Discovering the world of craft beer

Discovering the world of craft beer

 By Scarlet Samm

When I started learning about the world of craft beer, I found an endless supply from around the world that I wanted to try but wasn’t quite sure what styles I wanted or even liked. This caused a problem as I felt misguided in my adventure and the recommendations I was getting included options like Redd’s Apple Ale. I needed something more complex.

I did the research and tested a variety of brews before finally finding what works for me. I thoroughly appreciate a good Gose, which is a German-style beer that’s slightly tart and salty.

Now let me help you find what works for you!

I love recommending products to customers and especially to other women. I’ve noticed many women in the craft beer section seeming unsure of what they want to try. So I make it a point to strike up a conversation and make some recommendations based on the customer’s tastes, whether it is a hefty 10% stout or a 4% session IPA. Too often observe folks picking up a multitude of craft beers and still going for the safe bet. You shouldn’t settle for the norm!

If you are looking to delve deeper into craft beer, try several different varieties. There are so many to choose from and you will never know if you like something unless you try it! I love being able to go to my local store and pick a mix-six. A “mix-six” is just what it sounds like – six different beers!

I am also a fan of ordering flights at our local breweries. A flight typically consists of four to six small samples from a brewery’s selection. When something pops for you, run with it. Don’t stick to just one item all the time. Branch out by trying brews similar to styles you already know and the craft beer world will open up for you too.

Working in a retail setting is always changing and the craft beer game continues to change as well. Recommending new items is when I feel like I can open someone’s eyes to a world they may never have known. Don’t settle for the same ole thing!

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