Jeff Pipkin leaves Hendricks County Economic Development Partnership for position with Hoosier Energy
Lindsay Doty
After seven years with the Hendricks County Economic Development Partnership (HCEDP), Jeff Pipkin has taken a position as the economic development manager with Bloomington-based Hoosier Energy where he will work with a team to support new business growth for the energy cooperative.
The former executive director of HCEDP says it was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up.
“Honestly, ever since I got into economic development Hoosier Energy was a company I looked up to and aspired to work for. An opportunity presented itself and I went after it,” said Pipkin.
Pipkin’s last day in Hendricks County was June 5 and he’s already started working from home for the energy cooperative. Pipkin, a Mooresville resident, will soon commute in a different direction.
Looking back on his seven years with HCEDP, a nonprofit public-private partnership that works to boost growth in Hendricks County, he’s proud of the team’s work.
“I think over the 7 years, we attracted or existing business expanded by over a billion dollars in capital investments,” said Pipkin.
The search has already underway to hire Pipkin’s replacement who will join team members Lora Steele and Victoria Ross-Frost.
Pipkin’s advice to the next leader is to manage time wisely and be responsive to all inquiries.
Although the new director will be dealing with a challenging post-pandemic economy, he’s confident Hendricks County will bounce back.
“I think retail will come back at a snail’s pace but I think logistics has continued on and there is going to be more regional consolidation and companies wanting to bring supply chains back to the U.S,” he said.
“It’s going to be good for Hendricks County.”
Pipkin’s new role with Hoosier Energy will more advisory to local economic development and include travel. Hoosier Energy is a generation and transmission cooperative serving 18 member electric cooperatives in Indiana and Illinois.

(Submitted Photo)