Compiled by Nancy Price
According to, there are several excuses people are most likely to give for not exercising. The most popular excuse? “I don’t have time,” followed by “I’m too tired” and “exercise is boring.” Southside fitness facilities have heard them all and have an answer for each excuse. At Ardizzone & Nalley Gym, an example workout for those pressed for time would consist of a five-minute warmup, followed by 15-20 minutes of a low-impact workout and a five-minute cool down. Feeling tired after work? Orangetheory Fitness suggests finding a facility that has a penalty or fee for not showing up or cancelling your workout. If you find exercise boring, 9Round Fitness suggests you find something you enjoy doing that matches up with your goals. Whether your goal is losing weight, gaining more energy or meeting new friends in a fun group environment, the following centers offer something for everyone.
9Round Fitness
- What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?
No doubt … first you have to find something that you enjoy doing, something that is fun, something you won’t dread. 9Round offers something fun and different and the first workout is free. Once you’ve found something you enjoy, make sure it matches up with your goals. It’s important to write your goals down and track how you are progressing toward them. At 9Round, we offer body composition scans so that you can measure not only your weight, but lean muscle mass and body fat mass so you can see real results. Another important factor is to find a workout or accountability partner. There will be those times (even if you love your gym) that you just don’t feel it. That’s where an accountability partner can help. Don’t have one? 9Round is a very close community and our members find new friends with similar interests in the gym. Lastly, share your goals with our trainers and they will help keep you on track and accountable as well.
- Describe your preferred exercise routine and why it works.
It’s important to vary your workout and not just focus on the same thing each time. You adapt and eventually plateau, so in every workout we address the entire body in different ways. We jump rope to focus on coordination and balance, lift light weights to tone, punch heavy bags to strengthen and build the core, hit double-end and speed bags to increase hand-eye coordination, quickness and coordination, and with every station work the core. The best part is that we write out the workout for you and a trainer guides you through the entire workout so that you can maximize your time in the gym. It truly is a full-body workout that is suited for any fitness level.
- What advice would you give to someone who is new to fitness prior to them choosing an exercise regimen?
Don’t let fear or intimidation keep you from having fun and pursuing your fitness goals. The hardest part of starting anything new is walking through the doors for the first time. I have talked to so many members who have told me they almost didn’t come in because they were afraid but now are so glad they did because it’s the only workout that they truly enjoy and will continue. Our trainers greet everyone with a smile and make you feel welcome from the moment you walk in and will get to know you and your goals so we can maximize your experience. The 9Round workout is station based (no classes where you have to be able to keep up) so you can work out at your pace and ability without the pressure. Our trainers are there for you and would love to see you walk through the door!
9Round Fitness
7045 Emblem Dr., Ste. D, Indianapolis, IN 46237
239 S. State Road 135, Greenwood, IN 46142
Indianapolis: (317) 883-1374
Greenwood: (317) 300-1830
Ardizzone & Nalley Gym Inc.

- Describe your preferred exercise routine and why it works.
As a gym that welcomes and accepts Silver Sneaker members, one of our focuses for the upcoming year is to provide those individuals with classes and programs that will improve their functional strength, balance, flexibility and overall ability to complete necessary daily tasks. These routines consist of low-impact, full-body exercises that include the use of elastic bands, mini rubber exercise balls and dumbbells at a weight that the member can control and maintain proper form. These workouts will be challenging but not leave the members feeling like they are “beat up.” A successful workout is one that not only makes you better but is sustainable and creates an energy in you that keeps you coming back for more! We feel like we have done that here. An example workout routine would consist of a five-minute, body weight-only warm-up, followed by 15-20 minutes of low impact, full-body resistance training and finish with a five-minute cool down and stretching period.
- What advice would you give to someone who is new to fitness prior to them choosing an exercise regimen?
It’s not about how fast you can lose weight. It’s not about how quickly you can lift a bunch of weight. It’s not about changing the way you look by doing some fast cut. It’s about creating healthy habits. Habits that you’ll be able to sustain over a long period of time that will allow you to have the quality of life you’ve always wanted. Surround yourself with positive people and find a gym will put you in the right mindset for success. Going into the new year, I recommend that all people starting a new fitness journey find a sustainable workout routine that they will enjoy.
- What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?
There are many factors that go into someone’s success in his or her fitness journey. However, if I had to pick one common theme among those who achieve their fitness goals, it is always consistency. They are consistent with how many times they go to the gym per week, consistent with the attitude they bring to each workout and are consistently fueling their body with healthy foods. Motivation will come and go. There will be good days and bad. Always know that making the right choices each day will add up in the long run. The key is always to find something that you enjoy and stick to it!
Ardizzone & Nalley Gym Inc.
8057 Madison Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46227
(317) 888-9262
Facebook: Aridizzone & Nalley Gym
Baxter YMCA

