Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5864 in Greenwood will host its 13th Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, Aug. 29 at Valle Vista Golf Course.
The net proceeds of the tournament will be used to fund programs for homeless veterans and many local charitable programs which include the Patriot’s Pen for junior high school students; Voice of Democracy for high school students; Boy and Girl Scouts of the Year; Teacher of the Year in elementary, junior and senior high school categories; and three college scholarships.
VFW Post 5864 awards plaques annually to the Outstanding Citizen of the Year; Policeman of the Year; Firefighter of the Year and EMT of the Year in the city of Greenwood. We help homeless veterans in the community; and assist local veterans and their families in financial need. VFW Post 5864 acts as a resource to veterans by locating other organizations as needed to help the veterans confront the issues they may be facing today.
You can join with VFW Post 5864 to achieve the mission of helping veterans by becoming a sponsor of our 13th Annual Golf Tournament. If you are unable to provide a sponsorship with a cash donation, please consider donating merchandise to be awarded as prizes to our players.

Each player will be provided with a “Ditty Bag” which will include coupons and business gratuities. Contributions and sponsorships are 100 percent tax deductible as VFW Post 5864 is a nonprofit organization. Sponsors will receive a letter acknowledging the contribution or donation provided.
There are seven levels of sponsorship available to both businesses and individuals: Presenting and Co-Sponsor, $2,500; Diamond, $1,000; Platinum, $750; Gold, $500; Silver, $250; Bronze, $100; and Individual Sponsors – $50.
Sponsors will receive a complimentary meal at VFW Post 5864 after the golf tournament concludes. We thank you in advance for your support of VFW Post 5864 and the veterans of this area. By the way, our new VFW is located at 1842 Veterans Way, Greenwood. You can Google 578 Commerce Parkway W. Dr., Greenwood to locate us. That was the former address.
Thank you very much for your participation in this event and we also welcome you to sign up to golf in our tournament. If you have questions, call Steve Milbourn at (317) 525-7291, e-mail him at, or you are welcome to call the post at (317) 888-2488.