Plainfield council approves redevelopment project agreement, establishes annexation policies

Compiled by Nicole Davis

The Plainfield Town Council met Dec. 13. The council meets at 6 p.m. for a work session and 7 p.m. for a council meeting on the second and fourth Mondays each month at 591 Moon Road. Due to the holidays, the next meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. Dec. 21.  


WHAT HAPPENED: The council approved a contract for professional services with Butler, Fairman & Seufert not to exceed $90,600 to provide preliminary environmental engineering services for issuance of construction permits for the Orly Road Bridge Project.

WHAT IT MEANS: The project study will review two options for the development. One would remain on the existing alignment while the other would shift the alignment north. This study will look at new bridge options and costs, preliminary hydraulics, roadway alignment, environmental impacts and permitting concerns. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be completed in March.


WHAT HAPPENED: The council approved a resolution that set a date for a public hearing regarding annexation of 515 Avon Ave.

WHAT IT MEANS: The council will hold a public hearing at its meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 10. This property contains approximately 2 acres.


WHAT HAPPENED: The council approved resolutions adopting written fiscal plans and establishing policies for provision of town services to annexed areas.

WHAT IT MEANS: These resolutions regard Charter Oaks Lot 17, 8654 Claren Drive; Lot 9 Willman’s Lake, 7297 Willman Drive; Medallion Meadows Lots 26 and 27, 2478 Medallion Court and 10047 Medallion Drive; Friendswood 2, 10801 E. CR 700 S; and Redbird and Associated Properties, approximately 6448 S. CR 675 E. and 6601 E. CR 600 S.


WHAT HAPPENED: The council passed a resolution approving the project agreement for Hobbs Station Redevelopment Project.

WHAT IT MEANS: Hobbs Station Industrial and Hobbs Station Multi-Family has proposed a new industrial, mixed-use development for housing, commercial space and associated infrastructure. The project will sit on approximately 25 acres and be constructed in four phases. The first phase will include the construction of 280 market rate rental housing units, 99 market rate for sale residential units, 30,000 square feet of commercial space, 496,000 square feet of industrial space and an approximately 500-stall parking deck. 

The second phase would add approximately 144 market rate rental housing units, 129 market rate for sale residential units, 120 senior housing units, 47,000 square feet of commercial/retail space and 302 stalls of surface parking. The third phase would add 216 market rate rental housing units, 37 market rate for sale residential units and 192 stalls of surface parking. A prospective fourth phase would add 200,000 square feet of office space and a 672 stall parking deck.


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