National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) 2019 is being held from Jan. 27-Feb. 2. The annual Catholic celebration will be observed in dioceses around the United States. This year’s theme is, “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” Schools will celebrate the week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members while focusing on the value of a Catholic education.
Each day of the week also has its own theme. Sunday’s is “Celebrating Your Parish”, by devoting a Mass to Catholic education; on Monday, “Celebrating Your Community” involves students participating in service activities; students will spend their day on Tuesday by participating in meaningful activities to celebrate their accomplishments during “Celebrating Your Students”; while on Wednesday, students, families and educators will communicate the value of a Catholic education to government leaders. On Thursday, Catholic schools will prepare students to use their God-given talents for the future during “Celebrating Vocations”; on Friday, “Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers” honors Catholic teachers, principal, staff and thanks volunteers for their support. On Saturday, parents, guardians and other family members who play a role in Catholic education will be honored during “Celebrating Families.” To learn more about Catholic Schools Week, please visit
With over 2,200 public, private and charter school options for elementary and high school students in Indiana, the task of choosing the right fit for one’s child may seem like a daunting task. Sixty-eight Indiana options are Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, and though each serves its unique community in its own special ways, there are a few commonalities that all of our Catholic schools share. They are:
† Shared Mission & Catholic Identity – We recognize that each person is made in the image and likeness of God. Through programming and practices, we integrate our faith, culture and life in ways that help young people attain academic and career pursuits as well as everlasting life with God. Our doors are open to all who desire a quality Catholic education regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender and socio-economic status.
† Academic Excellence – Our focus remains on the growth and achievement of every young person we serve. Recognizing parents as the first educators, we partner to help youth grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. With ISTEP scores higher than state averages at every grade level and continued excellence illustrated by other measures of performance (such as IREAD, SAT and ACT) our students are challenged and supported as we maximize their capacity in preparation for college, careers and heaven.
† Quality Leadership/Governance – We value local autonomy while having the broader support of our archdiocesan offices and network of Catholic schools. With lay leaders from the community serving on school boards and commissions in an advisory capacity, our school leaders are provided supports intended to directly impact youth in positive ways.
† Operational Vitality – Committed to excellence and rigor, our Catholic schools responsibly approach personnel, financial and operational decisions in a way that puts children first and fortifies long-term viability for generations to come. Our cost per student, on average, is significantly lower than that of public and charter sectors, and our youth are the direct beneficiaries of the resources secured.
To learn more about our Catholic schools or to locate a Catholic school in your area, please visit our website at To see if Catholic education is a great fit for your child, please schedule an appointment to visit a Catholic school near you!
Gina Kuntz Fleming
Central Catholic School
A Notre Dame Ace Academy
Hello from Central Catholic!
As our school year began, the Central Catholic teachers and staff rallied around our 2018-2019 theme of “Building Excellence,” and I am amazed in reflecting on all we have built over the past six months. Truly, everywhere you look at Central Catholic, there are signs of tremendous growth, including academic growth and achievement by our students, an increase in student enrollment, growing opportunities and percentages of participation in extracurricular activities and improvements and expansion to our physical space.
Each day, as part of our school pledge, we recite, “excellence depends on me, one step at a time,” and our entire school community has worked together to increase our academic performance. We received a school grade of “B” by the Indiana Department of Education and look forward to continuing academic success in 2019-2020.
Students have a variety of opportunities to be involved in extracurriculars, including the chess club, Spell Bowl, youth choir, band, Quest for Excellence, service learning, mass servers and intramural basketball and soccer. We also offer CYO sports, including cross country, football, kickball, boys and girls basketball, boys and girls volleyball, wrestling, soccer and track and field. This year we have trained over 50 students to be altar servers for their local churches, and more than 90 students are involved in at least one extra-curricular activity. We are pleased to offer a free aftercare program in partnership with the Indianapolis Indians, known as RightFit. The three-day-a-week program provides a nutritious dinner for students and physical fitness stations led by local law enforcement and other community leaders.
In November, our campus added a new wing on the north side of the building, home to two classrooms for our youngest learners, who start with us at age 3. The new pre-kindergarten rooms are equipped with student restrooms and large, bright windows for students and teachers to enjoy. The construction also added a secure vestibule and moved the main school entrance to Cameron Street. We added a dedicated STEM lab in our library and expanded the classroom space dedicated to English as a New Language support, Title services and special education.
At Central Catholic, we believe there is strength in unity, and we are grateful for the support of our parents, alumni and friends of Central Catholic. Our students are on the path to college and heaven, and we are truly standing on the shoulders of giants! We are proud to serve the parishes of Good Shepherd, Holy Rosary, Sacred Heart and St. Patrick, and happy to offer an affordable Catholic education that is open to all students from 3 years old to the 8th grade.
Please join us at our open house on Wednesday, Jan. 30 at 6:30 p.m. and see for yourself why Central Catholic is the star of the Southside, and like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for all things Central Catholic!
Ruth Hurrle

(Submitted photos)
I go to Central Catholic School (CCS). Central Catholic is a school that is a family and we practice our faith. This school helps you in your goal to go to college, then heaven. I really appreciate that they teach us values in life like love, serve, seek, persist and excel. They also teach us how to see God in all things. For an example, if we hit someone on purpose, we are hitting God and that is mean.
Central Catholic School is a great school because they teach you how to work as a family. I love my Catholic School because they have fun and learning activities. They have something called STEM, which means science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM teaches us how to work together and how to express your creativity. My school also teaches us how to grow up to be saints.
Central Catholic School has good teachers that love and support you. If you need help, they would help you. If you have a question, they would answer it. CCS teaches you to never give up, to never stop and to keep going. I love Central Catholic School because they talk about God. God is important in our Catholic faith because he died for our sins.
Heidy Olivares

There are so many good reasons to go to a Catholic school. You have the same subjects as a public school, except you have religion added to it and we pray before and after each meal. We also go over to Mass and we also pray at the end of the day. Our education is better at a Catholic school because you learn faster and you learn more things than at a public school you might not be learning as much. A Catholic school can teach us to be nice to others and to see God in all things. Our goals here are college and heaven.
Catholic school students have a better chance of getting into college and heaven. They can also become someone better in life and maybe even someone important to many people. At Catholic schools you’re allowed to ask questions based on catechism, unlike public schools; you don´t have that opportunity there. In religion class you learn new stories from the Bible every day.
I thank my parents for moving me to Central Catholic because I am learning a lot here. I like having religion class because I learn new stories from the Bible and I could not do that if I didn´t go to a Catholic school. I also like going to church because it helps me grow in my faith. Here I can get closer to Jesus. Also, I know that all the teachers at this school are very nice and their classes are fun.
Nicole Hernadez-Rosales

