The Southside Times is honoring Southsiders who passed away in 2019 and made a significant difference in their community. From those who beautified a part of the Southside with an arts center to those who cared for the needy and elderly and blessed others with their talents to those who served their country, God and for various nonprofits, each one of these Southside residents has made a lasting difference and touched the lives of others fortunate enough to have known them.
Linda Corey
By Amy Moshier
Friends and family said they remember Linda Corey for her many warm and fun contributions to the world around her.

One of Linda Corey’s favorite activities was working with the Kiwanis Club. And she was active in the Greenwood United Methodist Church, as well. Richard Isenhour, a close friend and fellow member of the Greenwood Kiwanis Club, fondly remembers his time working with Linda. “All clubs or groups have that one person whose energy, attitude and dedication sets an example for other members and keeps them aboard. Linda was that person in the Greenwood Kiwanis Club. She embraced Kiwanis and its focus of improving the world, one child and one community at a time, from the moment she joined more than a decade ago,” Isenhour said.
“In addition to serving two years as our club’s president, she was lieutenant governor of our division in the Indiana District and represented our club at several Kiwanis International conventions,” he added. “Linda’s favorite Kiwanis activities, though, were those involving the youth clubs our club sponsors, including a K-Kids club at Center Grove Elementary School and Key Clubs at Center Grove, Franklin Central and Greenwood high schools. She attended meetings of the various clubs, developing relationships with faculty advisors and building friendships with the students, especially the Key Clubbers.”
Linda Sue Corey, 68, of Greenwood, passed away Dec. 31, 2018. She is survived by her husband of 38 years, Larry; a son, Brent; a brother, Gary; and two grandchildren, Samantha, 10, and Owen, 5.
“She was outgoing and so much fun to be with. She could also be loving and caring, especially when it was just her and someone else, like me,” said Judy Gribble, a longtime friend of Linda’s. “Whenever I had a problem or just needed someone to talk with, she was always there. We lost our son three years ago, and she helped me through the grieving process. She was very caring and understanding and always available to talk,” she added. “I miss her, a lot. I knew her a long time, so long that I can’t even remember when we first met. It had to be more than 30 years ago.”
Linda loved spending time with her grandchildren, according to her husband, Larry. “She babysat both of them before they started school,” he said. True outdoorsmen, both she and Larry loved to camp with her family in the travel trailer. “We camped in 40 different states,” said Larry. She loved relaxing at the lake. Linda and Larry met on a blind date during Christmas Break in Terre Haute in 1978. It turned into a match for true love. “We were introduced by my cousin, who worked with Linda. We had an I-70 romance until we were married April 25, 1980,” he said.
Linda had a true love for gardening and had many plants inside and two flower gardens outside. “She always planted Marigolds and Morning Glory,” Larry said. “She had a green thumb for gardening. She and I would put out a small vegetable garden. It usually included tomatoes, green beans, peppers, etc. Sometimes broccoli and eggplant,” he added. Their granddaughter, Samantha, loved to help her a lot each spring with the flower gardens.
Linda graduated from North Central High School (in Sullivan County) in 1968 and attended Indiana State University. Prior to retirement, she worked as an administrative assistant for a local CPA firm.
Bruce Haddix
By Amy Moshier
Bruce Haddix was a man with many friends and family. Whether on a vacation with members or his beloved group of friends (referred to lovingly as “the clique”) or handling a tricky situation as a principal for one of several elementary schools, he was certain to handle each situation with love and kindness, according to close friend, Karen Isenhour.

