By Lindsay Doty
The gifts have been unwrapped, the Christmas tree has added plenty of cheer but the holiday season has come to an end.
To clean up, Hendricks County Recycling District has shared some tips to help tidy up post-season.
Wrapping paper: Most wrapping paper is not recyclable. The same goes for ribbons and bows.
“Don’t wishcycle,’’ says Lenn Detwiler, executive director of the Hendricks County Recycling District. “When in doubt, throw it out.”
Cardboard: Break down all those cardboard boxes. If the recycle center bin is full at the center, come back another time.
No bags: Keep plastic bags out of recycling. Don’t put recycling in bags. Just place in bins.
Christmas lights: LED and Incandescent Christmas lights can be recycled at OmniSource, Indianapolis Zoo, and Technology Recyclers.
Electronics: Most cannot go to the landfill. Instead, take them to Goodwill, Best Buy, Staples, Electronics Recyclers International, NuGenesis, or Ray’s Transfer Stations. Expect to pay $20 and up to recycle TVs where accepted.
If electronics are working, experts say share them or sell them.
Local businesses and police departments in Hendricks County will safely recycle them. Click here for a list of locations. https://www.recyclehendrickscounty.org/online-directory/?fbclid=IwAR2dc80mUsBdan1HClQmoGmfII8XA3NZAciWSqeka_nIAL5KrAicaYbuxz0
Batteries: Alkaline batterie can be thrown away. Rechargeable and button batteries should be recycled. Batteries Plus Bulbs, Best Buy, Interstate Batteries, Lowe’s, and NuGenesis accept them.
Real Christmas Trees:
Real Christmas trees with decorations removed can be dropped off at several recycle locations from now until Jan. 18.
Brownsburg Yard Waste Recycling Center, 90 Mardale Drive, available 24 hours.
Plainfield Yard Waste Recycling Center, 7020 S CR 875 East, available 24 hours
Danville: GreenCycle-McCarty, 494 S CR 200 East, Danville 8 a.m.-5 p.m., M-F
Avon Town Hall Park, (Avon residents only) 6570 US Hwy 36
The Town of Brownsburg will pick up natural Christmas trees for two weeks on Jan. 4 – 8 and Jan. 11-15 and will follow the regular limb and leaf pick up route. Residents may leave their tree in their yard behind the curb edge to take advantage of this free town service.
Ray’s Trash service will pick up Christmas trees from January 4th through January 15th, according to the company website. Any tree longer than 4 feet in length must be cut in half. If weekly trash service is on an automated route (i.e. trash is placed in toters) then you can request a large item pickup for removal of Christmas trees. Please contact residential@raystrash.com or call 317-539-2024. The cost is $20 per large item.