Have you ever been to a Catholic school? If not, let me tell you, it is amazing!
Today I will tell you why I love my Catholic school. I will tell you some reasons why it is so amazing. I love my Catholic school!
My Catholic school is a good school because we pray every day, we go to church every Wednesday, we get closer to God and we do fun things! For example, we have this thing every day called assembly. We pray, we sing, we dance, we have fun together as a school.
Why is it a good thing that we pray every day? It’s good because we get closer to God, and we can talk to God. We know He is there!
Being in a Catholic school is a good thing and is not bad at all. In Catholic school, they teach you a lot about God. They teach you and prepare you for more education and for life.
I just came to Catholic school two years ago. I love it because you get closer to God every day! People are so nice and we learn a lot. We have a walk-a-thon, a field day and we work in families.
Those are just some of the reasons why I love my Catholic school!
Ingrid Reyes Ruiz
5tth GRADE
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic School
It is great to be a Holy Name Giant! At Holy Name, we strive to develop lifelong learners committed to knowing, loving and serving God. We are so happy to be celebrating Catholic Schools Week with the other Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and around the country. Catholic schools, especially Holy Name, provide choices for parents as they look for the best educational option for their children.
This year at Holy Name, we are continuing to grow our amazing fine arts programs. Our students continue to have opportunities in choir, band, drama club and guitar club. Additionally, this year we have added a chess team and a new string instrument programs to give even more options for our students to pursue! Another exciting addition to our school this year was the opening of our new playground in October! We work to educate the whole child, academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually! Watching the students share their talents with their classmates and teachers reinforces all that we do!
Holy Name Catholic School serves as an important ministry of our parish. Under the leadership of Fr. Bob Robeson, our pastor, we continue to look for innovative ways to grow and spread our faith to others! One of the many great things going on at Holy Name is that we get to celebrate our faith as a community twice a week at Mass. Those times of whole-school community help us see that we are more than just ourselves and that the power that we have together to spread the Gospel to others is the backbone of our school.
If you, or someone you know, is looking for a school, please visit us at or give us a call to set up a tour at (317) 784-9078.
Robert Kitchens

I am so lucky to go to Holy Name. I am so lucky to go to Holy Name because of its great holiness, our teachers and fun classes. Holy Name makes me feel different.
To begin with, we have great holiness at Holy Name. My class just did confession. Last year I received first Holy Communion. We go to church on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
As well as, our teachers are so nice. I feel great around them. My teacher does lots of fun stuff!
Another reason is our fun classes. We all love to sing. I think P.E. is fun. We also do art.
So you can see, Holy Name is a great school because of holiness, teachers and fun classes. Holy Name makes me feel different.
Rosanna Spearing

I’m lucky to go to Holy Name. I’m lucky to go to Holy Name because of the homemade food, Holy Mass and special classes.I really like the “extra cheese mac and cheese.” Also, the really yummy Bosco Sticks (you get two when you’re in 3rd – 8th grades.) We also have the best corn dogs ever!
During Holy Mass, we get to sing songs. I love to praise God at Mass. I love to get Communion because it cleans my soul.
Gym class really gets my blood pumping, especially when we play soccer. We also learn about saints and Jesus.
I love Holy Name!
Parker Stafford
Nativity Catholic School
Nativity Catholic School – a great learning environment for your child. Upon entering the doors of Nativity, your child encounters a world of learning that emphasizes development in the Catholic faith, academic excellence and diverse co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The way in which Nativity Catholic School meets the individual needs of your child is unlike any other!
First, faith is not only taught at Nativity, it is caught. That’s right. Your child’s faith will spread and expand throughout the total experience of each and every day. Here are some signs …
- Weekly school Eucharistic celebrations.
- Monthly service projects that serve the people of our community.
- Complete sacramental preparation program.
Second, at Nativity Catholic School, academic excellence is more than just good catch words in our marketing material – we are serious in guaranteeing you superior academic instruction that touches the mind, body and spirit. Here are some signs ….
- Faculty average of 13 years’ teaching experience.
- Well exceeds Indiana State average score on the standardized tests.
- Annual spelling bee, geography bee and science fair.
- Using the Leader in Me process, your child will grow to the LEADER that you always knew he/she could be.
- STEM Class – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math is a prominent part of our students’ academic lives.
Third, learning that’s confined to the traditional classroom can stifle creativity. At Nativity Catholic School, your child will be challenged. Diverse co-curricular activities support and enrich formal instruction. Here are some signs …
- Standards-based science program that emphasizes hands-on experiences throughout the curriculum.
- Five theatre/musical productions each year.
- Project-based learning in the elementary grades.
Fourth, at Nativity Catholic School, we want your child to create the kind of atmosphere that spurs your child to not only like school, but to love it. Fun-filled extra-curricular activities are more than just an afterthought. They are part of your child’s daily routine. Here are some signs …
- Wide variety of clubs offered after school. These include fun with food, book & breakfast, craft, fun and fitness, and more!
- CYO sports teams …. basketball, volleyball, soccer, football, archery, track and kickball.
- Band and choir offered.
This dynamic community presents your child with these and many other opportunities for growth. The faculty and I are more than happy to discuss all the wonderful experiences that await your child at Nativity Catholic School. Please contact me at (317) 357-1459 to learn more. Registration materials are available.
Ms. Terri Bianchini
P.S. I assure you that a superb experience awaits your child!
P.P.S. Make the most informed decision for your child. Call Nativity Catholic School for a visit today!

A Catholic school means so much to me. Do you go to a Catholic school? If you are unsure about a Catholic school, reading this will help.
I like religion class because it’s for everyone, not just Catholics. We are able to learn about Jesus. We also learn how to be kind like Jesus. Learning about Jesus helps us because he was a good role model. We also have Mass every Thursday, which is another opportunity to learn from Jesus and his disciples.
Another thing I like about a Catholic school is that it is fun. We have a lot of fun sports. We have an archery team that many schools don’t have. We offer unique clubs like knitting. Participating in sports and clubs helps to make lifelong friends.
We get an excellent education in a Catholic school. We have our teachers to thank for helping us learn about our faith and all of the other subjects taught. We also do The Leader in Me program, which teaches us about the seven habits.
Overall, a Catholic school means a lot to me and other kids. Catholic schools have kids of all religions, kids make lasting friendships and teachers help us get a great education. I am so lucky to go to a Catholic school.
Elizabeth Hoagland

