Brownsburg Parks director leaving

Brownsburg Parks director leaving

Parnin Leaving Brownsburg Parks for Consulting Job

       Brownsburg Parks Director Philip Parnin, who has led the department for more than 11 years, has accepted a position with a national consulting firm. His last day with Parks will be Aug. 9.
Phil Parnin participates in a groundbreaking ceremony for a new stretch of the B&O Trail.

“I wasn’t looking for another job, but when this opportunity presented itself I knew I couldn’t pass it up,” said Parnin. “I have loved working to enhance the lives of Brownsburg residents by creating high-quality recreational spaces, trails and programs. My new position will allow me to have a similar impact on a national stage.”

       “Phil’s guidance of the Parks Department has truly bettered the lives of Brownsburg residents,” said Park Board President Cari Palma. “Under his leadership, we’ve seen the creation of The Watermill splash pad and playground at Williams Park, the purchase of an additional 94 acres of park land, and the expansion of the Town’s trails system to improve connectivity between neighborhoods and our parks.”
       Other improvements under Parnin’s leadership include exterior improvements at Bundy Lodge at Arbuckle Acres Park, the creation of the pollinator garden at Williams Park, updating play features and shelters at Arbuckle Acres, and the installation of the Safe Routes to School trail. These enhancements were paid for using Food and Beverage funds. 
       Parnin also implemented the Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) program at five Brownsburg school sites, providing families with flexible, quality childcare at a reasonable price.
       Fiscally, Parnin increased the amount of revenue generated by the department through programs and services by over 500%. 
       “It’s been an honor for me to lead the community’s park system and to see all of the progress that we’ve made,” said Parnin. “I’m sure the positive trajectory the department is on will continue in future.”
       According to Palma, the Park Board will name an interim director within the next few days. The job posting for the director’s position is posted at and is open to internal and external candidates.

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