National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is entering its 48h anniversary this year of celebrating the value of a Catholic education. The CSW 2021-2024 theme is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” Local schools have had a challenge this past year due to the pandemic, however, that did not stop staff, faculty and students from planning and participating in events as normal, including an in-person graduation with safety protocols in place, donating toys and clothing to those in need and planting and weeding gardens to beautify their community. In addition to activities, Masses and assemblies during Catholic Schools Week, the fourth annual Many Gifts, One Nation: A Day of Giving to Catholic Schools will begin Tuesday, Feb. 2 at noon and continue through Wednesday, Feb. 3 at noon. For more information, go to
Letter from Archdiocese
Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week has been the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It always starts on the last Sunday in January and runs all week. In the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, the Office of Catholic Schools serves over 20,000 students in 68 schools across central and southern Indiana. In a typical year, our Catholic schools observe this week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. To learn more about the Catholic schools in your area, please visit or set up an appointment to tour a school near you!
Ours will be an archdiocese where every Catholic school community flourishes by having the professional and spiritual leadership it needs to advance the mission of the church and where every professional is supported, every family is engaged and every child, regardless of race, culture, socio-economic condition, or learning need, is nurtured in mind, body and spirit.
With open doors, open arms and open hearts, the Office of Catholic Schools supports the formation of young people through holistic, engaging and academically excellent programming that integrates faith, culture and life as modeled by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Open doors:
- We believe that Catholic schools serve as a vital ministry of the greater church.
- We believe that Catholic schools should be accessible and affordable.
- We believe that the viability and vitality of Catholic schools are the responsibility of all the faithful.
- We believe in shared leadership with pastors, school leaders and commissions/ boards under the direction of the archbishop and guidance of church teachings.
Open arms:
- We believe in fostering positive relationships that exemplify the love of God.
- We believe that Catholic school communities are enriched by the unique image and likeness of God that is present in each individual.
- We believe that formation best occurs within faith-filled cultures of learning that are inclusive.
- We believe that parents are the primary educators of each young person and that it is the responsibility of Catholic schools to support the domestic church.
Open hearts:
- We believe that Catholic schools are part of the evangelizing mission of the church, forming disciples through the intentional integration of faith, culture and life.
- We believe that “excellence” is defined by and achieved through the growth and holistic development – spiritual, intellectual/academic, social, emotional and physical – of the individual within the context of community.
- We believe that professional educators in Catholic schools are valued ministers of the faith who strive to live the universal call to holiness.
Mary McCoy
Interim Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Central Catholic School

Flores Ponce and Marcos “Daniel” Flores Funes attend After Care Kinder at Central Catholic School. (Submitted photos)
Letter from our Principal
When you visit Central Catholic, you immediately feel a vibrant sense of family and a welcoming spirit. In this year like no other, I have seen the community rally together in ways I would never have imagined: We have been committed to in-person learning, and our families, teachers and students have worked together to ensure everyone’s safety, mental health and pursuit of academic excellence.
I want to highlight the effort and persistence of our families to continue a beautiful tradition for celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe, with over 60 danzas performing all over the city on the weekend of Dec. 11-12. Even with the pandemic, our extracurricular programs are boasting record numbers of opportunities, students participating and CYO city honors.
In our fifth year as a Notre Dame ACE Academy, we continue our commitment of providing an excellent Catholic education to as many students as possible. We are blessed at Central Catholic to make this a reality through generous financial aid for our families, and strong academic and school support for our entire faculty and staff. We strive to live our core values of seek, persist, excel, love and serve, and we are rooted in the belief that we are all called to be saints. On behalf of Central Catholic, I extend an invitation for you to come and visit our school so you can experience the Central Catholic family, and see why we continue to be the “Star of the Southside.” Enrollment for new families begins on Feb. 1, 2021.
Ruth Hurrle
Why I appreciate a Catholic education
I love Central Catholic School. At school I have fun in all the classes. Every day I do phonics. As a school, we learn. I am learning how to write in cursive! The best part about my school is that all of us are kind. Central Catholic School is a great school.
Christopher Diaz-Garcia
My Catholic school means a lot to me! At my school, we wear cool baby blue shirts and dark blue sweatshirts. On Wednesday, we go to church! Wednesdays are so great because we get to talk to Jesus. At school, we have a lot of friends and family! At my school, we celebrate on holidays and have days like PJs or out of uniform days.
We have a lot of teachers that love all 250 of us! We try to be as safe as possible. When I first arrived at school, I felt like I was in a fairytale.
My favorite subject is religion! I love to learn more about God! I am so glad that we talk about Jesus in my school!
When it’s time for lunch. I get so excited and I love to play outside, and I love to play with my friends. When it’s time to go home, I get packed up and wait for prayer. When I am done praying, I get in line and say goodbye to my teacher. I love my school because it’s the best ever. I love my school! I never want to leave.
Iranel Urbina Velazquez
You have never seen anything more joyful than watching the kids playing at Central Catholic!
Most kids think that private schools are rich and elegant. Most kids want to go to a private school. Most families don’t know about the “Star of the Southside” (aka Central Catholic!) First off, Central Catholic School is not rich nor elegant, but that does not mean that happiness and joy can´t be found in the school. I have loved Central Catholic ever since I first came here.
One of the things that I love about CCS is all the types of sports that you can join. I, myself, am a basketball player, and what started my love for basketball is Central Catholic School. Another thing that I love about Central Catholic are all the activities here like Field Day, Fall Fun Day, the Christmas Dinner and Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration. My favorite is Field Day because, on the last day of school, the whole school would go out and play mini-games and in the afternoon, mini-water games. What a way to start the summer! What Central Catholic means to me is a school that understands and the students in CCS are a family.
Fatima Soberanes-Aguayo
Holy Name Catholic School

work on a STEM project together.
Letter from our Principal
“Do Small Things With Great Love” – that is our theme for the 2020-2021 school year. Each and every day the staff and students of Holy Name Catholic School strive to show Christ’s presence within our school. We are lucky enough to attend all-school Mass twice a week and Eucharistic Adoration each Thursday. We offer many opportunities for students to engage in prayer and deepen their relationship with Christ. Every day we recite our school pledge together, which truly drives all that we do at HNCS. “Using Christ as our model, we strive daily to enhance the growth of each person. In His way, we develop lifelong learners who are committed to knowing, loving and serving God.”