Do you go to a Catholic School? I do, and it’s great and it’s the best! In my paragraphs, you will get to know why I love Catholic school!
The first reason I love Catholic schools is that you will get to learn religious faiths. You mainly focus and practice your faith in God. God can also guide you to the right path. God also helps you do the right thing more often. This is my first reason why I love Catholic schools!
The second reason is that you have friendly teachers! Friendly teachers can help you when you struggle. They always help with problems. Best of all, you have someone to look up too. That’s why I love friendly teachers at Catholic schools.
The final reason I love Catholic schools is that it is easy to make friends. This is good, because if you are new you could make friends quickly and feel involved. You would also have support from friends. You could keep gaining friends so you’re never lonely. But, the most important part is to always feel welcome and included.
Those are the reasons I love Catholic schools. You have just read about religious faith, friendly teachers and how it’s always easy to make friends. Always give hope, not hate.
Brady Waugh
Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic School
For nearly 60 years, Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic School has been a vital part of the Southside. From its beginnings with the Sisters of Providence to being named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education, our students continue to develop the tenets of faith, knowledge and service.
Students attend a weekly all-school Mass. The school fosters spiritual growth through preparation for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation. Daily prayer, religion classes, along with participation in the Mass, Sacraments and special liturgical celebrations provide an environment where students can live their faith every day.
We invite you and your family to experience the difference and begin the journey with Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic School at our Catholic Schools Week Open House on Sunday, Jan. 27 from 11 a.m.-noon. Tours will be available or may be scheduled daily at your convenience. We hope to meet you soon.
Kent Clady

Our Lady of the Greenwood School has changed me over my years here. I’ve learned so much, from making friends to getting through struggles. The virtues I have learned will be in my life forever. I learned how to be patient, give love and kindness and to work with persistence.
I lived in Valparaiso, Indiana, and my siblings and I were homeschooled for three years. My father was given a job opportunity that would move us. In Greenwood, my parents looked for Catholic schools to put us in. They thought Our Lady of the Greenwood was the best place for us to learn about God.
I was terrified the first day I came, but my peers were so welcoming to me! But I really didn’t like Greenwood because I didn’t know this place or people well. Later that year, I learned how to trust my friends. I realized how close we are to each other, like a family. I can go to them with my thoughts and learned to love my friends. Through the summer, I missed them and was excited for my 7th grade year.
Through the next year, I started to see some true forms of people: they could be mean. But I didn’t let negativity rule my head. As the year went on, my grandfather died and this started my depression struggles. Through time, and not talking to many people about my struggles, it grew worse. I didn’t want other people to be burdened by my feelings. After telling my sisters, I felt better about myself and the people around me. I wouldn’t have been able to get out of my struggles without them. When the year came to an end, I was back on my feet and happy. I learned how to rely on my friends, and that it’s okay to tell people how you feel.
Seventh grade was a lot different than 6th grade. I see how mature I have grown through these years in middle school. I see, now in the 8th grade, that I am still growing physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Now my 8th grade year is almost ending. I see how much a better person I’ve become. I’ve learned self-discipline and persistence through playing soccer and doing my studies and homework. I have learned to love courageously, not caring what other people think. I learned how to be patient from the staff at OLG. I went through hardships and I am coming closer to God. This school is a place I can call home. I am proud to be a student at Our Lady of the Greenwood.
Rebekah Barajas

Being able to attend a Catholic school has been very important to me. Every day I get to pray and talk about God with my friends. Everything I do at school is centered around God. Going to my Catholic school, I feel like I have another family that supports me. The teachers want me to do the best I can in my classes, but they also care about me and want me to be the best person I can be. I always feel like I have other parents looking out for me. I am lucky to share my faith with my friends and become closer though Christ. My friends also look out for me and help me make choices that are best for me and the people around me. As a school, we enjoy each other’s company and time together.
One of my favorite parts of the whole week during school is going to Mass every Wednesday morning. We all come together and give thanks to Jesus and celebrate Him with the body and blood. One of my favorite parts of the month is Family Friday. Family Friday is the second Friday of the month, and you get together with your assigned family and complete fun and holy activities. At our Catholic school, we are able to discuss different topics about our faith and not get in trouble for doing so. We are all one, big, happy family and we all love talking about our faith openly and being able to pray anytime we want to.
Kaitlyn Leister

My Catholic education is one of my top priorities in life. I am so lucky that I have gotten the chance to grow up with being allowed to talk about my faith freely. I love getting the chance to praise the Lord daily. Also, my teachers have made a huge impact on my faith.
I have many other friends that go to public schools and they have told me what their experience is like at school. For example, a friend told me that they are not allowed to talk about God whatsoever. When I heard that, it made me think of the time when there was a tornado warning at our school and many of the kids were scared. As we all knelt in the hallways for safety, we began praying the rosary together. We asked God to keep us safe, and sure enough, He did. I also get the privilege of getting to go to church every Wednesday with our school. It truly is meaningful when I get to thank Him for everything He’s done for me.
My teachers have also helped me tremendously grow in my relationship with Jesus. For instance, I chose my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Spees, to be my sponsor for Confirmation. She has taught me so much in my faith and she has helped me to become the person I am today. Additionally, my religion teacher, Mrs. Samuelson, is beyond amazing. Because of her, I now look at my Catholic education today as a foundation for my strong faith and future. She has told me so many stories about Jesus showing us His way in everyday life, and it only makes me want to become even closer with Christ. It is not just these two teachers that have impacted my faith; every single one of them has helped me grow closer to Jesus Christ.
I am so grateful to have gotten the chance to get a Catholic education. I know that life is going to throw its obstacles at me, but I will always have my strong faith to guide me through.
Josie Origer
Roncalli High School
It has been said that education is about the three R’s – “reading, writing and arithmetic.” In Catholic education, we believe education is really about the five R’s – “reading, writing, arithmetic, religion and relationships.” Catholic schools in America have a nearly 300-year-old track record of excellence in educating young people in all five of these areas!
Academic excellence (reading, writing and arithmetic) has long been a hallmark for Catholic schools. However, the foundation of our schools is rooted in the faith formation of young people as believers in Jesus Christ as well as in the fostering of relationships, many of which have continued for generations!
As society continues to grow in its secularistic ways, Roncalli proudly continues to offer a faith-based education where prayer is a daily part of the educational process. Students are challenged to establish a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Teachers, administrators, coaches, moderators and directors live out their vocation as Catholic educators in ways that foster strong, positive relationships with their students. It is this one-two impact of religion and relationships that forges the strong sense of community for which Roncalli is known and respected.
Here is a sampling from just a few of the many unsolicited communications the school received in just the first semester of this 2018-19 school year.
- We truly appreciate the great educators and pivotal people that have had an effect on our lives.
- We want to thank you for all the support you and your team provide our daughter, which we know is instrumental in her success. We can’t tell you how much that means to us as parents (I have tears in my eyes as I am typing this). You are all more of a blessing than you can possibly imagine!!
- Our son is a freshman. He’s pretty quiet most of the time. Often, we have to drag things out of him. Tonight at dinner, he spontaneously mentioned, “I think I must have the greatest school.” When asked why, he replied, “I honestly love every single one of my classes.” When questioned further, he thought for a minute and said it would be “impossible” for him to pick a favorite. Roncalli is definitely doing something right!
- We cannot thank you and your staff enough for the positive and successful experiences that our daughter has had during her time at Roncalli. She has grown leaps and bounds since her freshman orientation and is certainly one of the many success stories from this special place.
- Our son knows people want to help him and care about him, but he also knows he has to put the work into it. Roncalli has not disappointed us at all and we are proud to say he goes to Roncalli!
Roncalli High School is proud of its 100-plus years of serving the Southside and offering students and families of all faith traditions a transforming life experience rooted in the Gospel. All are encouraged to visit our campus and experience this first-hand!
Charles Weisenbach

