We asked Southside students the following question: What would be the ultimate Mother’s Day gift for your mom and why (no cost limitations)? We found that readers would do anything for their moms, from buying a private jet (with pilot included) to fly around the world, purchasing a plane ticket to Hawaii, sending their mom on a Disney Cruise or help remodel their kitchen. Some chose the gift of spending time together or showing love and respect. Letters submitted were from students attending Greenwood Christian Academy, Isom Elementary and Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy. The Southside Times thanks all participants in this year’s essay contest and wishes all moms a Happy Mother’s Day.

Caleb Amador
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
I would buy my mom a private jet and pilot so we can go anywhere in the world with each other. I would buy her this because she deserves anything she wants and more. She deserves this because she has five children and she works hard to get food on the table, and I thsink she needs a little break. I would love to buy her this because she wants to go to other different countries to see all the landscapes and have fun eating new foods and trying new foods.
Madeline Arashiro
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
I love my mom, so this is the gift I would give her: the ultimate gift for my mom would be not having to work anymore. She always seems stressed out and is always working hard and she deserves a break. Occasionally she gets migraines and I bet they are caused from stress. My mom would also be happy to receive a spa with Starbucks coffee. I know that because my dad took her to Las Vegas for a fancy spa and she came back relaxed and cheerful. I love my mom so much and she deserves the best.
Aspen Baker
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
What I think the ultimate Mother’s Day present would be when they come home, they will have a warm bath ready with TV hooked up just outside the bath and a meal and beverage of their choice. This will more and likely take all stress and depression away because their minds will not be focused on the stress from where they had come home from. This surprise is recommended at night because after their meal, beverage and bath they will have a lot better sleep than usual and will be warm and relaxed for the next day.
Patrick Branch
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mother would be a Cricut that can cut through wood. Here are reasons why it is the ultimate gift: my mother uses her Cricut a lot, she really wants it and she could make tons of things with it. That is why it would be the ultimate Mother’s Day gift.
Elliot Causey
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
My mom is awesome. She is funny, kind and always takes care of me. The ultimate Mother’s Day gift for her would be a round trip to Hawaii. At the airport, her friends could surprise her, and they could go with her! Also when she got there, we would rent a huge beach house for her. I chose this gift for her because she loves to be in the sun, being in tropical places and loves spending time with her friends. That is why I chose this gift. Thanks, Mom for all you do for me!
John Cornpropst
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
My mom is the best mother ever and she definitely deserves the perfect Mother’s Day gift! So, in my personal opinion the ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be time with me, my dad and my dogs. I know this because she is always talking about how she needs nothing but faith, me, my dad and of course, our dogs! This is why I think that the ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom is family time. Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!
Luca Doyle
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be a month at the beach. This is because she loves to sit out in the sun and get a tan. She also loves seafood so she could go to all the nice restaurants. Another thing she likes to do at the beach is to play paddle ball in the sand. I know this would be a great present for Mother’s Day because she likes seafood, likes to get a tan and she loves playing paddle ball in the sand. That would definitely be the ultimate Mother’s Day gift to her.
Caleb Fish
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
All moms are great whether they get you everything you want, or they just get you what you need. Moms are great, they care for you, cook for you or they’re always there for you. Moms come in different sizes. It doesn’t matter if they are all great. Whether they are tough on you or not they all have a reason for that whether they are preparing you for the real world or they’re just soft on you they will go tough on you because in the real world you won’t get everything you want.

