion

Makenzie Lewis, Breed Champion


Carter Pruet, Breed Champion

Alex Covey, Reserve Breed Champion


Lauren Fry, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Becca VanSlyke, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Reserve Champion

Holly Webb, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Payton Doub, Breed Champion

Cole Morgan, County BBR Champion

Alyson Peoples, Reserve Breed Champion


Makenna Himsel, Breed Champion

Makenna Himsel, County BBR Reserve Champion

Carter Pruet, Reserve Breed Champion

Louie Whiteman, County BBR Champion

Elizabeth Burger, County BBR Reserve Champion

Any Other Breed

Payton Doub, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion



Aberdeen Angus Steers

Katie Brock, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Charlais Steers

Brayden VanSlyke, Reserve Grand Champion, County BBR Reserve Champion

Bryce Hofing, Breed Champion, 4th Overall

Bryce Mayner,            Reserve Breed Champion


Elly Roessler, Breed Champion

Joedie Williams, Reserve Breed Champion


Abygail Fleece            Steers, County BBR Reserve Champion

Bryce Hofing   Steers, Reserve Grand Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Madison Land Steers, Grand Champion, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, Grand Champion County BBR


Grant Covey, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Mattie Flohr, Breed Champion

Madison Love, Reserve Breed Champion

Ella Williams  Steers, County BBR Reserve Champion


Emily Fry, Steers, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

OLIVIA LOVE, County BBR Reserve Champion

Joedie Williams, Breed Champion, 5th Overall


Kara Hankins, Reserve Breed Champion

Makenna Himsel, County BBR Reserve Champion

Elly Roessler, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Brown Swiss Dairy

Cody Brunes, Reserve Breed Champion

Cody Brunes, Breed Champion


Anna Brunes, Reserve Grand Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Anna Brunes, Grand Champion, Breed Champion


Zachary Thom, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

All other breeds

Jesse Servies, Breed Champion

Southern Plus

Madison Love, County BBR Reserve Champion

Aubree Whicker, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, Reserve Grand Champion County BBR, 3rd Overall


Dairy Cattle



Ayrshire Spring Calf

Abigail Thom, Jr. Breed Champion

Ayshire Fall Calf

Zachary Thom, Jr. Breed Reserve Champion

Ayshire 4 yo.

Zachary Thom, Reserve Grand Champion, Sr. Breed Reserve Champion

Ayrshire 5 yo.

Zachary Thom, Grand Champion, Sr. Breed Champion

Brown Swiss Winter

Carter Settles, Reserve Grand Champion, Jr. Breed Champion, Supreme Cow, Best Udder

Browns Swiss 4 yo.

Alyson Peoples, Jr. Breed Reserve Champion

Guernsey Jr, 2 yo., 5 yo.

Rilee Mood, Jr. Breed Reserve Champion

HAYDEN Klaum, Jr. Breed Champion

LOGAN Klaum, Reserve Grand Champion, Sr. Breed Reserve Champion

Rilee Mood, Grand Champion, Sr. Breed Champion

Holstein Fall, Dry

Annamarie Settles, Jr. Breed Champion

Jackson Alsdorf, Jr. Breed Reserve Champion

Jersey winter, fall

AnnaMarie Settles, Grand Champion, Sr. Breed Champion

Carter Settles, Reserve Grand Champion, Sr. Breed Reserve Champion

AnnaMarie Settles, Reserve Grand Champion, Jr. Breed Champion

Chloe Whicker, Jr. Breed Reserve Champion

Carter Settles, Grand Champion, Sr. Breed Champion

Milking Springhorn

John Arvin, Reserve Grand Champion, Jr. Breed Reserve Champion

John Arvin, Grand Champion, Jr. Breed Champion



John Arvin, Showmanship, Junior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Carter Settles, Intermediate Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Chloe Whicker, Showmanship            , Senior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant




Boer Goat Full blood does

6 mos.

Molly Linson, Reserve Breed Champion

Mackenzie Miller, Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

12 mos.

Johnathan Linson, Breed Champion

20 mos.

