BGCS needs volunteers for Grab and Go meal program

BGCS needs volunteers for Grab and Go meal program

We need volunteers! A note from Superintendent Kaiser:

To those who would like to volunteer with Beech Grove City Schools and the Chartwells K-12 Food Service program to serve meals during this unprecedented time, we thank you for your dedication to our community!

Though we are taking every precaution possible while in the kitchens and out serving in the community to keep staff, volunteers and community members safe, we must be vigilant in maintaining our adherence to current CDC guidelines.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with our “Grab and Go” program, we must ask you to pre-screen by answering a few questions honestly before deciding to volunteer. Should you answer “yes” to any of the questions, please know that we are very grateful to you for our desire to help, but we must respectfully ask you to remain at home for your safety and that of the staff and other volunteers.

The program is vigilant in maintaining adherence to current CDC guidelines. (Submitted photo)

When, and if, you are able to answer “no to all questions, you are encouraged to volunteer! We are in this together! After all, we are not just serving meals during these difficult times.

We are serving hope.

Prescreen questions:

  1. Are you at higher risk of contracting COVID-19?
  2. Are you 65 years of age or older?
  3. Do you suffer from chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma?
  4. Do you suffer from a serious heart condition?
  5. Do you have a compromised immune system due to cancer treatment or other medical issues?
  6. Have you been in contact with anyone with confirmed COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  7. Have you been on a cruise in the last 21 days?
  8. In the last 14 days, have you: Had a temperature of 100 degrees or higher? Had difficulty breathing? Or developed a cough?

If you answered “no” to all prescreening questions, please contact us by email at or by phone at (317) 759-1149 so we can contact you to determine when and where we need you on the days that work best for you. We look forward to working with you soon and thank you for your commitment to you neighbors and friends.

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