Evangeline Fleming
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
If I could get my mom an ultimate gift for Mother’s Day, it would definitely have to be special because she is one-of-a-kind. The gift I would get her is a whole lotta love and maybe a big Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup because my mom goes crazy for Reese’s. The reason I would give her a whole lotta love is because she does so much for me but also has time for me. That is what my gift would be to my mom.
Caleb Flint
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
Hi! So I am going to write about what the ultimate gift would be for Mother’s Day. So my mom loves to do all this: hiking, taking pictures, collecting rocks, travelling to southern states and she loves to cook for my family and friends. With that information, I would buy her a vacation to South Carolina that comes with five cameras including full setup with them, a beach view and woods a mile down so she could pick up rocks and go hiking. She would get the nicest kitchen in the state with all the appliances. I love Mommy!
Tredon Foster
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
You are the best mom in the world because you love playing with me, you do a lot of things for me and spend a lot of money on me without caring about the price. You love playing with me by playing four square and you play catch with me and I love it. You do a lot of things for me like getting me and my siblings donuts. How you spend a lot of money without caring is you bought a lot of chalk and a campfire and did not care. You decided to buy them and let us use them instantly.
Joshua Graves
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
I love my mom. If I had no limit to money for the ultimate gift to her, I would give her time with us. She is always talking about how much she wants for us to come hang out with her. She is an amazing mom and I really do wish I could get her anything.
Sehaj Grewal
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift I would give my mom is love. I chose love because she is always working and caring for us, so I want her to know that I love her. She does everything for us without complaining because she loves me. For example when I am hurt or sick, she will care and love for me no matter what she has to do. She also has to work, care for our family and much more. So after everything my mom does, she deserves all of my love.
Norah Herndon
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
Did you know that Mother’s Day started as an anti-war movement in 1914? My ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom, if there were no cost limits, would probably be a fuzzy blanket. It would be a blanket because my mom watches TV all the time and she is always cuddling up in blankets when she is watching TV. I would also get her a cool jacket because she is always cold when she is at home especially at dinner. So that is why I would get my mom a fuzzy blanket and warm jacket for Mother’s Day.
Annaleece Jackson
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
People go crazy shopping or the perfect Mother’s Day gift but I’m going to tell you the ultimate gift that would be perfect for my mom. The most perfect gift for my mom would be an outdoor oasis, with a pool, hot tub and a beautiful flower garden. Why would she want this? She wants this outdoor heaven because with this tragic time going on, she just wants an outdoor place to hang out and have some fun. If I had the money to make this wish come true I would. What can I say? I love my mom!
Bryce Jacobson
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
If I could get my mom anything for Mother’s Day, I would buy her a room on a Disney cruise ship. My mom loves to go to Disney, but we love Disney cruises even more. I think that my mom would love to have a room on a ship that we could go on whenever we wanted. This would be way too expensive for us to buy but if we could that is what I would get her. I believe that my mom would love this gift and would use it all the time. Happy Mother’s Day!
Scott Lawlis
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
I think my mom would like a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy! This would be the perfect Mother’s Day present because my mom loves puppies but doesn’t want to do the work to take care of it. We already have a 2-year-old Labrador Retriever. My mom loves her but does not like all the work involved and messes to clean up. As part of my present, I would volunteer to take care of the puppy, train it and clean up after it. She could just enjoy the fun parts about having a new puppy!
Elijah Nelson
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
I believe the ultimate gift for my mom would be a signed Notre Dame jersey. I know my mom loves Notre Dame; she also likes the Notre Dame football team beating other teams. I think she would enjoy a Jafar Armstrong jersey. She likes running backs a lot and Jafar is their starting running back. She likes them because they are fast. Also this jersey would have cost at least $100 but there is no price limit. This is why I believe a signed Jafar Armstrong jersey would be the best Mother’s Day gift for my mom.
Kate Reed
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The best gift for my mom on Mother’s Day would be a second puppy. She wants a Teacup Goldendoodle because she can hold that size of dog. I would get her a girl because she would name it Rona. A dog would be the perfect gift for my mom because she has been wanting one for a LONG time and if we got it for her on Mother’s Day, she would be so happy. My mom also wants a friend for our dog Poppy. Overall, I would definitely give my mom the dog she wants.
Finley Satre
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
If there was no cost for a Mother’s Day present, I would bring her to her favorite place on the planet: Disney World. We would get there by limo. When we would get there, there would be no people so we would not have to wait for rides. She likes Disney because she went there as a child and it gives her memories of when she was a child. Her favorite candy at Disney is a caramel apple with M&Ms on it. She loves Disney World because she likes the rides.

