H. C. Rotary Clubs host fundraiser for Indy Honor Flight to D.C.

H.C. Rotary Clubs host fundraiser for Indy Honor Flight to D.C.

By Lindsay Doty

The Rotary Clubs of Avon, Danville, Plainfield are hosting the 2nd annual Salute to Our Veterans fundraiser this weekend at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairground to raise money for Indy Honor Flight.

The nonprofit works to take Hoosier veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam on a special trip to Washington D.C. to see their war memorials for free.


Each flight only holds 89 veterans and Indy Honor Flight has 1,000 veterans on the waiting list.

With WWII vets in their 80s and 90s, time is limited.The organization’s goal is to get the most senior veterans to visit the memorials built for them before it is too late.

Indy Honor Flight #26 Veteran’s lined up for class photo at World War II Memorial. (Photo by Faith Toole)

The group is working to raise $100,000 to provide a 4th flight each year so all veterans can go.


The Salute to Our Veterans fundraiser for One More Flight Indy is Saturday, Feb. 29 at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds and Conference Complex. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner is at 7 p.m.

It includes dinner, wine, a silent and live auction and dessert dash.


Tickets are $100. You can purchase online and bid on auction items at https://onemoreflightindy.org/

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