We have a phenomenal staff of truly dedicated teachers who love and support each student as if they were their own. We care deeply about the well-being and growth of each individual student, and will work with them to accommodate their individual needs. We have worked very diligently over the last year to enhance the rigor of our academics, and we have seen tremendous growth in our students’ ability to think critically and problem solve.
When you ask a member of our school family what they love most about Holy Name, you will almost always get the same answer – the small community and family feel. The comment has often been made that there is an immediate feeling of faith-filled love when you walk through our door. If you are looking for a school that will nurture your family’s faith and provide a rigorous curriculum in an atmosphere with a true sense of family, I have no doubt Holy Name is the right place for you. We would love to show you more about what it means to be a Holy Name Giant.
Please contact us to learn more!
Amy Wright
Christ is Alive
A time in my life when I felt very close to God was earlier this year. Church had been closed for two months because of COVID; it felt like forever. School was also closed, and many other events and activities that used to make up our daily lives were gone as well.
During this time spent at home, I realized how much I had to be thankful for. I read a book, The Secret of the Rosary, which illuminated the immense value of the rosary to me. My family prayed the rosary for the people who were sick from and affected by the virus. I knew that once life became a little more normal again, I would appreciate more things I used to take for granted. After weeks of watching Mass from a computer, how wonderful it would be to actually sit in a church again!
Finally, the time came when Holy Name was having Confession. It felt great to be able to receive this sacrament again. Even better, Holy Name had a Mass in the parking lot, the first time in a long time to receive the Eucharist.
A month passed. Mass was in the church again. Getting to be an altar server never felt so special. Wearing the garment, lighting the candles, ringing the bells at Consecration – amazing!
I have learned a lot from this past year: how God can bring good out of unfortunate things that happen. I feel that my faith has become stronger because we can’t control what all happens, but God can. I have also become a lot more grateful for the blessings God showers us with every day!
Clare Diez
Pope Francis said, “From my point of view, God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of divine light is within each of us.” I completely agree with this statement from our earthly leader of the church. Christ illuminates my life every day and helps me to grow deeper in my faith. One instance where I felt the presence of Christ was my first Communion.
This event was very important to me because it was the first time I received the body and blood of Christ. Jesus is very important to me and receiving Communion for the first time was a very special moment. I was able to receive what the Apostles had received so long ago at the Last Supper. This experience allowed me to feel closer to Christ and feel his illumination in my life.
It was also important because I had been preparing for it for months before the time. Preparing for my first communion helped me to understand my faith more, thus bringing me closer to Jesus. Learning about my faith really helped me to feel Jesus’ presence in my life. Knowing how close I had become with Jesus and my faith helped me to feel Christ’s light.
The experience of my first communion truly was a moment where I felt the illumination of Christ’s light. The participation in this sacrament was so special to me because receiving Communion was, and still is, a large part of my faith, and where I feel Christ’s presence the most.
Perpetua Morey
Nativity Catholic School

Catholic School.
Letter from our Principal
This school year has definitely not been the year that any of us were planning. With the global impact of COVID-19 and the recent unrest in our country, our lives have been filled with numerous challenges.
Nativity’s theme for the 2020-21 school year is, “Bloom Where You Are Planted.” Like a flower that grows through a crack in the concrete, sometimes we have to make the best of our situation and “bloom where we have been planted.” We see evidence every day that we are managing to address these challenges in our own ways and are moving forward in our daily routines and within our school community. We enjoyed in-person learning from the beginning of the school year until Thanksgiving when schools were directed to virtual instruction. Arriving back to in-person learning on January 4 was celebrated by all! I have never seen more dedication to our students and school as I have this year.
Throughout the first semester, Nativity students and staff made the conscious decision to accept the changes COVID-19 guidelines created in our daily school routines and to continue to look for opportunities to make connections, apply ourselves diligently to our studies, and try to be a positive force for each other each and every day.
Nativity Catholic School is celebrating the fifth year of our Leader in Me journey! The Leader in Me is a process that incorporates habits for success into all parts of our school day. Those habits help develop the whole person: mind, body, heart, and spirit. In addition, those habits recognize that there is greatness in every student and staff member at Nativity – keeping in mind that greatness is as simple as having strong faith, character, or unique talents. For every child, there are opportunities every day for using and nurturing those unique gifts and talents that make each one great. The Leader in Me, joined with our Sacred Catholic Faith, positively impacts all areas of our school. It’s not an “extra subject,” but a way of thinking that is woven into our already existing school day. You will hear our students saying things like “Let’s put first things first and do homework before we play!” or “Let’s not argue. How can we make this a win-win situation?” You will notice as you walk in the front doors of our school that things feel different, special, and accepting. And most importantly, our students grow into the Leaders that we always knew they would be! Indeed, it is truly our mission.
Successes include:
- Three Nativity 8th graders score in the top 10 (out of 282 students) taking the High School Placement Exam at Roncalli.
- Fourth Grader, Sariya Kitchen won first place in Sertoma Club’s “What Freedom Means to Me” essay contest.
- Nativity students served the surrounding community by collecting babe items for St. Elizabeth Coleman Pregnancy and Adoption Services, making and distributing cards to shut-ins and others who need of a pick-me up, and making and distributing worry stones to community members.
- Grade 3/4 football team ended the season undefeated and won the City Championship.
- During the first semester, Nativity students read over 52,462,411 words and took 3276 quizzes over the books they read. Ten students from grades 3-8 have each read over a million words. One of our “Millionaires” has read three million words! Ten students in grades K-2 have earned Junior Reader Leader status!
- Utilizing IXL online supplemental math program, Nativity students in grades 1 through 5 have answered 144,173 math problems, mastering 3,267 math skills. These students have spent 718 hours practicing math skills on IXL Math!
Terri Bianchini
What Nativity Means To Me
To me Nativity means belonging to a very special school. For many reasons, I am grateful that I attend Nativity Catholic School. A few things that make Nativity great are wonderful teachers, great friends and religion class.
To begin with, Nativity has amazing teachers that make learning fun. An example of this is we get to play educational games during class. Another thing that shows Nativity teachers are wonderful is that they are always willing to help students. If we have a question on something they can always help us figure out how to answer it. Also, teachers at Nativity are kind, nice, funny and sweet.
Another outstanding thing about Nativity is the friends you make. The friends at Nativity are very kind and helpful. If you need a helping hand they will always be by your side. If you are a new student coming to Nativity they will always give you a warm welcome. At Nativity, students synergize and work together to get stuff done and achieve goals.