Mackenzie Miller, Reserve Breed Champion

24 mos.

Braxton Patton, Reserve Breed Champion

36 mos.

Alexandria Linson, Breed Champion, Grand Champion


Boer Goats Percentage Does

6 mos.

Hayden Deno, Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Mackenzie Miller, Reserve Breed Champion

16 mos.

Johnathan Linson, Reserve Breed Champion

Lainey Price, Breed Champion, Grand Champion, Supreme Champion Doe

24 mos.

Alyson Peoples, Breed Champion

36 mos.

Todd Deno, Reserve Breed Champion


Dairy Goat Does

LaMancha Intermediate

Jacob Potts, Breed Champion

Nigerian Dwarf

Makayla Schirmer, Breed Champion

Bennett Schirmer, Reserve Breed Champion

Marissa Schirmer, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Adah Mercer, Breed Champion

Makayla Schirmer, Reserve Breed Champion

Nubian Junior, Senior, 2 yo., 3 yo.

Samuel Ranger, Breed Champion

Jesse Servies, Reserve Breed Champion

Abigail ranger, Reserve Breed Champion

Ellie Scolaro, Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Rec. Grade Doe, 2 yo., 3 yo.,

Piper Crooks, Breed Champion

Robert Reach, Reserve Breed Champion

Piper Crooks, Breed Champion

Piper Crooks, Reserve Breed Champion

Saanen Intermediate Doe, 2 yo. , 3 yo. 

Michael Potts, Breed Champion

Jesse Servies, Reserve Breed Champion

Jesse Servies, Reserve Breed Champion

Michael Potts, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Mini Nubian Sen Doe, Yearling, 2 yo., 3 yo.

Ethan Bavetz, Reserve Breed Champion

Jonathan Mercer, Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Adah Mercer, Reserve Breed Champion

Braylon Craiger, Breed Champion



Goat Showmanship

Braylon Craiger, Junior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Becca VanSlyke, Intermediate Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Austin Hudson, Senior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant


Meat Goat Does

Megan Tepe, Reserve Grand Champion

Shelby Mathis, Grand Champion


Meat Goat Wethers

Anna Bohbrink, Reserve Breed Champion

Shelby Mathis, Breed Champion

Shelby Mathis, Breed Champion, Grand Champion, Supreme Market Goat

Shelby Mathis, Reserve Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Kaylee Tepe, Breed Champion

Megan Tepe, Reserve Breed Champion


Pygmy Goat Does

Cassandra DeWeese, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Brooklyn Smith, Reserve Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Karmen Franklin, Champion (Junior)


Pygmy Goat Wethers

Mattie Ashby, Reserve Breed Champion

Korey Berg, Breed Champion

Cassandra DeWeese, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Brooklyn Smith, Reserve Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion


Llama and Alpaca Showmanship

Samantha Hart, Junior Showmanship Award

Kiara McGuyre, Intermediate Showmanship Award

Faith Gomez, Senior Showmanship Award, Grand Champion





Intermediate English

English Gelding 56’

Kaydence Harris, Grand Champion English (Hunter and Saddle)

Natalie Lopez, Reserve Grand Champion English (Hunter and Saddle)

English Mare 56’

Brooklee Brandt Grand Champion English (Hunter and Saddle)

Hallie Jackson, Reserve Grand Champion English (Hunter and Saddle)

Pony Mule Donkey 56’ and under

Elizabeth Fletcher, Reserve Grand Champion

Lindy Spence, Grand Champion


Megan Duffy, Champion

Brooklee Brandt, Reserve Champion


Megan Duffy, Champion

MaryClaire Tetrick, Reserve Champion


Megan Duffy, Reserve Champion

Lindy Spence, Champion


Intermediate Western

Western Gelding 56’

Kara York,diatern, Reserve Grand Champion

Justine Vandenberg, Grand Champion

Western Mare 56’