Bruce Haddix, 67, passed away Nov. 5, 2019. Bruce is survived by his wife, Ann Scharbrough Haddix; two daughters, Katherine Elizabeth Haddix Beehn and Emily Rose Haddix Glassburnl and six grandchildren. He was born May 5, 1952.
He was loved by his staff, students and parents, said Isenhour, a teacher from one of the schools where Haddix was a principal, Center Grove Elementary School. “Every year, the whole school had a ‘theme’ week that was based on literature. We did the Wizard of Oz, Charley and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie Brown and the Peanuts Gang, Charlette’s Web, Dr. Seuss and many others. We’d have lots of school-wide activities that week. He really was a child-centered principal,” she said. Haddix was a principal at Center Grove Elementary until retirement in 2015.
Another of his many accomplishments came from his time at another school, Westlake Elementary, which was named a National Blue Ribbon School for metrics like attendance, test scores and community/parental involvement. For this, he was rewarded with a trip to Washington D.C. and the chance to meet former first lady Laura Bush, said Isenhour. The meeting was at the Washington Hilton and he and the three teachers from Westlake who accompanied him were treated like royalty, she said.
Haddix graduated from Emmerich Manual High School in 1970 and from Indiana Central College in 1974, earning a bachelor’s degree in music education. He went on to earn a master’s degree in Music Education from IU and another master’s degree in educational administration from Butler University. He taught music in Indianapolis Public Schools, Plainfield Community Schools and Wayne Township Schools. He served as an elementary school principal in Wayne Township for 17 years.
An accomplished musician, both a pianist or a vocalist, Bruce served in music leadership for the United Methodist Church for 46 years, most recently at Center United Methodist, as pianist, and handbell and choir director, as well.
Among his musical accomplishments were founding and directing the Wayne Township Staff Choir, who performed in many opera, theater and church productions, as well as benefit concerts.Bruce and his wife, Ann, had the longtime friendships of a close group. Beginning as a Bible study group, they became fast friends, travelling together and taking many trips to the beach and on cruises.
Jane Harman
By Nancy Price
Jane Harman made a difference in the lives of many, young and old, during her lifetime. Even for those she never met. “She had a servant’s heart,” said her daughter, Pat Biggerstaff.

Harman, a resident of Perry Township for more than 70 years, passed away March 1, 2019.
She had a passion for helping the elderly and those confined indoors. For over 10 years Harman volunteered weekly at the Franklin Home in Franklin. She would shop and run other errands for the residents who were no longer able to do so for themselves. “She often helped with extra things such as writing letters, visiting the residents who had been moved to the health care center and more,” Biggerstaff said. As well, “for over 20 years she would visit with and deliver flowers to shut-ins.”
“Jane was always the one to be there when a relative or neighbor needed a caregiver for themselves or a loved one due to illness or for whatever reason. She helped neighbors with canning when green beans, apples, cherries and other garden items were ready,” she added.
Harman was enthusiastic about sewing and donating her handmade products. She led a sewing group for many years. Members of the group stitched quilts and sewed children’s clothing and other items. Some of the items were donated to Goodwill while others were sold, and the proceeds given to Goodwill. In addition, “she made over 1,000 stuffed animals that she donated to children to provide them comfort at Riley Hospital, St. Francis South and Bloomington Hospital,” Biggerstaff said.
Harman attended Edgewood United Methodist Church, where she and her husband were very active members for over 70 years. She crotched hats and mittens throughout the year and donated the items to the “hat and mitten tree” in the Edgewood UMC foyer. All items were donated to Fletcher Place and the Salvation Army.
“She also sewed vests and kerchiefs for the Boy Scout group that met at her church,” Biggerstaff added. “She was a 4-H leader for a number of years. She taught Bible school each year, even well into her 80s and taught Sunday School for adult and children’s classes. She made an impact with many children in these classes along with working in the cafeteria and library at Edgewood Grade School. She helped many neighborhood kids with projects relating to school and for their personal lives.”
Each year Harman participated in Edgewood UMC’s Shoe Box Ministry, filling the boxes with shoes she purchased to send to those less fortunate.
Gus A. Karozos
By Angie Antonopoulos
During his life of 101 years, Gus Karozos nurtured everything and everyone around him, according to his loved ones, leaving his family, church, community and nation in a better place by his attentive nature and commitment to serve.

