Ye Olde Meat Shoppe

Ye Olde Meat Shoppe

‘Ye Olde Meat Shoppe’ may sound like it’s straight out of medieval England, but it’s the new kid on the chopping block in Pittsboro. And owner Bob DeAtley serves up cuts just as interesting as the name. In addition to conventional butcher shop items, Atley prepares ground Bison and Elk.

DeAtley had a soft opening on March 15th and was met with a meaty reception. He said they were busy from open to close, cutting custom orders and stocking the meat case. After such a successful launch, DeAtley is looking forward to the future as his shop banks on a theme from the past, and great steak.

Describe your business in two sentences…

We are essentially a throwback to the good old days of having a local butcher in town selling local meat and some artisan style dry goods. Our focus is on meat and even more importantly prime cuts of beef. Backed up with some of the most delicious sausages and pork you have ever tasted.

Why did you want to open your own business?

This is an easy one. I love a good steak. It was becoming difficult to buy a good steak without driving into Indianapolis. I saw a need and combined with my passion for good food, it was easy to make the leap.

What is one thing that could help your businesses?

Community support. We have received overwhelming support from our community. Residents come in to check us out and walk out satisfied customers.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about opening their own business?

Do it! Do not sit around and think about it. Find a small business owner who loves what they do and talk to them. All small business owners who love what they do are more than willing to talk to new potential small business owners. Do some research and make sure there is a need for what you are offering. Most importantly, make sure you have enough funding. You do not want to get halfway through startup and run out of funds.

Ye Olde Meat Shoppe

26 East Main St.


Business hours Tuesday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

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