Owen Schlageter
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
My Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be her being able to walk. She has a disease called Friedreich’s Ataxia. It makes her not be able to walk and she wants to walk so bad but falls and gets hurt. I can give her pills to try to get better. She always wants to be able to go outside and do what we do but can’t and she wants to always clean the house and organize it but falls. It is very hard on her because if she steps on something she usually falls.
Josiah Sherwood
Grade 5
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be an in ground pool. My mom loves a nice place to lay back on an inner tube and relax. She also loves the sun and a pool is a good place to enjoy it while also staying cool. My mom loves to spend time with our whole family and since my siblings and I all love to swim, it would be guaranteed family time. This is why I think an in ground pool would be the ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom.
William Simons
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The best gift my mom could get on Mother’s Day would be another dog. She loves our family’s dog now, but she has to always take him on walks because he has so much energy. If I got another German Shorthaired Pointer, then she could just let them outside, and they could play together. If this happened my mom would have an extra 45 minutes in her day to relax and not be walking a dog in the terrible sun or freezing snow. That is the perfect gift for my mother.
Liam Spiegel
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The best ultimate gift for my mom would be an infinite $100 Lowe’s gift card. My mom likes to go to Lowe’s and she always buys things like cement for a walkway, she also likes to buy nice wood for us, and she builds something for us. She likes to buy new things because some of them get broken. Lowe’s always gives super nice cards that are free that can help you get 50-80 percent off. She loves us so much she takes time to make and build awesome stuff for us because she is the best mom ever!
Jillian Stinnett
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
If I was to do something for my mom for Mother’s Day, it would be remodeling our kitchen. My mom is the most caring person I know, she loves helping everyone around her and she inspires me to work hard. My mom loves to bake and cook; she is also great at decorating cakes and cookies. Her dream has always been to fix up our kitchen and make it nice and pretty. So if I was able to make her dream come true and remodel it, she could have more space to do what she loves and what inspires her.
Randy Stout
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The ultimate gift for my mom is me not bugging my brother. That would make my mom happy because she won’t have to yell at us.
Noah Vasquez
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The ultimate gift for my mom would be coffee mugs and craft supplies. My mom loves coffee and drinks it every morning. She loves coffee mugs that are Harry Potter, or Halloween themed. She also has a shop on Etsy and makes pop-up cards. She is constantly working and making cards, so she runs out of craft supplies very fast. If I got her this she wouldn’t have to go out to the store for a while and would have another coffee mug to drink from.
Viona Ward
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom is going to Florida during this time because we couldn’t go for spring break. My mom would love to go to the beach with my family. She would also want a picnic on the beach. She has been dreaming of a hammock on the beach. Since we couldn’t go to Florida for spring break my mom would love to go for Mother’s Day. We would go with my cousins and my family. We would have a giant picnic on the beach with my mom’s favorite food and hammock on the beach.
Reagan Willis
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
Mother’s Day is a big deal because it is a day that you can stop and appreciate our moms and give them your love. One thing that my family does is give my mom a present and our appreciation. She really enjoys it, but I think that the ultimate Mother’s Day gift would be a family vacation to Jamaica. I think that a family vacation would be amazing because my family’s last vacation was cancelled because of the coronavirus. My mom is ready to get out of the house so this would be awesome when the coronavirus craziness is over.
Addison Yeats
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
The gift my mom deserves is a vacation! Whenever we go on vacation, she always wants to do more! Her top vacations are Disney, Disney Cruise and a cruise. These places are where she is most happy. When we go to Disney for the week she is bursting with joy. She wants to ride every ride! But when it is time to leave and we start heading home she actually starts to cry. So if we could get out of quarantine in time for Mother’s Day, we could book a cruise or a trip to Disney! Super happy for my mom!
Jazlin Zweck
Grade 5
Greenwood Christian Academy
My mom is a supermom. I appreciate her because she is going back to college to make more money for us, she already works so much, and she is home enough to help us with our homework. So, I would get her fully stocked Starbucks in her kitchen. I know that she loves coffee and other weird adult stuff so she can have her own Starbucks! My mom actually suggested this so it better be good enough. I would very much get this for her if I could because I love my mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

Zachary Brackett
Grade 2
Isom Elementary School
The best gift is lots of flowers. I would pick nice roses and yellow dandelions. I think a picture framed of my whole family is wonderful too!
Silas Branson
Grade 2
Isom Elementary School
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be respect. I would give her all of the respect. My mom deserves respect from everyone.