Finally, another thing that I love about Nativity is that we get the opportunity to have religion class. In religion class, every Friday we do a session called Leader In Me. In Leader In Me, we learn about the 7 habits. The 7 habits make us grow stronger in God and create a leader inside of us. Also, every Thursday we go to church to learn the teachings of God, to bloom where we are planted and become a better person.
As you can see, Nativity means a great deal to me because of the great teachers, wonderful friends and having religion class. I hope you like my essay and it makes you want to join Nativity next year! I think you would love Nativity as much as I do.
Brooklyn Wethington
How Has Nativity Helped Me Bloom?
Attending Nativity has helped me bloom in many different ways. I have bloomed in my faith, friendships, academics, and my own personal growth. Nativity has taught me how to see God and let him help me in all my hardships. Through my school, I have been given opportunities like the youth rally, adoration, Mass every week, and serving at Mass. These have connected me to God in a way I would not have at any other school. I have gotten amazing friendships through this school that will hopefully last me a lifetime. I met all my best friends here and I am sad to leave them all when I graduate.
Through Nativity, I have learned so much. This school taught me everything from how to read to how to do algebra. I have learned my love for reading through this school and for four years I have read more than a million words each year, and I have been encouraged to do that through Nativity. Finally, Nativity has shown me how to grow as a person. I have been given amazing teachers, friends, and environments to help me learn how to be myself. I have had so much fun at this school through field trips, field days, catholic schools week, pep rallies, retreats, and so much more. Nativity has taught me how to bloom, so when I’m not here anymore I will still be able to grow.
Callie Elrod
What I Love About Nativity
Did you know that Nativity is a Catholic School devoted to Christ? I love Nativity for so many reasons, including the amazing teachers, our faith, and our access to technology. We also have a super cool name – the Nativity Titans.
One thing I love about Nativity is our faith. Our school does Leader In Me and not many schools do that which makes us unique. We go to Mass and we pray with each other. We also get to do prayer services with our class. There are so many amazing things we get to do to practice our faith!
The next thing I like about Nativity is the teachers. I like the teachers because they help you whenever you feel like you do not understand something. The teachers are hilarious and helpful. All of the teachers are very intelligent. The teachers are all amazing and so is the staff!
The final thing I love about Nativity is the technology. I like the technology because it is easy to access whenever and wherever you are. The computer has great connection and Wi-Fi that helps with glitching or freezing, so you can finish your work without any problems. The technology is very high tech so you have all the passwords right when you enter the app. I am very fortunate to have the amazing technology and the teacher that helps with it.
I love everything about Nativity but those are my favorite three. I chose those because they are the things I am thankful for the most. Even the smallest things at Nativity help me learn and experience a great education. They are so kind because they dedicate their time to help us learn. Nativity is a great school, with amazing teachers, technology, and faith.
Chuck Mockaitis
Nativity helped me bloom for exactly a few years ago and I’m incredibly grateful that Nativity helped me open my eyes and become a better person. The years I have been in Nativity I have met great people and they supported me. One reason I am truly here is the people that are here that made religion the best subject. Nativity taught me that you have to be great and follow God even if it could be hard. God was so helpful to me in life by helping me to be calm, nice, thankful, and careful.
Nativity was the hope that led me to a different view of the world. I see that my mission is to spread God’s word. I am so grateful that people like the teachers are very nice and friendly and taught me so well. God is the reason why we are like family towards each other and thankful. Nativity was so great towards me and I am happy to be here.
Jamel Jones
I love Nativity because there are many good things there. Nativity is a good school because of the teachers, friends that are there, and the faith that we share. Our school is helping us to grow emotionally, physically and spiritually.
One thing I love about Nativity is my teachers. They are always willing to help me. They are very supportive, and they push me to be better. They make learning fun by playing games and activities to help with different subjects. Finally my favorite thing is how they show kindness to everyone by showing compassion when we make mistakes or just a smile in the hallway.
Another reason I love Nativity is my community of friends. I have class with many of them, but some are in different grades. We have a lot of things in common like sports and other activities like creating comics. One of the best things is they make me laugh with their funny jokes. My friends check in on me to see if I’m doing okay. All these reasons make us best friends forever.
The final reason I love Nativity is we also get to have religion class. One thing we do in religion is it helps us grow physically and emotionally. I really enjoy leading mass on Thursday in front of school. Another thing we do is pray together which is very special about our school. Finally, we learn about the word of God and Jesus.
These are the reasons I love and enjoy Nativity. It is all these things that make Nativity special and somewhere everyone should attend our school.
Matthew Stevens
Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic School

participate in a retreat.
Letter from our Principal
For over 60 years, Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic School has been a vital part of the Southside. From its beginnings with the Sisters of Providence to being named a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U. S. Department of Education, our students continue to develop the tenets of faith, knowledge and service.
Students attend a weekly all-school Mass. The school fosters spiritual growth through preparation for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation. Daily prayer, religion classes, along with participation in the Mass, Sacraments and special liturgical celebrations provide an environment where students can live their faith every day.
We invite you and your family to experience the difference and begin the journey with Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic School by calling our school office to schedule an appointment to meet at your convenience. We hope to see you soon.
Kent Clady
Why I appreciate a Catholic education
Being able to go to a Catholic school has changed my life for the better. I went to a public school from kindergarten to fourth grade. My mom had been trying for years to get me into Our Lady of the Greenwood, but the timing was always off until my fifth-grade year. When I first came to OLG, I was really scared because I thought I wouldn’t make any friends, or I wouldn’t be liked. Oh boy, was I wrong. It was the complete opposite. A girl, who is now one of my best friends, had pulled me over on my first day to come hang out with the other girls. Within months these people all started to become my family.
Having a religion class was very different from what I was used to in public school, but I got used to it really quick and being able to learn about my faith has helped me grow as a person. Our Lady of the Greenwood is the best thing that has ever happened to me and my family. The only thing I would ever wish for is that I would have come to OLG earlier.
Brooke Loy
Going to a Catholic school my entire life has saved me from becoming what some of my friends from public schools are – that is, constantly getting in trouble. Some have been in ISS (in-school suspension) or getting detention every other day. That could have been me if my parents hadn’t chosen to send me to Catholic schools my entire life – we’ve moved around a lot, and everywhere we’ve lived my parents have chosen a Catholic school for my siblings and me. I’m not the best kid in the world, as my parents and teachers can tell you, but the Catholic school system has prevented me from becoming the kind of person that always makes bad choices.
