Are you on a steady diet of stress?

By Wendell Fowler

Seems everything is teaching me a lesson these days. Like, disease is not singularly about low grade food, genes, environmental toxins and EMF’s. In modern society, chronic stress is profoundly linked with the development of many chronic diseases, including cancer.

Beautiful souls with cancer may find the physical, emotional and social effects of the disease overwhelmingly stressful and fear fraught. Those who numb their stress with smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, pharma or street drugs and are sedentary, may have a poorer quality of life after cancer treatment due to a weakened immune system. states, “Psychological stress describes what people feel when they’re under mental, physical, or emotional pressure. Although it’s normal to experience some psychological stress, people who experience high levels of psychological stress or who experience it repeatedly over a long period of time may develop mental or physical health problems.” adds: “Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body. Researchers discovered chronic psychological stress is associated with the body losing its ability to regulate inflammation.”

The Journal of Clinical Investigation published a finding in 2013, claiming stress triggers master cancer genes. According to the research, ATF3 is the master gene that affects the response of cancer cells to the changes in the body. When a person experiences stress, ATF3 is triggered and stimulates the growth and spread of cancer cells within the local region or to other parts of the temple.

When you’re stressed, choose plant-based foods that fortify your immune system, lighten your dark mood, relieve tension, stabilize blood sugar and give stress the bum’s rush. Earth’s foods that feed your head are dark leafy greens, fermented foods, blueberries, flax and chia, walnuts, turkey breast or wild-caught salmon rich in omega-3.

Chill out and avoid chilling TV world news, violent movies, negative, energy-sucking people, taking things personally and explore training in relaxation methods, ancient breathing techniques and meditation; spend time in ear-splitting silence for at least 30 minutes a day, exercise and of course, if all else fails, seek family and community support, counseling or group talk therapy and you’ll exhibit lower levels of depression, anxiety and symptoms.

Being a loving caregiver, I too struggle mightily. It’s an arduous task staying positive in a world simmering in the vibe of stress and fear. Together we will succeed.

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