Anthony Davis
Grade 2
Isom Elementary School
My ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be a beautiful and colorful bouquet of flowers. Not just only one flower or two flowers; my mom deserves a bunch of flowers, so many flowers that you have to use both of your arms to hold all of them. They would be beautiful red roses, lilies, petunias and others that smell good. My mommy is more beautiful than flowers and smells like when I catch fish and she does lots of stuff for me. The beautiful flowers that smell good would show her how much I love her. I love my mommy!
Jessica Davis
Parent of an Isom Elementary student
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift that I could give my mom would be peace and relaxation at the place of her choice. My mother, like most mothers, is the strongest person I know. She carries so much on her plate, and no matter how hard it is, she pushes through. This woman has taught me to be the mother I am today. She is my rock. She is an amazing grandmother to all her grandkids. A day of peace and relaxation to just reflect and clear her mind, would be the ultimate Mother’s Day gift for her. I love you, Mom and Happy Mother’s Day!
Savannah Hatton
Isom Elementary School
I love my mommy! I would give her a big, soft, stuffed teddy bear and a flower. My mommy does all the things for me. She taught me how to do lots of things and she buys me prizes. I want to buy prizes for her. She is the best mommy in the world. I love my mommy!

Sydney Lantz
Grade 2
Isom Elementary School
Mother’s Day is very important, especially for mothers. Here are a couple of things I think all moms should get as gifts on Mother’s Day because they are the best gifts. Number one: always give your mom a flower bouquet full of pretty flowers. I bet she would love that. Number two: Always give her hugs. I bet you love hugs and so does she, so give her hugs. That spreads positivity and cheer on Mother’s Day. Number three: Write her a note; that always spreads positivity and cheer on Mother’s Day.
Aliya Lowery
Grade 7
Isom Elementary School
My mom is one of a kind and she has a heart of gold. This would be the ultimate Mother’s Day gift for her: I would sneak downstairs, turn on the stove and the coffee machine and make some breakfast and coffee. As I was cooking, I decided to make a note for her too. I started to wrap things up and everyone came downstairs. I will ask my mom to read the notes first. “Dear Mom,” it reads. “We all really appreciate you and everything you do, we love you so much and I hope you have an amazing Mother’s Day.

Kameron Magers
Grade 2
Isom Elementary School
If I could give my mom anything for Mother’s Day, I would give her some money to buy something special for herself at the store and a little more to buy some coffee. I would give this to her because I want her to have a good time for Mother’s Day. She could pick out something special. She needs coffee and I want her to get something on this special day for moms. I love my mom. My mom loves me and coffee.

Kamira Rexroat
Grade 5
Isom Elementary School
A great gift for my mom would be a wooden heart with everyone’s names in my family. In the middle, it would say, “Together we are family.” My mom would like it because it will remind her that she will always have a part of us in her heart. She would treasure it for years. My mom would love any gift I make for her because I worked hard on it or saved up for it. My mother is kind, creative, loving and hard-working. She is the best mom in the world!

Landon Webb
Grade 1
Isom Elementary School
The best gift for my mom would be a day of fun things. My mom loves to go on walks with me outside when the sun is up high in the sky. We can go on a walk and then come home and bake cookies. My mom is good at baking. Then we can watch a movie together on Disney +. Being with my mom for a whole day of fun things would be the best gift. I love my mom very much.
Maduhi Chawngthu
Grade 8
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
An ultimate gift I would get my mom for Mother’s Day is a plane ticket to a faraway place. I would get her that because when you’re a mom, you have a lot of responsibilities. You don’t have time for yourself because you’re using that time to make others happy. Even when moms are sad, they somehow make the ones around them smile. I want to get my mom this ticket because she’ll be in a place where she doesn’t have to worry about anyone else. The whole family better tag along or else she’ll spend her whole time in paradise worrying about the dishes!
Sam Cung
Grade 3
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
I would give my mom a flower and gift card for Mother’s Day so that she could buy something that she wants. She would probably buy something for our garden, because she loves to grow things and make our lives beautiful.

