Washington Township considers aquatic center & more with recent land purchase
By Lindsay Doty
Washington Township leaders have purchased two large parcels of land off of South County Road 625 East near the Avon Junior Athletic Association baseball fields for future park projects.
The 42 acres were purchased by Washington Township last year for around $1 million from Murphy Laboratories, according to park leaders.
The smaller property to the west is being called the future Creekside Park and runs along White Lick Creek. It will be reserved for nature and park space.
The larger land purchase, known as the future Murphy Park (after the original owners), will be considered for development.
Township leaders are looking at several public projects for the land, including an all-inclusive large-scale playground, a community center, and an outdoor aquatic facility.
“An aquatic area is something the community has said they have wanted for so long,” said Washington Township Park Director Lora Helmick.
“We’ve been looking into it for several years and then this property became available so close to our current park.”
Park leaders say the projects are all in the early phases and nothing has been decided. They held a special meeting in November and gathered ideas to present to the Washington Township Board.
“We have hired a design team and we have had a few meetings. It really comes down to what that final dollar is,” explains Helmick.
Washington Township leaders plan to hold several public meetings in the near future before any final decisions are made. Park leaders hope to bid on construction this winter. The park department is meeting with a design team today and will discuss the project at tonight’s State of Washington Township.
The public meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Washington Township Government Center located at 311 Production Dr., Avon.