Hallie Jackson, Reserve Grand Champion

Emma Risner, Grand Champion

Pony Mule Donkey

Lindy Spence, Reserve Grand Champion

Justine Vandenberg. Grand Champion


Megan Duffy, Champion

Natalie Lopez, Reserve Champion


Megan Duffy, Champion

Emma Risner, Reserve Champion


Junior English/Western Riding


Katelyn Duffy, Reserve Champion

Sarah Somerville, Champion


Junior In-Hand

English Gelding 56’

Kendall Baron, Grand Champion English (Hunter and Saddle)

Brylee Carter, Grand Champion English (Hunter and Saddle)

English Mare 56’

Sarah Somerville, Reserve Grand Champion, English (Hunter and Saddle)

Katelyn Duffy, Grand Champion English (Hunter and Saddle)

Pony , Mule, Donkey

Jessica Andres, Reserve Grand Champion

Alissa Benge, Grand Champion


Kendall Baron, Reserve Champion

Sarah Somerville, Champion

Western Type Gelding over 56’

Travis Arney, Grand Champion

Kendall Baron, Reserve Grand Champion

Western Mare over 56’

Maggie Wells, Grand Champion

Katelyn Duffy, Reserve Grand Champion

Western Mule, Pony, Donkey

Elizabeth Calhoun, Reserve Grand Champion

Jessica Andres, Grand Champion

Western Showmanship

Kendall Baron, Reserve Champion

Sarah Somerville, Champion


Senior English

Gelding over 56’

Autumn Duffy, Reserve Grand Champion

Carter Stephenson, Grand Champion

Mare over 56’                                       

Sydney Burton, Reserve Grand Champion

Abigail Thom, Grand Champion

Pony, Donkey, Mule                            

Sadie Smith, Grand Champion

Lauren Basicker, Reserve Grand Champion.



Audrey Wehrman, Reserve Champion, Supreme Showmanship

Sadie Smith, Champion Showmanship


Autumn Duffy, Reserve Champion

Sadie Smith, Champion English Equitation Senior


Grace Austin, Champion


Senior Western

Gelding over 56’

Autumn Duffy, Grand Champion

Carter Stephenson, Reserve Grand Champion

Mare over 56′

Lauren Olsen, Reserve Grand Champion Western Type Mare over 56″ Senior

Abigail Thom, Grand Champion

Pony, Mule, Donkey

Sadie Smith, Reserve Grand Champion

Lauren Basicker, Grand Champion

Western Showmanship

Autumn Duffy, Reserve Champion

Audrey Wehrman, Champion


Autumn Duffy, Champion

Sadie Smith, Reserve Champion





Poultry Illustrated Talk

Gavin Drummond, Grade 3-4, Novice (PT), State Fair Entry

Madison Drummond, Grade 7-8, Intermediate (PT), Grand Champion, State Fair Entry

Makayla Schirmer, Grade 11-12, Master (PT), Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Entry


Poultry Poster or Display

Levi Stewart, Grade 3-5, Level 1, Poster (PP), Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Entry

Gavin Drummond, Grade 3-5, Level 1, Science Display (PP)            Grand Champion, State Fair Entry

Anna Young, Grade 6-8, Level 2, Poster (PP)            Grand Champion, State Fair Entry

Sean Cotteleer, Grade 9-12, Level 3, Poster (PP), State Fair Entry


Commercial Chickens

White Egg shell Pullets, Hens

Jackson Benner, Class Reserve Champion

Emma Ennen, Reserve Grand Champion

Brown Egg Pullets, Hens

Nicole Couch, Class Reserve Champion

Madison Drummond, Class Champion

Lucas Engels, Class Reserve Champion

Evan Lindner, Class Champion


Gavin Drummond, Class Champion

Madison Drummond, Class Reserve Champion

White eggs

Emma Ennen, Class Reserve Champion

Megan Ennen, Class Champion

Meghan O’Brien, Class Reserve Champion

Karina Brewster, Class Champion

Addison Littrell, Class Reserve Champion

Browns Eggs

Morgan Waggoner, Class Champion


Poultry Showmanship

Mackenzie Miller, Junior Showmanship Award, Showmanship Participant

Addison Billmeier, Intermediate Showmanship Award, Showmanship Participant

Jackson Benner, Senior Showmanship Award, Showmanship Participant


Non-bearded white crested black Polish Hen/Cock (OC)