After four years of attending Roncalli High School, I have come to realize how blessed I am to be able to learn and excel at such a prestigious school. Throughout my four years at Roncalli, I have been given the amazing opportunity to both succeed within the classroom and on the playing field. Roncalli is truly a special place. In regard to my classroom experiences, my education has been paramount. At times the work is rigorous, however, the faculty works tirelessly with each student in order to help them succeed within the classroom and prepare them for their future endeavors. In addition to being provided with an unparalleled education, the students also receive a well-rounded and faith-based education. Roncalli has given me the great blessing of being able to play under the lights on Friday nights for the past four seasons and I have cherished every single moment. The many triumphs and tribulations I have experienced on the playing field are rooted in the tradition of striving for excellence in all facets of life, brought about by those who have both taught and coached me. Roncalli High School is an extraordinary school where my life has been changed in several ways. The experiences that we as students gain there, whether it be in the classroom or not, are beneficial to the development of the heart and mind.
Joe Mullin
12th GRADE

Being a student at Roncalli is an amazing experience. Not only do you receive a phenomenal education and meet great people, but you also become part of a family. An incredible thing about Roncalli is that the entire student body and staff gets to worship and grow closer to God together once every month in the form of a Mass. This experience truly helps to bond the community together in our faith. Another thing that I think makes Roncalli unique is the student body and how everyone seems to be able to find their place and to create lasting bonds and friendships. I think a big part of this is the extensive amount of clubs and sports teams that Roncalli has to offer.
Roncalli not only has an extraordinary student body, but also an extraordinary staff. Every teacher I have had in my three years here has been willing to do everything they can to help me learn and also to grow in my faith. Most teachers start class every day by offering up intentions and a prayer to God. I think this is great, because it helps to form an emotional bond between the teacher and students as well as pushing us to grow in our faith. The teachers aren’t just there to lecture for eight hours every day, and they’re not even there to be just a learning tool in that subject; they are also there to push us to search for our union with God.
Ellie Murphy
11th GRADE

For my entire education, I have been attending a private Catholic school. At first, I never truly appreciated my Catholic schooling. However, recently I have truly come to appreciate the wonderful education that I have been given. From being taught by amazing teachers who are always caring, to learning the morals of sharing, honesty, respect and upholding the teachings of the Church, my Catholic schooling has been nothing short of incredible.
Teachers at my Catholic schools have always been caring and nurturing toward their students and strive to see them succeed. They are consistently pushing us to do our very best in school and in our extra-curricular activities. However, it is not only teachers who go above and beyond in helping students succeed; counselors, administrators, coaches and many more help each and every student as well.
In my Catholic education at Roncalli, I have always been taught that I am part of the Roncalli Rebel family. We are all part of a family that is accepting, loving, caring and a family that upholds the morals that we are taught. Throughout my time at Roncalli and St. Barnabas Catholic schools, this has always been taught to students. We are always to uphold our morals no matter what the case and no matter who it is. My Catholic education has shaped me into the person that I am today. It has opened up my mind and heart to always think of others before myself, and it has made me who I am today.
Levi Ralston
11th GRADE

Attending a Catholic School has been a constant in my life since before I could remember. I attended K-8 at St. Barnabas as well as Roncalli High School along with my older sister, father and grandmother. Not only did most of my family attend a Catholic school, but my mother has worked at Roncalli for 10 years. Being surrounded by the community that develops around Catholic schools has taught me more than just the specifics and origins of the religion that I have chosen, but also how to truly be kind to my neighbor. Whether it was praying for my own personal growth and development or signing up to bring my family meals when my mother had surgery, Catholic schools have greatly impacted me as a person. The type of teachers who are drawn to Catholic schools are the people who genuinely love their jobs and are looking out for the student’s best interests. Over the years I have had many teachers who have mentored me and helped me to be the best version of myself. Many things in my life would be harder if I was not a student at a school where I was valued as a person. I am thankful for my wonderful experience, and I know I would not be the same person without it.
Mia Roberts
12th GRADE
St. Barnabas Catholic School
The refrain of a beautiful song often sung at Catholic masses states, “We are many parts, we are all one body, and the gifts we have we are given to share …” Whenever I hear this song, I think of our beloved St. Barnabas Catholic School. Each of us comes with a different story, a different background and different experiences, but we are one united in the love of Christ. We are so blessed to be part of this amazing place.
Recently, during our school accreditation visit, a student said, “Our teachers teach us how to think, not what to think.” I believe this is a hallmark of the education St. Barnabas Catholic School students receive. Through our fully integrated STEM education initiative, a focus on depths-of-knowledge and active learning that requires critical thinking, children have the opportunity to learn and engage with content in authentic ways. Educators continuously go above and beyond to bring the best they can into the classroom for all students.
While all students benefit from our approach to learning, at St. Barnabas Catholic School, we see children as individual blessings. We work diligently to use what we know about a child to help him or her develop to their fullest potential. For example, if we learn that a child is struggling in math, we ask, “How can we provide more math?” If a student is an emerging bilingual, we may create a personalized schedule which may include push-in or pull-out support to help him/her grow in English. If there is a difficult loss or personal experience, our school counselor, administrative and pastoral team are here to provide emotional support and care. While all students receive an excellent curriculum, develop ways to manage learning and are motivated to try, our personalized learning environment allows differences to be celebrated and each learner to grow.
Relationships are essential at St. Barnabas Catholic School. Our school and parish family are interconnected in a beautiful way to provide support and care. Students are taught to “stand firm” against bullying and are encouraged to build connections with others. Through lasting connections, our community has been able to maintain a stewardship model for more than 40 years as each generation works to provide a Catholic education to the next.
As we connect with others both inside and outside of our school, we grow in faith. As we celebrate Mass together, serve one another and share one another’s burdens, we realize more fully the person of Christ – the reason for our school.
Carissa Maddox

