By Stephanie Dolan
We’ve all heard of – and hoped for – the innate goodness of others. As a human on the planet, it is each individual’s responsibility to look out for his friends and neighbors, but do we always do that? No. Sometimes, other humans – and their lack of humanity – can be disappointing and disheartening. That’s why it’s always so refreshing when we’re reminded of that innate goodness. Made even more refreshing is the fact that some businesses practice this humanity, taking the opportunity to help their employees at any sign of hardship.
One such business is Jiffy Lube of Indiana, and a Jiffy Lube location where company assistance programs have been utilized and deeply appreciated has been the shop at 7965 US 31 S., Indianapolis. The shop has been managed by Rick Bartlett, 49, for nearly 18 years, and he knows firsthand how generous and helpful his business truly is.
“The good thing about the company is that they care. In times of need or tragedy they can separate themselves from business and look at the personal side,” Bartlett, of Perry Township, said. “Jiffy Lube of Indiana gets involved to aid in the healing process.”
Jiffy Lube got personally involved in Bartlett’s life when his wife, Angelia, and his youngest child, Samantha, were in a car accident not long after he became manager of his current location. Samantha became paralyzed from the chest down, and Bartlett was off of work 45 days with pay taking care of his family.
“Within the first day I was keeping them posted,” Bartlett said. “The district manager was updating the owner and officers as we went. The next day I got a phone call from Steve Sander. My first concern to him was that I had to work. He reassured me – he hugged both me and my wife – and he told us not to worry. I was out for 45 days but I never lost a paycheck and my insurance stayed current. The goal was to get my family healed.”
Bartlett, an Army veteran, said Samantha was born about a month before he came to the company.

“She’s grown up with Jiffy Lube,” he said. “She also has a permanent spot at the awards banquet table every year. They’ve watched her grow, and they’ve seen the progress that she’s made. I think their dedication has also helped make her the person she is today. They have given me any time I need to take off work to take care of her. There’s never been a question asked or a bad word spoken.”
“We were willing to do whatever it took to get her on the road to recovery and allow him to have time off work and support him as a part of the Jiffy Lube family,” Lonnie Hinkle, Chief Operating Officer of Jiffy Lube in Indiana, said.
Today, Jiffy Lube utilizes both the Growing People Through Work and the Jiffy Lube Cares programs. Through these programs, employees can receive coaching on personal health issues and finances, apply for down payment loans as first-time homebuyers, receive tuition reimbursement and even qualify for financial assistance in emergency situations.
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