Plainfield Town Council approves purchase of fire, police vehicles; designates economic revitalization area

Compiled by Nicole Davis

The Plainfield Town Council met Aug. 9 for a regular council meeting. Councilors and
town officials hosted a hybrid meeting in person and online. The council meets at 6 p.m. for a work session and 7 p.m. for a council meeting on the second and fourth Mondays each month, at 591 Moon Road. Agendas and meeting minutes can be found at The next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 23.

WHAT HAPPENED: The council approved a resolution designating an economic revitalization aea and qualifying certain property and improvements for tax abatement as it relates to Duke Realty Limited Partnership.

WHAT IT MEANS: The 10-year tax abatement deduction will be allowed with respect to redevelopment or rehabilitation occurring in this economic revitalization area relating to $10.192 million of redevelopment and improvements. This property is in AllPoints Midwest Business Park, Lot 10, and contains approximately 75 acres.

WHAT HAPPENED: The council approved the purchase and preorder of police and fire vehicles, funded by the 2022 budget.

WHAT IT MEANS: The town will purchase a 2021 Chevrolet Silverado for $32,269 as well as preorder vehicles for the police department through the 2022 police department vehicles replacement plan. It will also preorder a 2022 100-foot E-One Ladder Truck from Fire Service Inc. for no more than $1.2 million and preorder vehicles in accordance with the 2021-22 fire department replacement schedule.

WHAT HAPPENED: The council approved an ordinance on third and final reading to annex Hochreiter Property on the southwest corner of Hadley Road and South Center Street to become part of the town.

WHAT IT MEANS: This property containing approximately 67 acres will be annexed into Plainfield.

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