“Through our Catholic faith – growing in mind, heart and spirit to be leaders in the world.” This is St. Barnabas’s motto, and it is what we stand for. This means that our faith shapes us to become future leaders emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. St. Barnabas is a special, unique place where you will see stewardship as a way of life. As a parish and school, we share traditions, participate in service projects and make lifelong friendships.
Pope Francis once said, “The church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.” Our school strives to teach and live the Catholic faith with Christ as its center. Some of our school traditions are, we pray throughout the day, attend mass weekly, participate in religion class and receive the Eucharist. We get to grow deeper in our faith and our relationship with God. We do not get the opportunity to do that at other schools. I am so incredibly grateful that I have the opportunity to practice my religious beliefs freely. My faith is an extreme priority in my life. I grow more and more aware of how to be a better person by following Jesus’ example of love and service. At my school, we are eager to help those in need. Every year, we participate in our school’s canned food drive and Saint Nick Stockings. We also donate money to charities by performing a walk-a-thon. Because of this, I am more engaged in helping the community.
Not only have I grown tremendously in my faith, but also through my academics. My teachers have had such a remarkable impact on me. There are no other teachers like the ones at St. Barnabas. The teachers always want to see you reach your full potential. They will always guide you when you struggle or when you are going through a tough time. The parents, faculty and staff are super supportive. St. Barnabas has formed me into a hard worker, and I am so grateful! The environment that I am in makes me want to work to beyond my capabilities.
At my school, I am reminded of the people who lift you up and make you feel better about yourself. These are the kinds of people who will get you to heaven. Since 1st grade, I have been attending school at St. Barnabas. I have expanded my relationships with every single one of my classmates tremendously. The people at my school bring me great joy! You never see me frown. My friends accept me for who I am, and they are always there when I need them. I know that the friendships I have made at my school will last forever.
My school has taught me to have a positive attitude, think above and beyond, stand firm, communicate with different people and not be afraid to speak out about what is right. I am ready for what the future holds. St. Barnabas has prepared me. I would not be the person I am today without going to a Catholic school. The memories I have made at St. Barnabas will always hold a place in my heart. It has influenced the way I picture the world. I see St. Barnabas more than just a school; it is a family striving together as one!
Morgan Beaupre

Every single day at school I hear or see the motto, “Through our Catholic faith – growing in mind, heart and spirit to be leaders in the world.” This message is echoed in every classroom, office and hallway at Saint Barnabas Catholic School. At my school I know that I am cared for as an individual and I am free to express my beliefs. Nelson Mandela once told the world, “The youth of today are the future of tomorrow.” If my peers and I want to make a difference in the world, we certainly know how from our years at Saint Barnabas School. We have been taught that through our Catholic faith we can and will grow in mind, heart and spirit to be leaders in the world.
There are three ways in which the community at Saint Barnabas School makes an effort to emerge as leaders in the world. We are constantly “Growing in mind, heart and spirit” in order to achieve this goal. “Growing in mind” refers to the knowledge and wisdom we obtain every day. This part of the mission statement calls us to work to the best of our ability in order to acquire knowledge and use it to serve God. Whether we become a doctor who will save hundreds of God’s children, or a scientist who will develop a way to preserve His beautiful creation, this knowledge will become vital to us. Through the activities and projects we do, it is evident that Saint Barnabas highly values a student’s growth in education.
Another very important aspect of our mission statement at Saint Barnabas is, “Growing in heart.” This phrase calls us to love everyone, even our enemies and those who are different from us. Saint Barnabas School models this by embracing the backgrounds of the many different cultures that make up our family. With open arms, we have welcomed many students of captivating cultures and backgrounds. In addition, every year we hold a Day of Service to work together in order to serve the elderly, sick, poor, imprisoned and homeless. Over 600 students and staff are united happily on this day in order to spread joy and love throughout our community. The goal of growing in heart is achieved through the Day of Service because it brings hope and joy not only to those we serve, but to our local community.
Pope Francis once told the world, “Jesus is our hope. Nothing – not even evil or death – is able to separate us from the saving power of his love.” The third task in the Saint Barnabas mission statement is to grow in spirit. Like the Pope said, our main priority in life should be our Lord. Nothing can separate us from Him, so we should embrace his love and presence in our lives. This presence can be seen at weekly school Masses, when all students and teachers are gathered in His name. Every day, we make God our main priority. From the moment we walk in and morning prayers are offered over the announcements to praying at sporting events after school, it is evident that we are constantly growing in spirit.
In conclusion, my Catholic education is one of the best gifts I have ever received. Saint Barnabas is an astounding school with numerous opportunities for everyone. I will never take for granted the ability to express my faith in a classroom environment. At Saint Barnabas, I know that I am an important member of a large, welcoming family. As the motto states, I truly feel that I am growing in mind, heart and spirit every day.
Whitney Meinerding
Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School
Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School opened this school year on Aug. 2. Our yearly theme for the year focuses on the nine fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control and patience. Each month one grade level takes the lead in helping the school visibly see the fruits of the spirit through their actions and in displays.
This September the school community dedicated new, outdoor fitness equipment that was awarded through a grant from Project Fit America. Representatives from LIDS joined us as the grant funding source as well as Gina Fleming, the Superintendent for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The Pacers’ own Boomer and the Indianapolis Indian’s Rowdie came to the event and helped demonstrate the equipment by participating in a Mascot challenge.
This week we will be kicking off our school-wide celebration of Catholic Schools Week with our annual chili cook off on Saturday, Jan. 26. The week will continue with several activities to make the week special.
Monday – “Celebrate our Community” is the theme. Students will dress as community helpers and work with Spirit Buddies to make valentines for nursing home residents. Our Food Pantry will be stocked with cans that students donate from home.
Tuesday – “Celebrate our Students” is the theme. Students will dress in “workout” attire and get up and move every hour of the day by dancing and exercising. Children will also enjoy a day off from homework.
Wednesday – “Celebrate our Nation” is the theme. Dress for the day will be as a favorite American, past or present. The student council will also attend Mass with Archbishop Thompson at the Cathedral.
Thursday – “Celebrate our Staff, Teachers and Volunteers” is the theme. Throwback Thursday attire is allowed as students guess who the teachers are from pictures of them from their childhood.
Friday – “Celebrate Vocations” is the theme. Everyone will attend our school Mass and write prayers for our priests. In the afternoon, everyone will travel to Roncalli High School to watch our 8th grade students perform the play Into the Woods, Jr.
SSFC is abundantly blessed by dedicated staff who answer the vocational calling to be Catholic educators, kind and caring students who demonstrate our faith by words and actions and supportive parents who foster faith education as a priority for their families. This week serves as a reminder of the wonderful mission we carry out all year long.
Betty Popp

