Pack Away Hunger, ProAct Indy partner to donate meals to neighbors in need

Pack Away Hunger, ProAct Indy partner to donate meals to neighbors in need

By Nancy Price

Two local nonprofits recently teamed up to provide thousands of meals to neighborhoods affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

Pack Away Hunger gave 16,000 meals to ProAct Indy to distribute to three high-need neighborhoods in Indianapolis and to No Questions Asked Food Pantry on the city’s Southside on April 21.

“The only way we are going to get through this unprecedented time is by leaning on each other,” said Derrin Slack, ProAct Indy founder and chief program officer. “I have seen inspiring grassroots efforts from many community members, nonprofit organizations, churches and communities step up for our neighbors who have been adversely affected by COVID-19, so partnering with an organization like Pack Away Hunger, who is being intentional about sustainably meeting our community’s needs is a no-brainer for us. It is not the act of service that is going to get us through these times, but for our relationships, our people.”

“Our meal distributions went very well, and our community partners were so grateful to receive them,” said Allison Avin, director of communications for Pack Away Hunger.

Lynette Taylor of Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center, left, and Lisa Patton, director of development for Pack Away Hunger. Pack Away Hunger packed meals to distribute to local neighborhoods. (Submitted photo)

On May 5, Pack Away Hunger will hold a socially distanced staff pack-a-thon called #GivingTuesdayNow.

“Essentially #GivingTuesdayNow is a worldwide call to action to support nonprofits and communities,” Avin said. “Traditionally there is just one #GivingTuesday, which takes place the second Tuesday in December each year. With this crisis, the organizers of the movement recognized that nonprofits and communities need help now.

“Under normal circumstances we hold meal packing events with businesses, churches, etc. Obviously under current conditions we can’t hold those events which has diminished our ability to pack meals for local families. The six members of our team will be packing meals for six hours and we will use the opportunity to raise donations for the meals. The meals will then be distributed into the community in the following weeks.”

The goal for #GivingTuesdayNow is to raise $5,000. “Meeting that goal will help ensure we can continue providing meals to our local partners,” Alvin said. “Let’s come together to create a wave of generosity, citizen engagement, action from business and philanthropy and support for communities and nonprofits around the world.”

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