Danville Town Council considering ordinance to reduce speed on Main Street

Compiled by Amanda Babinec

The Danville Town Council met Oct 18.  These meetings can be viewed on the town’s YouTube channel.  The council meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Danville Town Hall, 49 N. Wayne St.  The next scheduled meeting is Nov 1.

WHAT HAPPENED:  Council heard five presentations at a work study on 10/4/23 to select an Agent of Record.

WHAT IT MEANS:  Town Manager asked the council to choose Ryan Secord as the Agent of Record for the town.  The motion passed 3-2.

WHAT HAPPENED:  Ordinance 21-2023:  Bond Ordinance (Introduction) Clerk/Treasurer met with Bose McKinney, bond counsel to determine a value for the bond that will be requested and have come up with $1,705,000.

WHAT IT MEANS:  Authorizes general obligation bonds for the project, which includes acquisition of vehicles, certain equipment, Town Hall HVAC improvements, and other related items.  A notice will go out for a hearing for the appropriation of the bond and the appropriation hearing will be at the Nov 1 board meeting.  Sale of the bond would be around Nov 14 with closing and funds available late Nov.

WHAT HAPPENED:  Ordinance 23-2023:  Reduction in Speed Zone.  Town Manager presented an ordinance to reduce the speed zone on East Main Street between CR 300 E and CR 400 E to 45mph.  This was only presented for introduction at this time.  Will be presented to the council on Nov 1 for a vote.

WHAT IT MEANS:  The town was able to do a traffic study with the firm that is building a gas station near this area.  This study recommended reducing the speed limit by 5 to 45 mph.  If the town wishes to reduce the speed limit to 40, they will need to conduct and pay for their own traffic study.

WHAT HAPPENED:  The police chief presented a request to expend funds on retaining 3 vehicles in the current fleet to be used as pooled vehicles in the event of breakdown of fleet vehicles.

WHAT IT MEANS:  The funds will come from insurance funds from 2 police vehicles that were involved in an accident earlier in the year.  The police chief is requesting that they pay Enterprise $52,000 to retain these 3 vehicles that already have lights and decals.

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