St. Jude Catholic School
St. Jude is a great place to be! Our parents, students and staff make our school what it is and we are certainly thankful and appreciative of the support we receive, not just during Catholic Schools Week but each and every day of the year. Our parish and school communities are excited to announce the opening of the St. Jude Learning Center, which will be the site of preschool and prekindergarten classes slated to start in the fall of 2019. Our parish has been working on this project for a number of years and we can’t wait for the doors of our newly renovated space to open. If interested in enrolling, please contact our school office.
Mr. Joe Shelburn

School is usually a word that is misinterpreted. Some might say that it is boring, hard, or a waste of time, but what I have learned at St. Jude is that this is the complete opposite. School is a place where I can explore and learn about life. My school is the launching pad for major possibilities.
There are many special events that we, as a school, do throughout the year. One example is the school play. What a great opportunity for kids to learn about how a play is created, help build sets, act, sing, dance and how to be a good audience member. This teaches confidence, trust and hard work. While approximately 80 students of all ages participate in putting on the show, the whole student body gets to see the performance live at the Roncalli Theatre.
Also, we share a school day with our sister parish, St. Philip Neri. This is a day that I look forward to every year. We get to celebrate Mass together, meet new people and create new ideas through STEM projects.
No list of special events is complete without mentioning Raiders Day. Raiders Day is a good way to cap off an amazing school year. We have fun playing games, eating lunch outside, participate in friendly competition and really get into school spirit.
The many special events that we do at St. Jude Catholic School go hand-in-hand with education and our faith in a fun-filled way that will help us in years to come. We make learning a priority throughout the school year but we never forget how to have fun.
Grace Hovanec

All my life I have heard the word faith, but never fully understood what it meant. Through my journey at Saint Jude, my understanding of the word faith grew tremendously. My faith is not just a simple belief, it is my life. At Saint Jude, we have many opportunities to practice and express our faith. One of the greatest opportunities we get, as students, is going to Mass every Wednesday. We are very lucky get the privilege to celebrate Mass as a school. One of my favorite parts of school Mass is the music. I love the way everyone participates. Together, the drum squad, canters and choir create a joyful mass. When everyone sings along, the whole church lights up.
I not only enjoy celebrating Mass every Wednesday, but I love our safe and faith-filled environment. I love going to Saint Jude because of all of the wonderful people in the parish and school. I really enjoy having lots of people around me, who share the same interests and beliefs as me. We may not realize it, because most of us have grown up around all Catholics, but it is very special to share the same religion with almost everyone around you. Having the same beliefs as someone else could strengthen the bond between the two of you. I feel, through my years at Saint Jude, my family and faith has grown as one in God.
Natalie Lehner

“Drive your own train!” “It doesn’t matter if you are the first one done; all that matters is that you try your best!” “In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind!” “Always be the best version of yourself!” All of these quotes have inspired me to be the best person I can be, and I hear them a lot from my teachers. These quotes that they say are one of the main reasons I love coming to Saint Jude Catholic School. My teachers (including my mom who homeschooled me for five years), always encourage me to use the gifts God gave me to be the person God wants me to be.
I know my teachers at Saint Jude use their gifts, too, to help me and all the students be the best people we can be, and also make school fun! They do this by inspiring us, helping us learn, encouraging us and guiding us on the right path. They also make learning fun! For example, my math teacher took a boring assignment and turned it into a fun contest! An additional example is my E.L.A. teacher lets us write about things we are passionate about instead of making us write about things that aren’t especially fun. Also, my social studies teacher turns study time into a game that we all can enjoy! Lastly, my science teacher sometimes allows us to choose our project or assignment.
Being the best person I can be in God’s eyes is my ultimate goal. I know I can reach this goal with the help of those who teach me.
Ava Malad

Friendships have really changed how my two years at St. Jude have been for the better. Ever since I came to St. Jude at the beginning of 6th grade, my friends have shaped how I live my life. I couldn’t have come this far without them. The 7th grade boys are a good group of boys that help each other. What more do you need in a friend?
The friendships here for the boys are like a brotherhood. Everyone looks out for each other when someone is negatively impacted. That’s what I like about my friends here. They help, and that’s what positively impacts me, whether it be homework, other friendships, or whatever you can think of. They are always there for you and that’s why I think I am very successful here at St. Jude: because friends help you no matter when or what.
Logan Neidlinger