- What advice would you give to someone who is new to fitness prior to them choosing an exercise regimen?
Seek advice from a professional. Training with a nationally certified personal trainer is a great way to jumpstart your fitness routine because they provide motivation, accountability and ensure that you are working out safely. They can help you set realistic goals and avoid plateaus both mentally and physically. Here at the Baxter YMCA we offer one complementary session with a personal trainer for all new members. This is a great opportunity for you to determine if personal training is right for you. The trainer can also help to connect you to other programs like small group training and group exercise to help you reach your goals and provide variety in your workout.
- What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?
The key to being successful is consistency and setting small, realistic goals. Anytime you are making a behavior change, it is important to develop a routine. Even if you can only spend 20 minutes of your 60 -minute planned workout, you are still creating a routine for yourself of getting ready, getting in the car and driving to the gym to get in a workout. The hardest part is getting there, so if you just do that, it’s a win! People tend to put too much pressure on themselves and set the bar too high. When you don’t reach those goals, you feel like you have failed. Set small goals for yourself such as going to the gym two times per week, which gives you the chance reach that goal and possibly even exceed it.
- Describe your preferred exercise routine and why it works.
What works for me may not work for everyone as each person has different goals and fitness needs. It’s important that your routine meets you where you are. Listen to your body, don’t overexert yourself and you should enjoy yourself; exercise should be fun. However, I enjoy circuit training because I get the benefit of cardio and strength training in one workout.
Baxter YMCA
7900 Shelby St., Indianapolis, IN 46227
(317) 881-9347
Carole’s Fitness

- Describe your preferred exercise routine and why it works.
There are four components in every class: (1) cardio, (2) core, (3) weight work and (4) flexibility/balance, with relaxation at the end of class. The classes are small with an average of eight in each. It is unique in that you get small group coaching and instruction. The main thing is to work the exercises correctly to best benefit the parts of the body you are concentrating on. The routines are changed often to be sure the entire body is constantly getting a good workout. In class, each person works independently. This allows new people to do what they are capable of doing and move forward from there. The cardio may be at a slower pace at first; however, as you continue, you will be able to pick up your pace and move like those who have been in class for some time. It’s rewarding to watch each person progress, ultimately becoming stronger and more energetic.
- What advice would you give to someone who is new to fitness prior to them choosing an exercise regimen?
If you do not start some type of fitness program while you are able (chair or standing), it will become more difficult to make that decision as you age. Never be intimidated or afraid to ask questions! Check out three or four organizations/gyms to see what they offer. It’s important to feel comfortable with the program you choose, as well as with the instructor leading the class. Talk about goals you want to reach and ask about exercises they have to help you reach your goals. Perhaps you can observe a class. You may watch a class and think, “I can never do this.” But, remember they were where you are now at some point in their lives. Think about beginning with a personal instructor so you can specifically work the parts of the body necessary to achieve your goals. Or start out in a group small enough with an instructor who will make sufficient time to help you.
- What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?
If you find a particular exercise difficult, the instructor should be willing to help you. It is important to speak up for yourself. Just because an exercise is hard as first, remember that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Subtle changes can be made so your goals can eventually be accomplished. Start slow, set small goals and work forward. Physical conditioning is the best exercise, by far, if you want to get fit. Physical conditioning is using your own body to build cardiovascular endurance, strengthen the total body, improve flexibility and develop better balance. If you stick with it, you will have endurance and be stronger than you ever thought you would be. Try to exercise three times a week and take a break on your off days. Give yourself time and you will be excited when the body begins to change.
Carole’s Fitness
Ages 50 + Up Complete Body Workout
5661 Madison Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46227
(317) 788-8377
Life Systems Martial Arts