Cassandra DeWeese, Class Reserve Champion

Cassandra DeWeese, Class Champion, Grand Champion, Champion Best in Show


American Large Fowl

Morgan Waggoner, Buckeye Hen (AM), Class Champion

Morgan Waggoner, New Hampshire Pullet (AM), Class Reserve Champion


Phoenix Hen

Jackson Benner, Class Champion

Morgan Waggoner, Class Reserve Champion


All other varieties (Hens)

Erin Cardinal, Class Champion, Grand Champion

Jack Cardinal, Class Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion


Fancy Breeds

Jackson Benner, Any Other Variety Croppers and Pouters Old Cock (FB), Grand Champion, Division Champion


Sporting Breeds

Jackson Benner, Sporting/Performance, Racing Homer, Any Other Color Old Cock (SB), Reserve Grand Champion


Utility Breeds

Jackson Benner, Runt Old Hen (UB), Division Champion


Asiatic Large Fowl

Lauren Stringer, Buff Cochin Hen (AS), Class Champion


Mediterranean Large Fowl

Jackson Benner, Single comb light brown Leghorn Hen (MD), Class Reserve Champion

Jackson Benner, Single comb light brown Leghorn Hen (MD), Class Champion


Modern Game Bantams

Jackson Benner, Black Cock (MG), Class Champion

Jackson Benner, Brown 2nd Hen (MG), Class Reserve Champion


Old English Game Bantams

Keith Billmeier, Black-breasted 2nd Hen (EG), Class Champion

Kayley Odom, Crele Cockerel (EG), Class Reserve Champion


Rose Comb Clean Legged Bantams

Cassandra DeWeese, Black Rosecomb Cock (RC), Class Champion

Cassandra DeWeese, Black Rosecomb Hen (RC), Class Reserve Champion


Single Comb Clean Legged Other than Game Bantams

Wyatt Dorsey, Phoenix Cockerel (SC), Class Reserve Champion

Addison Billmeier, White face black Spanish Cock (SC), Class Champion


Continental Large Fowl

Collin Hill, Barnevelder Hen, Class Champion

Addison Billmeier, Barnevelder Pullet, Grand Champion

Alyssa Hecht, Black Australorp Hen (EN), Class Reserve Champion

Luke Schirmer, English Large Fowl, Black Australorp Hen (EN), Class Champion

Owen Gessner, Feather Legged Bantams, Black Cochin Cock (FL), Reserve Grand Champion

Owen Gessner, Feather Legged Bantams, Black Cochin Pullet (FL), Class Reserve Champion


Fowl (Weight)

Morgan Spurlock, Heavy Weight Geese, Toulouse Young Gander, Class Champion

Morgan Waggoner, Heavy Weight Waterfowl, Pekin Duck Old Drake, Class Reserve Champion

Morgan Waggoner, Medium Weight Geese, Pilgrim Young Goose, Class Reserve Champion

Morgan Waggoner, Medium Weight Geese, Pilgrim Young Gander, Class Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Cora Slater, Heavy Weight Waterfowl, Pekin Duck Young Drake, Class Champion, Grand, Champion, Reserve Best in Show

Zachary Benter, Light Weight Waterfowl, Welsh Harlequin Young Duck, Class Reserve Champion

Zachary Benter, Light Weight Waterfowl, Welsh Harlequin Young Duck, Class Champion



Morgan Spurlock, Slate Young Tom (TK), Class Champion, Grand Champion

Kayley Odom, Slate Young Hen (TK), Class Reserve Champion, Reserve Grand Champion





Breeding Ewes


Hannah Deno, County BBR Reserve Champion

Hayden Deno, County BBR Champion, Reserve Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion County BBR

Ethan Batan, Breed Champion

Horned Dorset

Hollyn Miller, Breed Champion

Hollyn Miller, Reserve Breed Champion

Natural Colo2nd

MacKenzie McClain, County BBR Reserve Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Parker Means, County BBR Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Duel Mood, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Adriana Hallman, County BBR Reserve Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Adriana Hallman, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Southdown Yearling