I am not the best kid in the world, and I know that. I do get into trouble. Before I came to Our Lady of the Greenwood, I was in the principal’s office one or two times every semester, sometimes more than that. Since my time here at OLG I have only been to the principal’s office twice, and I have been here for three years. Some of my friends that go to public school have thrown things at teachers and gotten into fights with other kids in their class. I have never done any of those things because I go to a Catholic school. Not saying that public schools are bad, but that a Catholic school teaches you to be a better person. Overall, the Catholic school system has saved me and changed me – ultimately helping my future.
LaDarius Mathis
Moving to a Catholic school was a huge benefit for my family. Everything has changed in a good way since then. Before coming to OLG in the first grade, we weren’t in the best situation with my family dynamics. But the staff and students at OLG are all like a big family, and embraced me as part of their family. I even see everyone at school more than I see my own family! Our school principal, who I see every day at lunch, Mr. Clady, has been there for me and helped me through tough times, like how my parents don’t live together anymore, and just having the struggle to keep up with everything going on.
My friends and family are super important to me, especially everyone at school. I am super happy to know that I have people there for me, and that they will stick up for me no matter what. At OLG you realize all the possibilities you have to better yourself. Being here has changed my life for the better.
Every now and then giving up feels like the easiest thing to do, but I keep pushing myself to do better than before. My home life hasn’t always been as easy as I try to make it seem. It’s super difficult at home especially right now. But OLG helps give me the strength and support to keep being the best version of myself.
Ava Manning
Roncalli High School

Letter from our principal
Choose Excellence – Choose Roncalli!
The Roncalli High School Board of Directors and the school’s administration could not be prouder of our students and teachers for all the hard work they put forth and the perseverance they displayed in the first semester of this school year.
Many may already know what is meant by the terms, hybrid schedule and synchronous learning, but it is best to define them so that all reading this article are operating from the same perspective.
Hybrid Schedule – For Roncalli, hybrid schedule means that we have approximately half our students in person at school while the other half of students are at home. The groups rotate daily in terms of who learns in person at school and who learns from home.
Synchronous Learning – This term references teachers who are instructing live from their classrooms to both the students physically present in their classroom as well as to their students at home.
Excellence – The level of excellence in teaching and learning that unfolded daily at Roncalli through our synchronous learning model was UNMATCHED by any other high school in the state!
Here is a small sampling of some of the unique aspects of the synchronous teaching model observed during this recently completed semester.
- A teacher displaying their chalkboard, whiteboard, or overhead to the students at home so they could follow along with what students were seeing in class.
- Calling on students at home to answer questions or to work out a problem.
- Teachers putting students at home into breakout rooms to allow group work to occur virtually.
- Students creating and explaining graphs from home to the students in class.
- Classroom discussions in real time over literature, artwork, public policy, etc.
Here are some of the unsolicited comments shared with the school regarding synchronous learning this past semester:
Alum/sibling of a current student – I’ve recently been talking with my brother who has really been enjoying your classes. I never expected anything less, of course, but I’m very grateful that my brother is getting so much out of the class because of the extra care you’ve put into teaching during these unusual times.
Current parent – We have been so incredibly impressed with the consistent support and guidance that ALL at RHS have provided to the students and parents. Your diligent planning, compassion and overall hard work has offered so much stability as we navigate all the twists and turns.
Current parent – My job has me working with school systems across the country on delivering instruction during this pandemic. I have worked with high schools across the country. I assure you that no one in the country has provided instruction as well as the teachers have at Roncalli!
¨Choose Excellence – Choose Roncalli” is a core belief that we feel is owed to our students and parents and one we pursue with a relentless passion not only in normal times but also while in the throes of a worldwide pandemic!
Thank you to our teachers and students for the tireless efforts and hard work! I believe a grade of A+ is merited!
Charles Weisenbach
I have attended a Catholic school my entire life, starting at Our Lady of the Greenwood. Going to a Catholic school has really given me opportunities to grow in my faith and with others. As unusual as this may sound, Roncalli is a family, where everyone is cared for and loved. High school is hard to navigate for any teenager, but I am glad I am doing it here. At Roncalli there is an understanding that as long as you have Christ in your life, you will not fail. No matter the subject, all of my teachers have come back to this message. Teachers have such a huge impact on students’ lives and their faith journey. In a way, they teach us more than the curriculum requires. They teach us to “see the face of Christ in others”.
Zander Hooten
I think I can speak for most, if not all, when I say Roncalli students appreciate the mere opportunity to learn more about what being a Catholic truly means. In today’s world, so often we can be engrossed in evil and disregard how God is working around us. More specifically within Roncalli, we all get to achieve this goal, achieve eternal life with God, together. I am so thankful that I am surrounded by people all chasing the same goals. Especially for me personally, when my faith begins to falter, it tends to be the Roncalli community that picks me back up again. Roncalli is a place where faith will always be at the center, but even beyond that it is a place where I myself can witness God working all around me.
Grace Cassiero
I have been able to attend Catholic school from elementary through high school, and I can say that it is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Every day I get to walk into a school where I know that I will be pushed to my fullest potential, form close relationships with my peers and teachers and dive into the Catholic faith through theology classes. Catholic schools are not just a place where I learn to live out my faith, but I also get to walk alongside people who are on the same journey toward sainthood that I am. That’s what makes the school feel like a family. We pray for each other, celebrate mass together and share in the same love of our community every day. I am so appreciative of my Catholic education and the relationship with God it has helped me form.
Emma Morgan
St. Barnabas Catholic School

Catholic School.
Letter from our Principal
St. Barnabas Catholic School has been committed to total stewardship since its beginning in 1965 and, as a ministry of the parish, our tuition-free school is supported through the time, talent and treasure of the parish families. Through our Catholic faith, our mission of helping children to “GROW IN MIND, HEART, AND SPIRIT TO BECOME LEADERS IN THE WORLD” flows from this commitment and guides what we do each day.
During the 2020-2021 academic year St. Barnabas Catholic School is excited to be serving over 525 students in preschool through eighth grade. Served by the administration and faculty of 36 and a staff of 15, St. Barnabas enriches the lives of its students through hospitality, prayer, formation and service. Our mission to grow servant leaders from the inside out while maximizing the potential in every child continues to drive us. Our students learn to have a growth mindset by setting goals, tracking their progress and celebrating their achievements both inside and outside the classroom.
