Compiled by Nancy Hammerstrom
This month, we dedicate this issue to a special icon in the White River Township community: Lt. Steve Dillman, who passed away on Oct. 4. Dillman served on the White River Township Fire Department District Board from 2015 until his death. A graduate of Greenwood High School in 1962, he served in the U.S. Navy Reserves for two years and began his career as a volunteer firefighter with the Greenwood Fire Department for four years before serving the City of Indianapolis as a firefighter for 38 years. He retired as a lieutenant in 2005 and returned to fire service for the City of Greenwood for an additional five years.
Dillman made a significant impact on his peers, who remember their mentor and friend.

“The WRTFD was honored to be awarded the LIFE award at the 2022 Indiana Emergency Responders Conference for exemplary effort in providing for the health and wellness of its personnel. Many people are responsible for caring for members of the WRTFD. Forté Sports Medicine and Orthopedics and Dr. Maura Shea provide us with excellent care. None of this would happen without the amazing support from White River Township Fire Department Fire Protection District Board. I couldn’t think of anyone more fitting to get to enjoy this award than Lt. Steve Dillman. He has been a champion for firefighter wellness for his entire career and retirement. Thank you, Lt. Steve Dillman for impressing on us the importance of caring for firefighter health, safety and wellness!”
- White River Township Fire Department
“Lieutenant Steve Dillman spent a lifetime dedicated to public service, mentorship of firefighters and company officers. He was always there to help guide me and give advice.
- Joshua Justice

“Steve Dillman, I will miss the fire service and drag racing stories that you shared; we would bring new firefighters by to hear the stories and it never got old for us. I will miss sitting in the deck with my crew and just taking it in. I will miss watching you mentor new firefighters and helping them become career firefighters. Thank you for being there for all firefighters and especially with your work in our fire protection district board. I have only known you for a short time, but it has a lifetime of memories. Really wish I would have known you sooner and had you longer. Know this for sure, you have made an impact on us. But also know we will ALWAYS be here for your wonderful wife, Frosty-Terrie Dillman. She is also our family and will always be. I really hope to leave the fire service a better place like you did.”
- Dale Saucier