Ethan Batan, Reserve Breed Champion

Todd Deno, Breed Champion, 3rd Overall

Suffolk Lamb, Yearling

Makenzie Lewis, Reserve Breed Champion

Rilee Mood, Grand Champion County BBR, 4th Overall

Rilee Mood, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Tunis Yearling

Reagan Stephens, Breed Champion

Commercial Yearling

Hayden Deno, County BBR Reserve Champion

Rilee Mood, County BBR Champion, Reserve Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Hannah Deno, Grand Champion

Hayden Deno, County BBR Reserve Champion, 5th Overall BBR

Rilee Mood, 4th Overall BBR

All Other Breeds

Elyjah McCalip, Breed Champion

Commercial Ewe White Face

Ethan Batan, Breed Champion

Todd Deno, County BBR Champion

Ethan Batan, Reserve Breed Champion

Avarie Caffery, County BBR Reserve Champion



Market Lambs


Kayla Baker, County BBR Champion

Lauren Fry, Reserve Breed Champion

Kendall Stout, Breed Champion


Raegan Bohbrink, Reserve Breed Champion

Hannah Deno, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Rilee Mood, County BBR Reserve Champion


Avarie Caffery, County BBR Reserve Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Jolt Ellis, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Natural Color

Bryce Hofing, Breed Champion


Kayla Baker, Reserve Breed Champion

Hayden Deno, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Hannah Deno, County BBR Reserve Champion

Mary Van Ness, County BBR Champion, Reserve Breed Champion

Jackson Williams, Breed Champion


Ethan Batan, Reserve Breed Champion

Lauren Fry, Breed Champion

Todd Deno, County BBR Reserve Champion

Rilee Mood, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, Grand Champion

White Face Crossbreed

Bryce Hofing, Breed Champion, 3rd Overall

Kaylee Tepe, Reserve Breed Champion

Todd Deno, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, 4th Overall

Rilee Mood, County BBR Reserve Champion, Reserve Breed Champion, 5th Overall

Hollyn Miller, Breed Champion


Sheep Showmanship

Bryce Hofing, Junior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Alyson Owen, Intermediate Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Todd Deno, Senior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant




Rabbit Poster

Samuel Gaines, Grade 3-5, Level 1 (RP), State Fair Entry

Jacquelyn Burks, Grade 6-8, Level 2 (RP), Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Entry

Elyssia Wellington, Grade 9-12, Level 3 (RP),  Grand Champion, State Fair Entry


Rabbit Ambassador

Benjamin Wilson, Grade 3-4, Novice (RA), State Fair Entry

Alden Phillips, Grade 5-6, Junior (RA), State Fair Entry

Madelyn Milharcic, Grade 7-8, Intermediate (RA), Grand Champion, State Fair Entry

Daniel Averitt, Grade 9-10, Senior (RA), State Fair Entry

Devon Anderson, Grade 11-12, Master (RA), State Fair Entry


Meat Rabbit

Briana Drummond, Meat Pen, Champion Weight of Gain

Rebecca Weiss, Meat Pen, Champion Meat Pen


Best of Breeds

Brielle Drummond, American 1st 6/8 Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Brielle Drummond, American 1st 6/8 Doe, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Elijah Wilson, American Sable Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Noah Wilson, American Sable Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Emily Wilson, Angora, Satin, Colo2nd Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Emily Wilson, Angora, Satin, Colo2nd Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Anna Bohbrink, Californian 6/8 Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Mariel Griffith, Champagne D’argent Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Raegan Bohbrink, Chinchilla Standard Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Devon Anderson, Cinnamon Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Raegan Bohbrink, Dutch Black Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Daniel Averitt, Dutch Steel Sr Doe, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Mollie Dial, Dwarf Hotot Black, Chocolate Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Devon Anderson, Dwarf Hotot Black, Chocolate Sr Doe, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Me2ndith Perry, Florida White Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Madelyn Milharcic, Havana Black Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Madelyn Milharcic, Havana Black Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion, Best 4-Class Champion

