Top ten signs your pet may not love you as much as you think
by Torry Stiles
- The cat is giving you the side-eye.
- You were updating your will and noticed somebody had changed your beneficiary to “Mister Barker.”
- There’s a knife in the goldfish bowl and you don’t recognize it.
- Your talking parrot is threatening to go to the cops.
- You made a Facebook page for your cat and he unfriended you.
- Your dog fetches in the newspaper folded to reveal the obituary pages.
- The cat likes knocking stuff off the counter but you get suspicious when you’re taking a bath and he shows up with a plugged in toaster.
- The fish are whispering about you.
- You were used to the cat sleeping on your face but you aren’t sure why he brought a plastic bag this time.
- You just saw your credit card bill and there’s a few thousand dollars worth of Amazon stuff delivered to “Mister Barker.”