The Johnson County Parks & Recreation Department has announced that it has been awarded $24,438 as part of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation National Paralysis Resource Center (PRC) High Impact Priority Quality of Life Grants and Direct Effect grants cycles. Seven High Impact Grants totaling $232,266 and 73 Direct Effect Quality of Life Grants totaling $1,244,263 were awarded. The Quality of Life Grants Program supports nonprofit organizations that empower individuals living with paralysis. Since the Quality of Life Grants Program’s inception, 3,153 grants totaling over $26 million have been awarded. Funding for these new cycles of grants were made possible through a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living (ACL grant #90PRRC0002-01-01).
The Reeve Foundation National Paralysis Resource Center has a number of grant programs under the Quality of Life program awarding grants in different category areas, varying in different amounts. The High Impact Priority Quality of Life Grants fund projects in the following areas: transportation, respite/caregiving, disaster response, nursing home transition and employment, while the Direct Effect Grants support a wide range of short-to mid-term projects and activities that will impact individuals living with paralysis and their families.
“There are several components that go into these projects,” said Mark Bogosian, director, Quality of Life Grants Program. “If we can provide programmatic and other financial supports, even in the short term with the Direct Effect grants, these organizations can now focus on executing their mission, leading to greater success, expansion and sustainability.”
The Reeve Foundation funded a wide variety of projects, from employment programs to accessible playground projects and adaptive sports programs.
The Johnson County Parks & Recreation Department will use the grant for the Independence Park Playground Remodeling Project. “The grant award will fund multiple components on the new, all-inclusive playground,” said Megan Bowman, superintendent. “The total cost of the new playground equipment, turf and installation, is $335,188. Receiving these funds is a big step towards funding this project, and we are so thankful to have been selected by the Reeve Foundation National Paralysis Resource Center. Independence Park was created with the hopes that it would provide a place for people of all abilities to interact and play together. We are excited for the continued opportunities that this new playground equipment will bring to the community!”