Wyatt Lindner, Himalayan Black Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Emily Wilson, Himalayan Black Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Taylor Hill, Lionhead Tort Sr Doe, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Olivia Chasteen, Lionhead Tort Jr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Garrett Hume, Lop Holland Solid Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Caylin Stephens, Lop, Holland Broken Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Taylor Hill, Lop, Mini Solid Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Aubrey Hall, Lop, Mini Broken Jr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Briana Drummond, Mini Rex White Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Alden Phillips, Mini Rex White Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Vincent Delchambre, Mini Satin Broken Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Emily Keeton, Netherland Dwarf Shaded Siamese Sable Sr Doe, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Lauren Fry, Netherland Dwarf Agouti Chinchilla Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Daniel Averitt, New Zealand White Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion, Best 6-Class Champion

Brielle Drummond, New Zealand White Sr Doe, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Daniel Averitt, Palomino Lynx Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Joshua Averitt, Polish Chocolate Sr Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Olivia Nicely, Polish Bew Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Brielle Drummond, Rex Broken Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Me2ndith Perry, Satin Black 6/8 Doe, Best of Breed Champion

Brielle Drummond, Satin Broken Sr Buck, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Briana Drummond, Silver Brown Sr Buck, Best of Breed Champion

Briana Drummond, Silver Brown Sr Doe, Best of Opposite Sex Champion

Benjamin Wilson, Silver Fox Black Jr Buck, Best of Breed Champion




Swine Barrows


Bradi Cheesman, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, 3rd Overall

Mackenzie Mitchell, Reserve Breed Champion

Alyson Owen, 5th Overall

Chester White

Carsen Cummings, Breed Champion

William Farmer, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Alida Jackson, Breed Champion, Grand Champion County BBR, County BBR Champion, Reserve Grand Champion

Jackson Mantooth, Reserve Breed Champion


William Farmer, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Peyton Mendenhall, Breed Champion


Rylie Lambert, County BBR Champion

Emory Smith, Reserve Breed Champion

Tanner Wineinger, Breed Champion


Isabelle Saylor, Breed Champion

Eli Woodrum, Reserve Breed Champion


Hattie Lawson, County BBR Champion

Mackenzie Mitchell, Breed Champion

Elly Roessler, Reserve Breed Champion


Karina Brewster, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Caleb Smith, Reserve Breed Champion


Kayla Baker, Reserve Breed Champion

Isabel Farmer, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion, 4th Overall

Cross Breed

Kade Himsel, Breed Champion

Thomas Long, Reserve Breed Champion, 5th Overall

Whitney Stephenson, Reserve Breed Champion

All other Breeds

Morgan Waggoner, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Heavy Weight

Landyn Doll, Heavy Weight Champion

Medium Weight

Dalton Rutledge, Breed Champion, Grand Champion, Medium Weight Champion


Swine Gilts


Lilly Jackson, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Mackenzie Mitchell, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Chester White

Klaire Himsel, Reserve Breed Champion

Bradley Van Ness, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Kayla Baker, Reserve Breed Champion

Jason Mantooth, Reserve Breed Champion, 5th Overall

Joeleigh Rutledge, Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion County BBR, County BBR Champion


Mary Van Ness, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Audrey Wehrman, Reserve Breed Champion


Bradley Van Ness, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Tanner Wineinger, Reserve Breed Champion


Kaden Price, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

AnnaMarie Settles, Breed Champion


Brody Saylor, Breed Champion

Louie Whiteman, Reserve Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Anna Bohbrink, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion

Carter Pruet, Reserve Breed Champion

Karina Brewster, Reserve Breed Champion

Caleb Smith, Breed Champion, County BBR Champion


Whitney Stephenson, Breed Champion, Grand Champion County BBR, County BBR Champion, 3rd Overall

Cross Breed

Payton Mundt, Breed Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Medium Weight Champion

Payton Mundt, Reserve Breed Champion, Light Weight Champion


Mary Van Ness, Heavy Weight Champion


Swine Showmanship

Kayla Baker, Junior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Emma Garland, Intermediate Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

Lilly Jackson, Senior Showmanship Award, Honor Group, Showmanship Participant

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