Danville hosts comprehensive plan open house

Danville residents could vote for and leave comments about proposed ideas for the town’s updated comprehensive plan at a May 12 public open house. (Photo by Peg McRoy Glover)

By Peg McRoy Glover

Danville hosted a public open house on May 12 for its residents to learn about, review and provide input about updating the town’s comprehensive plan.

Danville is partnering with Indianapolis-based HWC Engineering to facilitate the process. Town officials and representatives from HWC Engineering answered questions at the open house.

This plan will guide elected officials and town leaders in long term planning and community development for the next 10-20 years. The previous comprehensive plan was done in 1998.

At the open house the public perused eight information boards on land use, vehicular transportation, economic development, recreation, neighborhoods, downtown and pedestrian infrastructure.

About 50 Danville residents who attended the open house could vote for or against proposed ideas by placing a sticker on an information board. They could also write comments on sticky notes.

An online survey is available until May 26 for those who could not attend the open house and want to provide input. Visit danvillecompplan.com/public-workshop-2 to view a video and complete the survey.

The results are expected to be posted on the project website by June 11.

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