Nourishing salmon: Wild caught vs. frankenfish

By Wendell Fowler

After we offer a prayer of gratitude to the Great Creator, Sandi and I will occasionally eat red-fleshed, wild-caught, open-ocean (not farm-raised) salmon for a variety of reasons: health, survival, protein, brain food and omega – 3.

Scientists have been aware of the health-promoting benefits of omega – 3 fatty acids since the 1950s. For decades scientists blubbered how gardenless Eskimos rarely get heart disease and attribute the phenomena to their high intake of whale, seal, salmon and other fatty cold-water animals’ fats high in omega – 3. Fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines and albacore tuna are also high in two kinds of omega – 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. These essential fatty acids help maintain healthy skin and hair, benefit your cardiovascular health and contribute to healthy brain function. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states omega – 3s may prevent heart disease by improving arterial elasticity. Because omega – 3 is a blood thinner that can prevent clots, those taking the coumadin must be mindful and work with their phlebotomist.

Omega – 3 may help prevent inflammatory disease such as Alzheimer’s, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis), asthma, atherosclerosis, Crohn’s disease, colitis, dermatitis, diverticulitis, fibromyalgia, hepatitis, IBS, systemic lupus erythematous (SLE), nephritis, Parkinson’s disease and ulcerative colitis, to name a few.

Consumers wouldn’t recognize the grayish flesh of farm-raised salmon (FRS) if not for the salmon-colored dye added to their feed. Trusting consumers swallow seductive marketing tricks hook, line and sinker. Most FRS are raised in floating, open ocean net pens where their copious poop concentration pollutes the local marine environment and spreads disease. Harvard researchers indicate farm-raised salmon had 13 times more PCB, dioxin and other contaminates (antibiotics) over their wild-caught. The University of Illinois found that fish eaters with high PCB levels in their blood have difficulty recalling information they learned just 30 minutes prior.

In 2016, Congress dictated imported salmon could not be sold in the U.S. until FDA finalized labeling guidelines to inform consumers the product was genetically engineered. That’s when the FDA implemented the import alert. Just recently, the import alert that prevented GMO salmon from entering the U.S. was lifted by the USDA. Many claim GMO frankenfoods are safe; however, most NIH reaserch was preformed by biotechnology companies who will profit from proclaiming GMOs as safe.

Many religious faiths and philosophies agree tinkering with genes is out of bounds. The Great Spirit is in all things, but not genetically altered “food” contrived by mortals that truly needs prayer.


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