At St. Barnabas Catholic School, we celebrate the vital role that we play in preparing our children and young people to become successful scholars, responsible citizens, and faith-filled Catholics who will have a lifelong relationship with God. We are very proud of our programs and the opportunities we offer to our children and their families as they begin their educational journey in this loving, Catholic community. We pride ourselves on offering comprehensive programs in school and after school for children ranging from preschool through eighth grade.
St. Barnabas’ excellence in education is a result of its solid commitment to exemplary teaching and cooperative partnership with our parish families. Students understand the importance of being prepared for the next level and work diligently to achieve success. Involvement in service to others is integral in their development daily, with our Catholic faith as the foundation for all actions. Students are supported by families and teachers, are challenged to become good stewards of their intellectual gifts and to share their worldly talents and treasures with the school, the community and the world.
Through school-wide serve projects, the students are learning the lessons of reaching out to others. Through their efforts in an academically rigorous program, they are being prepared for the future, one grade at a time. Through strong curriculum awareness, progressive instructional practices and the spirit of a shared mission, our students are nurtured and challenged. As a result they exhibit outstanding success academically and spiritually year after year. St. Barnabas Catholic School is truly a school of excellence.
Ryan Schnarr
Why I Love My Catholic School
I am so fortunate to attend St. Barnabas Catholic School. I could not have asked for a more loving school where you learn so much, and everyone cares about you. At St. Barnabas we have so many God-loving parishioners, kind teachers and amazing charities and fundraisers. Not only that, but here everyone feels like family, and each school Mass is better than the last.
I am a sixth-grader at St. Barnabas, and this is my eighth year attending this one-of-a-kind school. At St. Barnabas we are so fortunate to have such loving parishioners and holy people. Our very own Deacon Jerry, Fr. Mahan and Fr. Eustace are so rooted in their faith and in God’s love. They always have a smile on their face and a place for you in their prayers. Not to mention our St. Barnabas Church parishioners and their never-ending help to make sure St. Barnabas has everything a school could ask for, from new Interactive Boards to Chromebooks and every classroom supply. Our parishioners, priests and deacon are everything and more.
Also, St. Barnabas is 100 percent family-friendly. There is always someone there greeting you when you walk in the building and someone to wave goodbye when you leave. Since we are a relatively small school you get to know everyone quickly and you easily see that everyone truly cares about one another.
Our fun-loving teachers are also second to none. They have fun classroom activities for us to learn and have fun at the same time. St. Barnabas also has many annual charity events like the walkathon, canned food drive and St. Nick Stockings. We also hold many exciting fundraisers such as the Dinner for Warriors event that I enjoy helping set up every year. These events help build up character and love in many kids.
We also are so very fortunate to attend Masses at St. Barnabas every week where Fr. Mahan and Fr. Eustace teaches us more about our faith alongside Deacon Jerry. Even though we can’t celebrate Mass as a whole school due to the Covid-19 virus, we are still able to go to Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist.
St. Barnabas has made me kinder, more devoted to God and a more intelligent student. I am so thankful for everyone in my St. Barnabas community. They have made me a much better person. At St. Barnabas, not only have I grown in knowledge, but I have also grown in faith and character.
I hope you will consider sending your kids to St. Barnabas or sharing this wonderful opportunity with those around you. God bless.
Reagan O’Toole
Why I Love St. Barnabas
I love going to school at St. Barnabas because it’s a Catholic school. I can go to church and learn more about God. There are also specials like gym, Spanish, computer, art and music. We have good lunches to choose from like chicken nuggets, pasta, hot lunch, sandwich bar and salad bar. St. Barnabas has an awesome playground and Gaga Pit. St. Barnabas also has activities like Robotics, basketball, volleyball and many more. There is after care if your parents are busy at pickup time. I like the nice teachers and principal. At St. Barnabas we get to make sacraments and go to church. I like being able to learn about God at school. That is why I love St. Barnabas.
Anna McCoy
I Love My Catholic School
I love my Catholic school because I met all my friends here. I love church. I can’t wait to do robotics. I also like it because of STEM. I like it because we get to learn about Jesus. That’s why I love St. Barnabas.
Andrew Funke
I like to go to a Catholic school. I like to go to church and pray to Jesus. I like to read about Jesus in our religion book. We have nice teachers. We see our friends all the time in school. We get to see Jesus and God in our hearts. I like my teachers. I like Catholic schools.
Emmy Stephenson
St. Jude Catholic School

Letter from our Principal
The 2020-2021 school year has really put our entire community to the test. All the challenges of COVID had everyone apprehensive about what the year would bring. However, we can proudly say that here at St. Jude we have managed to work through these challenges together. Although our school has much to offer students from preschool through eighth grade in terms of academics, technology and creative experiences, we pride ourselves the most on our faith and service. Our theme this year is “Speak Lord, I’m Listening.” Students find time throughout each day to practice breathing techniques and prayer to listen to how God calls them. Despite the emphasis on physical distance for our safety this year, our students and staff have found ways to stay connected. Service activities such as collecting food for our Halloween food drive, delivering care packages to our e-learning students, cleaning up outdoor spaces and even creating colorful placemats for local nursing homes. We are so proud of our St. Jude community and the work we do to help students be the best they can be. If you are interested in enrolling your child to be a part of St. Jude School, please contact the office at (317) 784-6828 or visit the website at
Mrs. Beth Meece
Why I appreciate a Catholic education
Attending St. Jude benefits my heart, mind and spirit. First of all, St. Jude prepares me for my future. I receive a top-notch education while having many opportunities to learn new things and meet new people, expanding my horizons and my social group. Going to a Catholic school means I can practice my faith with others, and St. Jude has allowed me to meet amazing people – true friends that have stuck by me through thick and thin. Lastly, the teachers actually care about you. Not only do they make sure I get a great education, they also are there when you need someone to talk to. Overall, St. Jude has provided me with priceless opportunities, friends and teachers.
Maggie Murphy
In my opinion, I am a very blessed girl! I am blessed that I have the opportunity to go to a Catholic school. St. Jude Catholic School has provided me with an outstanding education; it has also given me the chance to deepen and strengthen my faith. Being able to openly talk about my faith and praise the Lord at school is something very special to me. Working with my teachers, going to Mass every week and forming strong relationships within my faith community allows me to learn and grow in a safe and healthy environment. Attending a Catholic school, especially St. Jude, is a privilege and a blessing. I am so happy I get to be in such a special place every day!