First off, I’d like to say that I am truly honored to be speaking on behalf of the sports and athletics of this wonderful school. When I first came to St. Jude, it was the summer of 2014 and football conditioning was starting up. The very first conditioning I went to, I knew no one but someone came up to me and welcomed me. Of all the people at that practice, he didn’t have to come up and talk to me but he did, and he made me feel very welcomed. That someone was Andrew Baugh, and to this day he is still one of my best friends. I’m sure most of you probably know or have heard that sports bring discipline, hard work and friendship. From my personal experience, I have received and experienced all of those qualities through St. Jude sports. But most importantly, through St. Jude sports it doesn’t just make all of you great athletes, but great future young men and women that God has planned for you to be.
With that, I’d like to go on to the success that my 8th grade class experienced last fall. Through our athletic abilities, hard work, dedication, discipline and friendship, the 8th grade class of 2019 won the Cadet AAA City Championship. That hasn’t been done by a Cadet class in 10 years. This was a very special moment for all of us, because as 8th graders it was our last time that we would represent St. Jude on the football field. Speaking for me and my fellow classmates that I have been playing sports with now for four years, it’s not just the team you’re on, but your family within your team. It doesn’t matter what sport anyone plays or competes in either – we are all made and have different gifts and abilities through Christ. And at the end of the day, it all comes down to one thing: Succeeding and asking ourselves, did I give my best effort? Did I make my school and family proud? Was I being a good teammate and showing good sportsman? If you can answer “yes” to all of those questions then whatever the result of the scoreboard shows, you should feel happy with your results. Finally, without God, nothing that we do would be possible; we all couldn’t use or own individual gifts that he has given us, and most importantly, we wouldn’t be sitting here in this wonderful school of St. Jude.
Luke Swartz
St. Mark Catholic School
At St. Mark Catholic School we are celebrating our 70th year as a leader in Catholic education on the Southside of Indianapolis. Our school continues to build in each student the foundation of academics, service to others in our community and faith in God. Located at 541 East Edgewood Ave., St. Mark Catholic School first opened its doors in September of 1948 and continues to provide a small school setting, taught by teachers that love their students, parents that partner with our school and students that grow closer to God with prayer and acts of kindness towards others.
For the last five years, St. Mark Catholic School is one of the fastest growing schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. We offer a full day Pre-K for 4-year-olds that prepares them academically, socially and spiritually for Kindergarten. Our students in grades Kindergarten – 8th grade increase their knowledge of academics by teachers that individualize their teaching to the level of each student.
As one of the most diverse schools on the Southside, our students come from many different cultures, countries and speak many different languages. We have two full-time ESL instructors and two special needs instructors along with a strong support staff that assists the teachers in the everyday education of our students. The needs of each student are met by the partnering with parents, by the meticulous planning of each lesson and by the building of rapport with our students by our teachers and staff.
Our students, staff and parents have many opportunities to grow in their faith. We not only begin each day in prayer but throughout the day there are many opportunities for prayer. Each class begins with prayer, religion is taught each day, saying the Rosary, attending Eucharistic Adoration and participating in service projects such as our food drive, collecting toys for underprivileged children in our community and writing letters to military personnel. Students do not have to be Catholic to enroll at St. Mark Catholic School; they just have to embrace Christ and his teachings as a part of their normal school day.
St. Mark Catholic School utilizes technology for every student. Students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 1st utilize our computer lab and tablets in their classroom to indoctrinate themselves to technology. All of our students in grades 2 – 8 have access to their own Chromebook and use it throughout the day to learn complete assignments and take assessments. Every classroom has a video projection system and internet capabilities for our teachers to utilize the most up-to-date materials.
As a parent, you have many choices for your child’s education on the Southside of Indianapolis. But at St. Mark Catholic School you will get an education based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. You will expose your child to a diverse setting that will allow them to know, accept and love children of different color and languages. The family setting will welcome you in, the teachers and administration will communicate fully, and the foundation of academics and faith in God will be strongly built for your child.
So, come out to our Open House on Wednesday, Feb. 6th, from 5 – 7 p.m. and see for yourself why many families make the change to St. Mark Catholic Schools. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our story as a school that welcomes all while teaching with Christ at the center.
Thanks and God Bless,
Rusty Albertson

St. Mark Catholic School is a great school to attend. The school includes faith, fun and lots more. St. Mark has lots of opportunities and is a grade A school.
St. Mark includes lots of faith. We have Mass two times a week, Rosary and we learn new saints every day. We have Mass on Wednesdays and Fridays, but if there are any special days to the church, we have Mass to celebrate. The students have prayer partners. Prayer partners help each other out and teach each other responsibilities. Rosary is a set of prayers we say before Mass on Wednesdays. The great part is that we get to lead them! A class leads the Rosary by saying half of a prayer, and then the other classes join. Sometimes we go to the grotto to say the rosary. We have morning announcements led by the principal. At the end, our principal picks a saint for the day and teaches us what the saint did and how to become more like the saint. It helps us to be more kind and more faithful. Staying faithful is a big part in our school.
Our school has lots of fun activities to attend! We have musicals, Spell Bowl, CYO sports and many more. We have a spring musical for middle schoolers, a Christmas musical for grades 2-5 and Pre-K – 1st grade musicals. Fourth through 6th grade gets to participate in Spell Bowl. Spell Bowl is a competition. You get to practice spelling words and then all the South Deanery schools come together and compete! It’s really fun and you get to learn some new words in the process! CYO sports are sports including volleyball, wrestling, basketball and many more. They teach teamwork and how to properly play the game. St. Mark has lots of fun opportunities to join!
St. Mark Catholic school includes lots of faith, musicals, Spell Bowl, and many more.
Nun Bik

Have you ever heard of St. Mark Catholic School? It’s a great school where there is a lot of fun and you get to be in every single one. The best part is when I go to church; I grow closer to God every day. In this article you will read about faith, extra events and the fun we get to do.
My faith is strong and close to God every day. We go to church two times every week. One on Wednesday and one more on Friday. My faith is big and tall. They add me into everything they do even though I’m not Catholic. This is a great school!
The extra events are fun and they make me braver. I used to be shy but not now. St. Mark made be braver and less shy. I join these extra events to make me smarter or just for fun. I usually join Spell Bowl, acting club and soccer. (I’m joining one this year.) These are fun things to sign up for and this is another reason why I love St. Mark.
The last reason is the warm welcoming. The teachers are waiting outside their door and greet us with a warm welcoming. Even the principal, Mr. Albertson, greets us outside the entrance door. It must be really cold when he waits outside of his door, but he does it for us from love.
I hope you learn something from our school and hopefully you’ll visit us and enroll your child to come to this school.
Solomon Cil

I think you should come join us at Saint Mark Catholic School, where the magic of fun never ends! First of all, we have great staff members and students here! Every single teacher is amazing! They have their own personality! They teach different subjects! As in math, science, social studies, writing and reading. We have a lot of lunch ladies. They make delicious lunches! We have some foods that you might not have in your school!
We do very exciting things that you won’t forget. We do things about Jesus Christ and God and a lot of saints. We have Adoration now and then. At Adoration, we talk to Jesus. You can wish for something on a kneeler. We have prayer partners as well. They are students from another grade that comes with you to church. If you’re older than your prayer partner, then you get to show how to behave in front of them. We also have a STEM project. STEM projects are for days you make things like a robot arm. You will get teammates to help you with this project.
We have a great education here. You get to switch periods like high school or middle school; it’s fun. We have our list to switch classrooms. All of the teachers help you if you don’t get what you’re learning; don’t be afraid, the teachers are superheroes! They will help you no matter what! They will help you until you know what to learn! See what I’m saying? They really are superheroes!
San Htet

St. Mark is a SPECIAL school. I want to tell you this because I LOVE St. Mark Catholic School! St. Mark is an amazing school to earn a quality education, to grow your faith in God and to have fun with the people around you! Now here are reasons WHY I LOVE ST. MARK!
The most important thing in humans’ lives is GOD! We should celebrate our faith. St. Mark celebrates it by going to mass twice for 3rd-8th grades and once for pre-k-2nd. St. Mark has something called Adoration. Adoration means going to church and pray to God for thanks & ask for help. The 3rd-8th graders do that. We also pray daily. For example: Pray before lunch, before every class, before starting school, etc. Students from 3rd-8th grades take turns leading the Rosary every Wednesday. St. Mark made a grotto for Mary, Mother of Jesus. A group of people from a different culture made it. We were able to do that because of everybody working together.
The people in St. Mark are very caring, loving and welcoming. When I was new, I was in 4th grade and my whole class welcomed me and the other new student. I didn’t stand alone during recess. Instead an old friend of mine invited me to play with her. Another new student also wanted to play with us. We let her so on that day on we were BFFs! At my old school I was bullied. I was hated. I felt no real LOVE! When I went to St. Mark, I felt loved and welcomed. It felt like that was my place, my school and my home. Here at St. Mark I felt as if I am important in my own way and for others as well. When we want to show thanks for others, we show it by a small gift like just saying, “thank you” or making a card for them. It’s amazing how a word can change a person’s whole life. Because of everybody it makes a special school.
St. Mark makes God the first thing in life. We love and care for one another. There you are always loved. St. Mark is an amazing school to grow in your faith, to be loved and cared for and to be blessed!
Theresa Lian

