By Lindsay Doty

The Avon Education Foundation (AEF) will receive a $20,000 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation.
It’s the single largest one-time contribution the foundation has been awarded since its inception in 2007. The funds will go towards putting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) labs in nine Avon schools for grades K-6.
“We are honored that Duke Energy has chosen to support our vision for creating
opportunities in Avon Schools that encourage creativity, innovation and excellence,” Sara Bender, AEF Executive Director, said. “With this grant, we will be able to promote literacy and daily classroom concepts through the increased application of
Duke Energy Powerful Communities: K-12 Education Grants focus on initiatives that
seek to address summer reading loss for K-3, as well as programs that advance energy, engineering and environmental education through student programming or teacher professional development.
“This program in Avon Schools is a great fit within these focus areas, making this award a powerful win for the entire Avon Community,” Jean Renk, Duke Energy
Government and Community Relations Manager, said.
AEF supported pilot STEM labs in the past year at River Birch and Cedar Elementary
Schools where students have learned to code robots and create STEM-themed projects.
This program will now expand to impact an estimated 6,500 students and
teachers as well as an estimated 12,000 family members serviced by Duke Energy.
“This program will create powerful opportunities for K-6 students and teachers in
Avon. We cannot thank Duke Energy enough for supporting such a valuable
program,” Dr. Margaret Hoernemann, ACSC Superintendent, said.