Plainfield Town Council designates revitalization areas, hears property ordinance
Compiled by Nicole Davis
The Plainfield Town Council met Jan. 10 for its regular council meeting. The meeting was live streamed for members of the public who could not attend. The council meets at 6 p.m. for a work session and 7 p.m. for a council meeting on the second and fourth Mondays each month, at 591 Moon Road. Agendas and meeting minutes can be found at The next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 24.
WHAT HAPPENED: The council passed two resolutions, preliminarily designating Economic Revitalization Areas and qualifying certain property for tax abatement. The properties are at Hobbs Station Industrial QOZB, Building 1 and Building 2, respectively.
WHAT IT MEANS: The designations will last 10 years, relating to the 38.894 acre property. Resolution 01 relates to $13.1 million of redevelopment or rehabilitation. Resolution 03 relates to $11.6 million of redevelopment or rehabilitation.
WHAT HAPPENED: The council passed an ordinance on second reading that would annex property and make it part of district number 3 of the town. This Redbird and Associated Properties is at 6448 S. CR 675 E and 6601 E. CR 600 S.
WHAT IT MEANS: The property containing just over 153 acres will become part of Plainfield territory should it be fully approved by the council. A majority of this territory is undeveloped land. This ordinance will next go for third and final reading.