Ready for the Reserves? Brownsburg Police is looking for volunteer officers
By Lindsay Doty
The Brownsburg Police Department is looking for reserve officers to join the team.
Reserve officers are part of an all-volunteer group that helps with community events (think: parades and pre-pandemic big gatherings) and provide additional patrols in Brownsburg when needed.

The reserves wear a uniform just like regular police officers and respond to the same calls for service as full-time cops.
For recruitment, the team looks for men and women who are committed to their community. The team currently has five officers but would like to double its size.
“Without question, the most important quality is being willing to serve your community. This is an unpaid position, so it takes a unique person to commit to the ongoing training necessary as well as to regularly volunteer their time to keep our community safe,” said Cpl. Robert Van who has been a Brownsburg Police Reserve officer since 2011. “For me, I wanted to serve and somehow give back to the community of Brownsburg, and this seemed like the most interesting way to do it.
“No day is the same when working as a police officer, and it has given me the opportunity to not only be a first responder to help community members in a wide variety of situations but also be part of an incredibly professional, well-trained department,” Van said.
The initial application stage runs until Sept. 12. Applicants who meet the initial requirements will
be invited to an informational seminar on Sept. 16 at the Brownsburg Police Department
Training Facility. The meeting will outline the formal application process, training and
expectations of the position. Prior law enforcement experience is helpful but not required.
Those interested can go to the Brownsburg Police Department’s Facebook page and look for
the link to complete the pre-application or click here