Maddie Buechler
Catholic schools are special because there is a strong sense of community within the school. Teachers and students rely on each other to make the school day go soundly. We are connected through our faith, how we try to live by the Ten Commandments, and attending Mass weekly. Saint Jude is a place where adults and children come together for one goal of serving God. While we are serving God, we also form bonds as a class and a school during various events. We have sports, clubs, the play, Raider’s Day and Catholic Schools Week to express ourselves in the hobbies and activities we like to do. To me, St. Jude is a community where we can learn, express, and grow in our spiritual life and as people.
Jack Hovanec
Attending St. Jude has many unique benefits making it an enjoyable experience as well as a good learning environment every day. To begin with, going to St. Jude gets you in the habit of prayer at the beginning of the day, before and after lunch and at the end of the day. Students are exposed to their faith throughout the day, including going to Mass weekly. Not only can students grow in their knowledge, but we can also grow in our faith. St. Jude has amazing teachers that show up every morning with smiles on their faces, ready to help students learn and improve their studies. All in all, St. Jude is a special place where you gain knowledge and grow in your faith, all with the help of positive-minded teachers ready to guide and support students through the years.
Johnny Jaffe
Catholic schools are special to me for many reasons. First, we have religion class every day. In religion class we are able to be open with one another and share our thoughts freely. We also get to go to Mass with our classmates on a weekly basis. Going to Mass is an important part of my life because I have grown up going every weekend with my family. I am at peace when I am at church, and I feel lucky to be able to go every Wednesday at school. All Catholic schools are amazing, but St. Jude is an especially great environment. The faculty and staff help us and encourage us. My favorite part, though, is how the St. Jude community feels like an extended family to me. We not only see one another at school, we also see each other at church and extracurricular activities. The community cares for one another and supports each other. We come together to celebrate the good times and, even more importantly, to stand by each other through the hard times. I am blessed to go to a Catholic school!
Sophie Schneider
I have the opportunity of a lifetime to go to a Catholic school. Catholic schools are special because they are places where kids my age love God as much as I do. Catholic schools gather together in faith despite rivalries in sports, clubs, etc. St. Jude is a very special place to me; everyone is so supportive and loving, especially the teachers! Every teacher you meet here will have a smile on their face ready to help you in any way. St. Jude has many schoolwide projects and fun things to do including Christmas week, Catholic Schools week, Feast days, Raider Day, and so much more. I am proud to attend a Catholic school and be a St. Jude Raider.
Madelyn Kitchens
St. Mark Catholic School

Letter from our Principal
At St. Mark Catholic School, we have been affected by the pandemic like all other schools. We are using social distancing, wearing masks at all times, using proper hand hygiene and taking students’ and staff temperatures daily. Other safety and preventative measures have also been used. But the one thing we did not count on happening was how these trying times have brought our students and staff closer as a group and stronger in our faith in God.
While we have to do things much differently this year, we still put our faith growth as the most important thing we do each day. Our teachers have become more creative with their lessons, using new tools to teach students and prepare them for the next level of academics. But one thing that has not changed is our Catholic faith and how we live the faith each day here at St. Mark Catholic School.
We attend Mass each week. We pray the rosary. We attend Eucharistic Adoration. We do many of these virtually over a live stream, but the outcome is still the same. We are sharing and growing in our faith with each other. St. Mark Catholic School has been on the corner of Edgewood Avenue and US 31 for over 73 years. We have been one of the fastest-growing, most diverse Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis for the last 10 years. Our students learn about academic subjects and learn about the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Parents, you have choices for your child’s education. Please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to talk with you and let you decide if St. Mark Catholic School is the best fit for your child’s Christ-centered education. Strong academics. Stronger in faith. Diverse school setting. Safe and loving environment! Come join us in faith!
If you would like more information about St. Mark Catholic School, please visit our website at or call the school office at (317) 786-4013 and Mrs. Leszcynski can get you more information! Have a great Catholic Schools Week!
Rusty Albertson
Why I love St. Mark
Hi, I’m Patrick and I’m 10 years old. I’ve been in St. Mark for about four years, and the experiences of this school are awesome. They have all kinds of cool things, and I’d recommend this school for your children. To start off, St. Mark has great hard-working teachers. All of the teachers make teaching fun no matter what and these teachers are highly educated. Teachers here are great hard workers every day. We can learn something new every day and they put so much effort into doing their daily plans.
St. Mark has some fun and great events like the pep rally, and also the canned food drive and the events go far beyond. St. Mark teachers have a stern way of getting you educated so you can keep on going on your trail. Also, St. Mark has some CYO sports such as girls and boys volleyball and boys basketball and way more things. St. Mark’s staff and teachers are very kind and one day in the week Mr. Albertson, our principal, will walk in and ask us what we’re working on or if we’re doing OK. Also, I want to talk about the fact that these staff and teachers expect high expectations no matter what we’re doing.
The next thing I want to talk about is our faith, which is St. Mark’s No. 1 priority. We have a huge faith in this Catholic school. Each Friday we go to an all school Mass and we listen to our priest’s words. In this school we also treat each other like we’re a big family and no one can be left out. That’s what I really like about this school. No matter who you are, we accept people.
This is why I like St. Mark’s; the kids and staff are great, and they really care about us. Each and all of us care for each other. Also, each and every day when you step into the school it’s a great feeling. So, whenever you’re looking for a school this would be best. For me, this would be about the best school I have ever attended.
Patrick Taknan
Do you need a school that teaches pre-kindergarten through eighth grade? St. Mark Catholic School is a great choice! Here at St. Mark, we have wonderful educators, the St. Mark Fun Fest, a vast range of new things to learn, the Scholastic Book Fair, flavorsome lunches, we raise money to help others and you can even receive Reconciliation during school! At St. Mark, you’ll go to church on Wednesdays and Fridays, go on field trips throughout the year and even have Field Day at the end of the year! At St. Mark Catholic School, you will grow in your faith most of all!
At St. Mark, we have sports with coaches that are up to the mark, teams for a vast range of sports such as football, basketball, volleyball and even kickball! There are many practices throughout the sport seasons. The sports are vastly amusing and cooperative. You have two chances per school year to sign up for these sports. So, if you can’t sign up the first time, you can always sign up later. That is why the St. Mark sport teams are awe-inspiring!
Here at St. Mark Catholic School, safety is one of the biggest priorities. All students and staff must wear a nose and mouth covering. With COVID-19, we have many hand sanitizing machines around the school and church. Water fountains also can only be used for refilling water bottles to reduce the spread of COVID-19. In the early morning before school commences, every student’s temperature is taken. If the student has a fever, they will be sent back home. If a student or staff gets tested positive for COVID-19, they will be kept home for 14 days or until no longer ill. That is how we stay safe here at St. Mark Catholic School.