Mung Sian Hau
Grade 8
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
I would give my mother the gift of “time.” Time spent with family, time spent with friends, time that is worth spending. Memories with family is something that you can’t buy. That is why it’s the most valuable thing in the world. My mother is a busy person. She often spends her time helping her family by cooking, cleaning and taking care of the baby. She would spend sleepless nights making sure that the baby is sleeping before she can even sleep. I think to myself, “She did that for me, too!” That is why I would give my mother “time.”
Khup Kim
Grade 4
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
I think the best gift for a mom would be a valuable diamond necklace. That is because mothers enjoy valuable things. My mom has an old gold watch her father gave her. I doesn’t work anymore but it’s valuable to my mom because it was a gift from her father who loved her. In the same way, I think my mom would enjoy anything I gave her as long as it was given with love because love is the most valuable gift of all.

Joseph Lal
Grade 5
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
I think the ultimate Mother’s Day gift is LOVE. When you are showing love you are showing that you care and because your mother cares, she took care of you since you were born. A Mother’s love truly can’t be explained in words. From cooking for you all day to tucking you in at night, that is a Mother’s love and it’s our job to love them back! A mother’s love is humongous and even though we can never pay them back for it we can try our best. Love you, Mom!
Isak Sanga
Grade 8
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
I think my mom would like three things for Mother’s Day. First, I think she would like some flowers. Second, I think she would enjoy a present from my dad because it’s been a long time since he had a surprise for her. Finally, I think she would enjoy some family time because we haven’t had any in so long and she always talks about having a little reunion.

Orlando Seal
Grade 5
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
If I had the money to buy anything my mom would like it would be a greenhouse filled with a plethora of beautiful, healthy flowers. The reason I think my mom would like that gift is because she loves flowers and nature. Another gift my mom would like is probably a rip to Burma forever. She’s been talking about going to Burma and I’ve been thinking about how fun it would be to go back. One last thing I bet she’d like is a fund to support nature and homeless people. Our family cares a lot about our surroundings and feel we should help. However, I think she already has the perfect gift – our family.
Terkwe Thaw
Grade 3
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
Dear Mother: I’m thankful that you are in my life and for everything that you have done. I’m trying to find you the best gift for Mother’s Day. I know you like aloe plants and the last one died so I’ve been saving money to buy you another one. I also want to give you sunflower seeds so we can plant and grow them together. You are my mother and my teacher. You listen and encourage me to draw close to God. You are very important in my life and you deserve the best!
Michael Tochhong
Grade 3
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
I think the best Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be an ice cream cake because she likes ice cream cake a lot! It’s the perfect time to celebrate because she’s becoming a nurse. Also she works so hard. She’s the only one in our house that is still going to work right now. She definitely deserves a break and a day to celebrate her!
Michelle Tochhong
Grade 4
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
For Mother’s Day, I think I would give my mother a celebration, because she’s becoming a nurse! We will have so much fun. And my mom will like it so much. I really like parties. And we can celebrate with balloons, cake and maybe inviting family members! It will be a happy, fun celebration. This will be a helpful thing for my mom. And we can also get ice cream that my mom likes. We can also invite my mom’s friends. And that is why I choose a celebration for my mom.
Deborah Toem
Grade 5
Indianapolis Southside Christian Academy
The ultimate Mother’s Day gift for my mom would be my love because I love her very much! She helps me through hard times. She always forgives me when I do something wrong. She always makes sure my siblings and I stay close to God. She makes sure I am healthy. When I get hurt, she makes me feel better. When I am sick, she’s always there for me. When I am sad, she cheers me up. She always makes my favorite food and lets me eat first. I know she loves me and that’s why I love her. She’s the best mom ever!