Compiled by Amanda Babinec
The Danville Town Council met Oct 18. These meetings can be viewed on the town’s YouTube channel. The council meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Danville Town Hall, 49 N. Wayne St. The next scheduled meeting is Nov 1.
WHAT HAPPENED: Council heard five presentations at a work study on 10/4/23 to select an Agent of Record.
WHAT IT MEANS: Town Manager asked the council to choose Ryan Secord as the Agent of Record for the town. The motion passed 3-2.
WHAT HAPPENED: Ordinance 21-2023: Bond Ordinance (Introduction) Clerk/Treasurer met with Bose McKinney, bond counsel to determine a value for the bond that will be requested and have come up with $1,705,000.
WHAT IT MEANS: Authorizes general obligation bonds for the project, which includes acquisition of vehicles, certain equipment, Town Hall HVAC improvements, and other related items. A notice will go out for a hearing for the appropriation of the bond and the appropriation hearing will be at the Nov 1 board meeting. Sale of the bond would be around Nov 14 with closing and funds available late Nov.
WHAT HAPPENED: Ordinance 23-2023: Reduction in Speed Zone. Town Manager presented an ordinance to reduce the speed zone on East Main Street between CR 300 E and CR 400 E to 45mph. This was only presented for introduction at this time. Will be presented to the council on Nov 1 for a vote.
WHAT IT MEANS: The town was able to do a traffic study with the firm that is building a gas station near this area. This study recommended reducing the speed limit by 5 to 45 mph. If the town wishes to reduce the speed limit to 40, they will need to conduct and pay for their own traffic study.
WHAT HAPPENED: The police chief presented a request to expend funds on retaining 3 vehicles in the current fleet to be used as pooled vehicles in the event of breakdown of fleet vehicles.
WHAT IT MEANS: The funds will come from insurance funds from 2 police vehicles that were involved in an accident earlier in the year. The police chief is requesting that they pay Enterprise $52,000 to retain these 3 vehicles that already have lights and decals.