Greenwood resident running for District 58 House of Representatives campaigns from hospital bed

Greenwood resident running for District 58 House of Representatives campaigns from hospital bed

By Neal Smith

If you’ve ever run for a public office, you know it’s not an easy task. Try it from a hospital bed.

That’s what 58th Indiana House District Democrat candidate and Greenwood resident Cindy Reinert has done. In the middle of August she had some abdominal pain. She went to the hospital and stayed there for 12 days. She went home for two weeks and the doctors put her back in the hospital from Sept. 15 until Oct. 11 She had diverticulitis with a perforation. “I’ve never known anyone who has had this, so it was a surprise to me,” Reinert said.

58th Indiana House District Democrat candidate and Greenwood resident Cindy Reinert. (Photo by Neal Smith)

It’s difficult to run a campaign when you’re stuck in a hospital bed, however, Reinert said she will finish it. She praises her crew: Kyle, Skylar, Kathy, Terry, Jo and Rich. “They just picked up the ball when I couldn’t,” Reinert said. “Kyle would bring me lists of undecided voters and I would sit in the bed and call voters. This campaign has been totally different than 2018 in the sense that you’re not out meeting voters all the time. I kind of miss that but calling voters on the phone is the next best thing to understand what people want to know, particularly the undecided voters. Most of them are in shock that I would actually call and ask them … what questions they want answered … that’s what a representative does. They represent their district. I don’t know how much better a representative can be than actually talking to them.”

Is Reinert healthy enough to hold the office?  “Absolutely,” she answered without hesitation. “Now that I understand (the disease), it’s easier for me to keep on track.”

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