Roncalli High School has selected a new nickname and will now be known as the Roncalli High School Royals.
In August of 2020, the Roncalli administrative leadership team announced the formation of a task force to begin the process of choosing a new nickname. For the past 50 years Roncalli has been known as the Rebels, however the decision was made to change the name in order to better reflect the school’s Catholic Mission as well as the ministry and life of patron Angelo Roncalli, Saint John XXIII. For the past six months, the task force, composed of students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and parents, has been meeting regularly to solicit suggestions for new nicknames.
After surveying the community, a list of top choices was presented to the current student body. On January 12 and 13, Roncalli students voted from the three top choices and selected Royals by a substantial majority. Choosing this nickname acknowledges Jesus Christ as our King, and Our Blessed Mother as our Queen. As Christians we are God’s children by adoption through Jesus (Ephesians 1:5), and this nickname signifies that we participate in His royal, divine mission to build up His Kingdom on Earth.
Over the next few months, the Roncalli marketing and communications team will work toward developing several images representing the new nickname. A logo and mascot will be chosen after further feedback is gathered from the task force, students and members of the Roncalli community