Greenwood Common Council

Greenwood residents attend council meeting to debate rezoning

Compiled by Beth Wade

It was standing room only at the March 5 Common Council meeting as many Greenwood residents gathered in protest of two rezoning ordinances, including Ordinance 8-07.
Ordinance 18-07, seeks to rezone more than 6.5 acres located at 1464 W. Stones Crossing Road. These six acres will be used to construct a hotel.
A question on many resident’s mind is, “Why here?” Many, like Laura Young and Ray Gonzalez, believe many other locations would be more appropriate for this project.
A resident of Cobblestone subdivision, Jason Mysen, said, “Cobblestone subdivision is a 138-home neighborhood, in close proximity to the proposed location. Changing the zoning on this would have an immediate negative impact on this community and property values would potentially plummet.”
Bay Horse Inn opened a petition to rezone the piece of land to create a boutique hotel that would connect to the event venue via a walking path. The petition can be found at

No matter the stance, Linda Meier advises, “to hear what [the proposal] is going to be,” and urges the council to get both sides of the argument before making a decision.
Ordinance 18-07 was postponed until the April 16 meeting.

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