DAR’s Samuel Bryan Chapter recognizes Beech Grove K-9 units

DAR’s Samuel Bryan Chapter recognizes Beech Grove K-9 units

The Samuel Bryan Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) had the pleasure of recognizing the Beech Grove K-9 Officers at their October chapter meeting. To honor the anniversary of DAR’s founding on Oct. 11, chapters and individuals are encouraged to engage in meaningful service projects in their communities each year.

Recognizing the Beech Grove K-9 Officers was chosen by the chapter this year for the exceptional work these partners provide in the Beech Grove community. Officer Brandon Shipley and Officer Drago attended the meeting to showcase their training, tools and techniques. Excellent questions from the audience of impressed members were answered by Officer Shipley who offered a lot of insight into the training and care of the dogs. Officer Drago, a German Shepherd, is an apprehension specialist. Officer Zoey, a black Labrador and the latest acquisition from the UK were present as the K-9 that will be fully trained to enter the schools to search for firearms, drugs and explosives. Her trainer is Officer Mark Parker. The chapter obtained specialty K-9 Ops balls for the “officers” to aid in training and exercise. Both K-9 teams were presented with certificates of appreciation and dozens of homemade cookies for their “human” partners. The chapter wishes continued safety and protection for these first responders.

Officer Brandon Shipley and Officer Drago attended the recent meeting to showcase their training, tools and techniques. (Submitted photo)

The second portion of the chapter’s community service was providing 50 packages of donated dog toys and treats to the nonprofit organization, Pets Healing Vets.

Pets Healing Vets is an organization whose mission is to improve the emotional well-being of Hoosier veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) by pairing them with carefully selected shelter animals in need of homes. As DAR’s mission is to also take care of our veterans and deployed soldiers, this organization was chosen to receive the chapters’ donations this year to aid in their services. Chapter members provided 50 bags of chew toys and treats to be given to each veteran receiving their pets. Notes in the packages thanked the veteran for their service and congratulates them on their new best friend. Thirty-eight pairs were matched this year so far and will be given a bag and the remainder will be given to future veterans. A certificate of appreciation was also given to “thank you for rescuing our pets to rescue our vets!”

The ladies also recycled T-shirts by making 50 rope chew toys that were provided to the Brown County Animal Shelter.

For DAR membership inquiries and other questions about the Samuel Bryan Chapter, contact them by emailing  samuelbryanchapterdar@gmail.com. Their website is samuelbryanchapterdar.com.

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