That is why we love it here at St. Mark Catholic School! Every day we are growing closer to God, praying, learning, staying safe and growing in our faith, most of all! If your child wants to come here and grow in knowledge in topics like mathematics, language arts and even theology with us as a Saint Mark Lion, we all cannot wait to see them! We accept enrollments at the commencement of the school year, and even mid-year! We hope to see your kid(s) here at St. Mark!
Davy Craig
My name is Bella, and this essay is about how much I love and appreciate St. Mark Catholic School. The teachers, the students and the staff are all extraordinary. My favorite subjects are science, reading, religion and math. I’ve been here since pre-K and I have always been amazed by this school and everyone working together, having fun and laughing. I’m 10 years old and in 5th grade, so I’ve attended this school for more than half my life. So, sit down and enjoy.
The teachers at St. Mark are tremendous, funny, cool, friendly and all around amazing. These teachers are not boring a bit; they make learning fun. Every teacher I’ve had at this school has made me better and smarter. They’ve shaped me into a really hard-working kid. Whenever I leave this school, the people I’ll miss most are the teachers. My mom’s a teacher so I get to learn even more at home, and I know she loves her students and is happy to assist them when they need it just like every other teacher at St. Mark.
Another thing I love about St. Mark are the fun events we do here. Pep rallies are my all-time favorite. The best in my opinion is the eighth grade vs teacher volleyball game. We all go to the gym and watch an epic volleyball game between the eighth-graders and the teachers. Another thing we do here is the canned food drive. This year my fifth-grade class raised a lot of money to help those in need in our community.
Faith is the thing I love most about this school. Since I’m in fifth grade, usually my class would get to go to Mass on Wednesday and Friday. Due to the conditions this year, we live stream instead, though we still get to go Wednesday every other week. A new thing that is available this year for me is altar serving. I can’t wait for my first Mass that I’m serving in.
Now you know why this school is so dear to me. My two siblings also attend St. Mark, and I feel they love this school as much as I do. Every single person I’ve met here has been kind, sweet and always ready to learn. I absolutely love this school and wouldn’t want to go anywhere else. St. Mark is a wonderful choice in which to send your child. I know everyone would be welcoming and friendly. Now you can understand why I love St. Mark.
Annabella English
When picking a school for your kid(s), St. Mark is absolutely the best choice. Going to St. Mark will help your kid(s) grow in their faith and have fun! At St. Mark we have an outstanding staff that is super welcoming to everyone. The students are really welcoming, too. So, if you’re looking for the perfect school for your kid(s), St. Mark is the one for you!
St. Mark is a very Catholic school. We have Mass twice a week. In each class, students participate in the Mass, for example, by reading parts like the petitions or the gospel. Also, if the students are in grade 5 – 8 they could participate in Mass by serving. If you’re already baptized and you’re in grades 2 – 8 you could receive the Sacrament of Communion.
Another wonderful thing that St. Mark has is the teachers! The teachers try to do their very best to help their students to grow in their faith and also learn basic subjects in school. When a student from St. Mark needs help from one of our fantastic teachers, the teacher makes sure he/she helps the student fully understand that part. Our teachers are very nice, too, so when you need help it’s not very hard nor uncomfortable to ask for help. All the teachers make sure to include all the students so that they’re not left out.
Another exquisite thing about St. Mark that I love and I’m sure you’ll love too are the entertaining stuff that we have. Even though lots of other schools have some of the same events that we have, ours are different because ours are more fun! We have book fairs, Catholic Schools Week and my favorite, Field Day! We also have CYO sports, our own spirit wear and much more exciting stuff. If you’re attentive, then schoolwork shouldn’t be that hard.
Overall, St. Mark is an extraordinary school. And I think that St. Mark is the best school ever! I’m sure your kid(s) will learn a lot while having fun if you send them to the best and most sensational school! I’m also sure that you won’t regret sending your kid(s) to St. Mark. Going to St. Mark will help your kid(s) learn a lot, become more faithful and have fun, too!
Dim Mawi
St. Roch Catholic School

Letter from our Principal
Every day that I get to spend at St. Roch Catholic School is a day that I feel blessed. I am so proud to be the principal of such a wonderful institution. It is very easy to write about why I am proud to be the principal. I could go on and on, but instead, I will give you my top five:
- Our great students make me proud each day. They are the heartbeat of our school. Our building is alive with love and laughter. They work hard and are kind to each other. I am proud of all of our students.
- We are blessed with supportive parents. Our parents sacrifice each day to send their children to our school, and we appreciate them very much. They show their support through their kind words, volunteering for the various programs we need help with and helping our students grow in faith and love by their example.
- The teachers and support staff are out of this world. They come early and stay late. Learning at St. Roch Catholic School is fun and engaging because our teachers put so much time and energy into their lessons. Most importantly, our staff love our students, and that means more than the curriculum they teach them every day. Our teachers and support staff work hard every day to make our students feel loved and appreciated so that they can learn and grow.
- We put our faith first in all that we do. Our school theme is “They Will Know We Are Rockets By Our LOVE.” Each day the students and staff live this theme. Our faith in God is what drives our decisions. It is such a proud feeling to be able to work in a place that allows you to share your faith freely, and out of love for God and others.
- We are blessed with an overwhelming amount of support from our parish and our community. They are very generous, and we always feel their love and support whether it be monetary or through service and prayer.
Although this year has provided many new challenges, we have met those challenges head on, and we continue to grow and improve each day. Our students are the heartbeat of our school, and every day is a blessing. It is my privilege to walk beside them and guide them each day.
As we continue to celebrate our school, we will continue to follow our school theme: They Will Know We Are Rockets By Our LOVE.
Amy Wilson
St. Roch Catholic School is special because. …
- the teachers are awesome, and they love to help us learn through fun games. – Eli A.
- of my friends and teachers. – Jack A.
- of all of the amazing teachers and support staff and how they help us every day. I am thankful for the people who teach us to the people who make our lunches. I am so thankful for Mr. Rush and Mrs. Wilson, and all they do for the whole school. – Kale A.
- we get to go to Mass. – Eli B.
- it’s a place that I can just be myself and have fun. – Nic B.
- the teachers are very supportive, and strive to make me a better person. – Hayden B.
- of all of the kind students. – Lexy B.
- the amount of love the staff shows for the children is so wonderful … I never feel uneasy dropping my little one off … I know she is always going to be loved and looked after as if she where their own! – Bridget B.