- What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?
Consistency is so important. We have that thing called life that can get in the way but to reach your goals consistency is an important key element. As it is said, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” There will be days that you just don’t want to work out. Believe me, I have those days too. It may not be the best workout you had but it is a workout and you showed self-discipline. Health is a very important part of healthy living and to keep fit. Health starts in the kitchen. I know many have heard this but, “You can’t outwork out a bad diet.” This is probably the main component to reaching your goals. You need the right fuel to feed your body and mind. It varies of course for each person, depending on their level of fitness. You need the right balance of protein, carbs and some fats. I keep that water intake every day too, taking water with me wherever I go.
- Describe your preferred exercise routine and why it works.
Everyone has their own workout regimen they may prefer. I can’t answer for others, but I like to keep it fun and interesting and keep my members guessing what the workout will be for that day or week. I believe you need to change it up frequently for muscle confusion so that your muscles don’t adapt. Doing the same thing not only gets boring but you begin to not challenge yourself and you may begin to wonder why you are not reaching your goals. Keep it fun and challenging and this is what we focus on at Life Systems Martial Arts in our kickboxing classes. Our workouts consist of a warm-up, conditioning, kickboxing heavy bags and targets, partner drills, burnouts and cool-downs. With all of this, you get a total full-body workout!
- What advice would you give to someone who is new to fitness prior to them choosing an exercise regimen?
I believe the person should try different workouts to see what best fits them. Everybody is different with their interest. Age and fitness levels are a factor of course, too. We do our best to modify each person’s needs and abilities. For folks that need very light impact, try Tai chi or different types of yoga that are good all-around for the mind and body. Cross-training, I think, makes it fun and exciting. I prefer some weight training, kickboxing and martial arts for my workout regimen and meditation. I would always advise a person to talk to their family doctor first before starting a program.
Life Systems Martial Arts
520 N. Madison Ave. Suite A, Greenwood, IN 46142
(317) 889-5556
Orangetheory Fitness

- What advice would you give to someone who is new to fitness prior to them choosing an exercise regimen?
It’s important to make yourself work out on those days when you don’t want to go. Schedule your workouts and find a way to hold yourself accountable. Find a facility that has a penalty or fee for not showing up or cancelling your workout. This will help make it more difficult for you to skip when you don’t feel like going. If you find a routine that you like that doesn’t have a penalty to hold you accountable, do it yourself! Place a jar in your house and force yourself to add $10 every time you skip a workout. When the jar is full, donate the amount to a charity chosen by one of your friends or family members. Bring a friend! Research shows that having a workout buddy and support system helps you stay consistent and stick with a program. If you don’t have a friend or workout buddy, think about a group or class where you bond and feel encouraged by the other participants.
- Describe your preferred exercise routine and why it works.
I prefer HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts. Interval training in this format allows you to be the most efficient with your time. You can achieve a large amount of work in a short period of time. That’s one of the reasons we’ve seen so many people have success with Orangetheory. They are able to get their cardiovascular and strength-training needs knocked out in one hour (just 4 percent of their day). It’s like a multivitamin for fitness!
- What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?
One of the biggest factors of success is knowing why you’re starting. If you don’t have a clear purpose or a why behind what you’re doing, it will be very easy to skip workouts or settle back into old habits. When you’re passionate about something and believe in the reasoning behind it, it’s much easier to push yourself out of your comfort zones to accomplish the end goal. Focus on how you will feel once you tackle that goal. Once you know your why, use it to stay consistent.
Orangetheory Fitness
1675 W. Smith Valley Road, D5, Greenwood, IN 46142
(317) 247-0000
Pilsung ATA Martial Arts

- What advice would you give to someone who is new to fitness prior to them choosing an exercise regimen?
Look around, try different things and most of all, don’t go it alone. Take a friend; try group classes. If you really want to stick with your new routine, whatever it is, make sure you have an accountability partner, or six. It is easy to give up when no one else is watching and counting on you, but when that friend is waiting for you or that group is expecting you, well, that is harder to skip out on!
- What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?
Choose a plan that works for you. The key to any sustainable success is enjoying what you are doing. If you are a social person then make sure you are getting into a program with others; the group environment and support makes a huge difference.
- Describe your preferred exercise routine and why it works.
Personally, my routine has to be functional. Knowing the “why” behind I am doing a particular exercise motivates me. Knowing the “how” for each exercise and its impact on my day-to-day life is important to me. Having purpose provides motivation.
Pilsung ATA Martial Arts
1729 US 31 S., Greenwood, IN 46143
(317) 881-2762