When you walk through the doors of St. Mark Catholic School you see smiling faces. A reason you see smiling faces is because of the people at St. Mark. They make our school so wonderful. Our principal gives us high fives to greet us in the morning. Father Bill has a dog named Epi. They say goodbye to us at the end of the day. The teachers at our school work hard and care about us.
Another reason you see smiling faces is because of our faith. At St. Mark we have our own Bibles. Our church is beautiful. It makes us think more about God. We pray for each other and that makes us come closer as a class.
The last reason you see smiling faces is because of our actions. At our school we help others. When someone helps you or you help them, it puts a smile on your face. Our school is also welcoming. When you walk into classrooms you see people working together and smiles all around.
To sum up when you walk into the doors of St. Mark, you would see all of the wonderful people, faith and actions.
Vivian Ray

I love St. Mark Catholic School because we go to church two times a week. In church we sing beautiful songs, we pray a lot, we give our feelings and thoughts to God and we are forgiven. So going to church is a wonderful time! In church we also lead the Rosary sometimes. When we lead the Rosary our class stands up and prays the Rosary. Rosary is very fun because you are praying about Mary, Jesus and God. So there are a lot of ways you could love praying the Rosary.
Another reason why I love St. Mark is because our teachers, assistant teachers and principal greet us every morning and it makes my heart turn to pure gold. I bet it does to a lot of others too. And every afternoon they say “goodbye” and “have a great evening.” Also in the morning Mr. Koesters and another teacher stand out in the cold to greet us. If you ever go to this school you will love the warm welcome from our teachers and assistant teachers.
Another reason why I love St. Mark is because of the CYO sports. Like basketball, baseball, football, track and a lot of other sports. I like the sports because they are fun, but the bigger reason is that it brings you closer to your friends. It is also really fun to see your friends on the weekends! If you do sports it will make you and your friends be better friends than you were before. You will be more kind, more courteous and more polite to them.
Carson Sauter
St. Roch Catholic School
Dear Reader,
St. Roch Catholic School has a lot to celebrate during the 2018-2019 school year. We welcomed our new pastor, Father Douglas Hunter. He comes to us from St. Malachy and we are so happy to have him. Father Hunter has been a great addition to our community. The students love when he plays football at recess and gives them hugs and high fives after mass.
We are blessed with loving, hard-working students, supportive parents and a staff that is out of this world. Our teachers and support staff work hard every day to make our students feel loved and appreciated so that they can learn and grow. Our building is alive with love and laughter and I am blessed to call this wonderful school my home.
We have had several successes so far this school year. In November, our Junior Spell Bowl team, led by veteran teacher and coach Mrs. Mary Ann Chamberlin, won its 6th State Championship. We had several kickball teams make it to city this year. Our technology club made pinewood derby cars on our 3D printers. Our speech team is in full swing as they compete in various competitions around the city. We continue to offer great athletic opportunities through our CYO.
We recently held our school spelling bee and geography bee for students in 4th-8th grades. The students worked really hard, and it was great to see how dedicated they are to these academic competitions. Our 8th grade is gearing up for the play that they will put on in early March. We look forward to hosting the South Deanery Spell Bowl meet during Catholic Schools Week.
Our theme this year for Catholic Schools Week is Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed. This week-long celebration is very important to our school. During this week, we celebrate the gift of our faith, and the gift to be able to freely talk about, and worship, God in everything that we do. Each day during Catholic Schools Week we will celebrate Mass. On Monday, we will celebrate Community Day. Students will be participating in various service projects to give back to our community. On Thursday, we will celebrate Vocations Day. Students will be making cards and writing letters for seminarians, sisters and archdiocesan priests in our deanery. We will celebrate our students with fun dress days, a no-homework night and a skating party.
As we continue to celebrate our school, we will continue to follow our motto: Trust God, Work Hard and Work Together.
Amy Wilson

I like Saint Roch Catholic School because the support staff and teachers are awesome! I think it’s special that I have had all of my teachers for two years in a row for the last six years. This makes is easier for my teachers to help me learn as I grow and better understand my learning needs. I am lucky to be at a Catholic School because I get to learn about God. Also, our priest and our teachers are more like a family than just our teachers.
Our new priest is the chaplain of the Indianapolis Colts and that is pretty cool! Also, we love our principal and vice principal. They’re not only here to lay down the law, they also help us follow our journey in a fun way. They have really worked hard to fix the church and school. It is nice to see the awesome things you can do when our community comes together to help fund our special school. We have multiple fundraisers. One of our biggest and one of my favorites is May Fest. We have carnival rides, live music and lots of games and good food. At the end of our school year, our P.E. teacher (Mrs. Cunningham) and our other teachers put together a field day! We play lots of games and get to run around and have fun with our friends.
I love St. Roch Catholic School because I get to practice my faith and build long-lasting friendships as I grow in my journey.
Nora Guthrie

When I first walked into St. Roch, I knew that it was the perfect school. The reason I think Catholic schools are great is because you get to learn about God. St. Roch has helped me throughout the years to become more like Jesus.
Everyone is welcome here. During the day we attend special classes in addition to math, reading and writing. Now, most schools have those subjects, but do they get to talk about God in school? Well, I know at St. Roch we do. Even though some students at St. Roch are tall or short, boys or girls, we all are friends. We have been lucky to have had the best priests at St. Roch because they all are so nice and thoughtful. I love the principal so much. Every morning she gives me hugs.
When you first walk into St. Roch, the feelings you get are amazing. The teachers here are wonderful; if you need help, they get right to it. My teachers make me feel so joyful. We also do lots of donations. For example, each Wednesday every student brings in a quarter for our mission in Haiti. One great experience I have had is getting to be Mary in the Christmas Eve Mass. We also get a lot of help from our parents. There is no place I would rather be than St. Roch Catholic School. I love this place so much.
Go Rockets!!!
Vivie Hayes