- the teachers and staff are amazing to every single student here. – Anna C.
- it feels like home and the teachers are amazing! The building is your home away from home. –Antonio C.
- I love how involved Mrs. Wilson is. – James C.
- the teachers feel like family to us and they care for us to try to keep us safe. The most important reason is because we get to go to Mass and learn about God! We get closer to Him every day. Mrs. Wilson is the best principal ever; she teaches with love and kindness. She works so hard and we appreciate her so much! Mrs. Wilson also makes fun things for us to do like Catholic Schools Week, Mayfest ,the eighth-grade play and many more! I’m so thankful to be at a school with teachers you love and make it feel like home. – Addie D.
- of the love you feel when you step out of your car. I love all of our teachers and support staff. If you are having a “not so good day” the teachers really fill you with joy. I am so very thankful that my parents sent me to a Catholic school and exactly this one. Even though we don’t have an all school Mass now I’m still glad that we get to go once a week. – Nora G.
- we get to learn about God and the staff is amazing. – Vivie H.
- we are a family and how we all support and love each other. – Maggie H.
- our teachers and support staff and Father Hunter work hard to keep our building as safe as possible. They make it feel like a home. – Alex J.
- of the passionate teachers and the growing and learning students. – Ava K.
- everyone here treats you like family. The environment I’m in is full of LOVE. – Isaiah L.
- St Roch has given me the best memories of my life. The most fun I have had has been at St Roch. – Sydney B.
- I’ve been to three schools with this one being the third. This school genuinely seems to care about the students and their teaching compared to other schools where it just felt so artificial. – Cameron O.
Saints Francis & Clare

Rodgers show off the rosaries they made in
Mrs. Bender’s fourth-grade class at Saints
Francis & Clare.
Letter from our Principal
This time of change and challenge has been a testimony to the commitment of educators, students and parents in our Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi School Ministry. It has proven that our small community at SSFC is close, resilient and everyone is willing to contribute in order to keep us safe and healthy. As a school “family” we have really come together to help one another to be safe, healthy, happy and faith-filled during our journey through the 2020 – 2021 school year.
Our students are especially resilient. When they returned in the fall, they have worked diligently with the support of the teachers to continue growing and close any learning gaps. All our students are working toward growth goals in their learning and in their faith. We are proud of our students for their efforts, flexibility and determination.
In the spring, when we were challenged to learn remotely, our teachers adapted to become a stronger team of educators. This year they are able to teach to those who attend in person each day and those who attend online. We will celebrate our teachers during Catholic Schools Week for their efforts to work as “superheroes” on behalf of the children in their charge.
We are proud of our policy for smaller class sizes; it has benefitted our safety protocols. Our classroom cap has been set at 25. We have managed to divide our largest group of students into two smaller groups to help with social distancing. Our small class sizes and remote learning rigor have attracted several new students to our doors. We continue to persevere to keep most students in our building and allow those families the opportunity to join us each day as remote learners if needed. We will also celebrate our students during Catholic Schools Week at the end of this month.
Another positive aspect of our campus is that we have an early childhood ministry for children from infancy through preschool years. The majority of our families find that once they become a part of the Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi community, they want to continue enrollment in the grade school because of the close community relationships they have built.
We are currently accepting enrollment from six weeks – eighth grade for our 2021-2022 school year. The link for new families can be accessed on Feb. 15 by going to our website at and filling out the enrollment application. If you are interested in touring our school, we schedule tours for new families; please call our office at (317) 215-2826 and set up a time. We welcome families to come check out our early childhood ministry and school if you are looking for a place to call home!
Mrs. Betty Popp
Why I appreciate a Catholic education
With a private school being part of my life from the start, it has been an adventure for the ages. My Catholic school has built me from the ground up. Character, courage, morality, integrity, grit and forgiveness are some of the most notable traits that SSFC has enforced and secured from my time here. With these life skills with me forever, I can really make a life out of what I have; and my private school has started it all. Some of the perks of being at a private school is the size. When you’re at a small school, all the teachers know you very well and are always down to earth. That, and many other great teaching skills, can make for a superb educational experience. With that experience, I can stay on top of learning skills, which will help me throughout high school and for life to come.
Aiden Hill
8TH Grade
I like many things about my Catholic school. One of those things is the eighth-grade play. It’s fun to rehearse lines, practice the choreography and to have something to look forward to. Another thing I enjoy about my Catholic school is my classmates. Almost all of them are incredibility nice and fun to be around. The final main reason why I love this Catholic School is my teachers. They are all incredibly nice and helpful. They always answer my questions, and I can’t thank them enough for that.
Christian Dollens
I’ve always really liked my Catholic school because it has always helped me grow in my faith and helped me get closer to God. For nearly eight years, I’ve gone to church or religion class every day. My religion teachers have always made my religion class fun and helped me understand it. When I was in second grade, I was taught the importance of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. I still remember and apply those lessons today. Now, in eighth grade, I’m learning about the Holy Spirit, and its effects on our lives. Throughout my education, I’ve grown closer to God, and closer to my best self; the person God wants me to be.
Scarlett Shell
For my whole life I’ve been attending a Catholic school, and I have loved it. I love my school because they teach me so many important lessons that can get me ready for my adulthood. My school has taught me academically and spiritually in my Catholic life.
Ruby Wilkerson
When my principal asked me what I liked most about Catholic schools, Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi (SSFC) in particular, I knew exactly what I was going to say. To start off, SSFC provides the best information about how to live and learn faith that no other school would benefit from. We have FIA days which are all about putting our “Faith Into Action.” For example, the SSFC food drive. This is where we as a school bring canned food in to give to our SSFC food pantry! This is only the beginning!
I am currently an eighth grader at SSFC. I have been at SSFC since kindergarten and have been there ever since. I really love the faith curricula that I get daily and so does my little sister, Evelyn Lewis. She has been at SSFC for eight years. She went to preschool for two years and got the same faith class daily from preschool through the fifth grade!
While adjusting to the current conditions with the virus, SSFC has made it very easy to keep going to school, and continuing our weekly masses, all while keeping each other safe!
I have had wonderful experiences at SSFC, especially the ones with all my friends. They were all willing to open up from the very beginning and invite everyone in, becoming one big SSFC family! Then comes the endless faith-filled projects or activities, and all the fundraisers that the school has for the parish.
There are a lot of features to Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi Catholic School! But again, this is only the beginning of all the amazing benefits and characteristics of SSFC!
Sophia Lewis