Gus A. Karozos passed away May 12, 2019.
Born Aug. 29, 1917, in Dereli, Greece, Karozos experienced many hardships, including the loss of his mother, Evangelia, six months after they arrived in the United States, when he was 12. His father, Andrew, who arrived in the U.S. years before them, raised him and his sister, Polixeni, alone, in Warren, OH and instilled in them the ideals of becoming a strong, disciplined and honorable person.
During World War II, Karozos served as a corporal in the 376th Field Artillery Battalion of the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army, in North Africa and Sicily, Italy. His unit of paratroopers were among the first to jump prior to D-Day in 1944. Upon his honorable discharge in 1944, Karozos received two Purple Hearts and enrolled to The Ohio State University, where he met his wife, Irene. After graduating from OSU with a degree in international studies, he worked as a sales manager for M&R Labs in Columbus, Ohio and CB Kendall in Indianapolis, selling powdered milk, ice cream and the infant formula, Similac to the Middle East. He also traveled for months at a time to Central and South America, selling pharmaceuticals. He then sold insurance and life insurance policies for Franklin Life Insurance Company and Crown Life for more than 50 years, so he could spend more time with his family.
He is survived by four children, five grandchildren and several friends who remember him as a mentor, a doting and pragmatic father and dedicated church leader.
“Dad’s purpose in life centered around serving God, church, nation and family,” said his daughter, Evelyn Karozos. “His faith was unwavering, his service to his country was impeccable, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to provide a safe and nurturing life for his family. Dad’s legacy is us – his children.” He could be serious and playful and would save a dance or two for his daughters during celebrations.
His daughter, Joan, said he was meticulous in whatever he did, “teaching us to do it the Karozos way,” and added that their mom “was the glue that held all of us together.”
Family friend, Deborah Stevens O’Reilley knew him as Uncle Gus and remembers him being there when she and her sister woke up to learn their dad was in the hospital when they were younger.
Panos Niarchos, also a friend from the Greek community, knew Gus from his involvement in the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Holy Apostles and AHEPA and said Gus was like a father figure to him.
“He always had good advice and encouraged me to continue with my education because it opens more doors in life. It is the dedication and strong Christian beliefs of faithful pioneers, like Gus, that have brought us so far; we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. This world needs more people like Gus Karozos.”
Pershing Edwin MacAllister
By Stephanie Dolan
Pershing Edwin MacAllister was born Aug. 30, 1918 in Oconto, WI. Named after WWI hero John J. Pershing, MacAllister went by P.E.

Raised during the Great Depression, MacAllister was a WWII veteran and philanthropist whose major focus was on the arts in Indianapolis.
He passed away at the age of 101 on Oct. 23, 2019.
Mark Bowell, executive director of the Friends of Garfield Park, was a friend to and fellow volunteer with MacAllister.
“The restoration that happened back in the late 1990s … at that point in time I was the director of the Indianapolis Parks Foundation and P.E. was our chairman,” Bowell said. “He helped start it. One of his projects at that point in time was starting the Indianapolis Opera Company. He was also a big supporter of the symphony. He was a real renaissance man. We looked for a project we could sink our teeth into with the parks department.”
That project became the restoration of the amphitheater at Garfield Park.
“He put the lead gift in,” Bowell said. “With that, we named it the MacAllister Center for the Performing Arts. He gave about $200,000 so it was a very gracious gift.”
The Friends of Garfield Park is a nonprofit that was founded in 1997.
“We work to raise partnerships and funds to support the programs of Garfield Park,” Bowell said. “Everything from maintaining the fountains and sunken gardens to the arts center and community restoration. We’re a total volunteer board and have close to 20 board members. They come from a wide range across Indianapolis, but a lot are Greenwood natives.”
MacAllister was on the board of the Indianapolis Parks Foundation.
“He was an honorary board member of Friends of Garfield Park,” Bowell said. “He was a very gracious donor. He gave thousands of dollars. This last restoration we did in 2017 – he was one of the major donors along with a number of others. He was the lead. He’s graciously made donations to support arts programming in Garfield. We owe a tremendous amount to P.E. for his graciousness.”
Bowell believes that MacAllister’s legacy will live in perpetuity.
“He was such an interesting person,” he said. “He was a patron of the arts. I’m in construction, and there was always something we could talk about, whether it was politics or current events. I’d see him about every six to eight weeks, and we could talk about just about anything. He was probably the most interesting man I’ve ever known. He genuinely cared about Indianapolis. To whom much is given much is required. He would give, but there was always something significant tied to it. Most people would tell you he was a gracious giver, but accountability was a big part of it. He was never seeking anything for himself.”
Robert Alfred Raymond Sr.
By Angela Morefield
People who knew Robert “Bob” Alfred Raymond Sr. remember him for his helpfulness to the community, devotion to his family and commitment to his church.

Robert “Bob” Alfred Raymond Sr., a citizen of Beech Grove for over 40 years, was 81 years young when he passed away Aug. 11, 2019. He was born April 10, 1938 in Haverhill, Mass. and graduated from Haverhill High School. Raymond was a United States Marine Corps veteran and served for six years.
Raymond served as the Beech Grove mayor’s neighborhood liaison where he assisted countless citizens with problems they had when they called for help. He ran for Beech Grove City Council District 3 in 2015, but graciously lost to Chris Duffer. Diana Hendricks, executive director of the Beech Grove CDFC said, “I had the opportunity to assist Bob with his campaign and found his humble appreciation in being a candidate so refreshing. He is a true classy gentleman.”
Mayor Dennis Buckley was close with Raymond and supported his running for council.
Raymond worked as a car salesman at Jack Smart Ford beginning in 1976 and retired from Ray Skillman in 2008. He was a member of Holy Name Catholic Church, where for many years he served as an usher and also organized all of the ushers for each mass.
He married his wife, Maxine Hall, in December 1957. She passed away four years ago.
Raymond’s love for his wife inspired him to the next journey, he once said. Raymond and Maxine lived in the Park Grove subdivision in Beech Grove. He was a father to four children, Robert Alfred Raymond Jr., David Raymond, Mark Raymond and Renee Raymond Hines; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Raymond loved music and spending time with his family. His loved ones said he was dearly loved by all who knew him.
“Bob’s passing has left a void in the city of Beech Grove as he is dearly missed,” Buckley said.
Erik Spencer
By Stephanie Dolan
Erik “Rik” Spencer, 77, was an avid golfer, a devoted husband, a jokester and a Presbyterian minister. He loved reading Harry Potter and mystery spy books, his time in the fly fishing club, canoeing, camping and – in his younger years – coaching baseball, soccer and basketball.

Pastoring many churches across the state, one being Greenwood Presbyterian Church, Spencer always opened every sermon with a joke.
He passed away in his sleep on June 12, 2019.
“He was at multiple churches, and even though he’d retired he was always filling in for someone as a pastor,” Amy Lee, assistant governor of Rotary District 6580, said.
“He really wanted to help other churches if they needed it,” she continued. “He was a pastor at eight different Presbyterian churches in Indiana. I know that he went to Texas A&M and became a minister later in life – like in his 30s.”
Spencer was also a member of the Greenwood Rotary Club and was a very active Rotarian for more than 20 years.
“He was a past president of the Greenwood Rotary Club,” Lee said. “He was also a Paul Harris fellow, which means you’ve contributed so much money to the foundation in support of projects.”
Lee said she got to know Spencer when they served together on the Rotary Club’s scholarship committee.
“He was an English major at one time when he went to college, and I think education was very important to him and close to his heart,” she said. “I think he wanted to help local students be able to pursue their education.”
Lee said that the committee would review applications and meet and interview all students who’d applied.
Spencer attended Texas A&M University, earning a degree in English with a minor in history.
“He was also on the board for the Greenwood Rotary Club, and he was on the board during my year as president in 2017-18,” she said. “What I love best about him being on my board was that he was very calming and level and nothing rattled him. If there were some people wanting one thing and someone else wanted another, he had great middle-of-the-road suggestions to bring everyone together.”
Rotary is a volunteer service organization, and Lee said that Spencer was always ready to get involved in projects aimed at giving back to his community.
“We do local, national or international projects,” Lee continued. “During the years I was in Rotary with him, he was actively involved in any local project we did.”
Spencer is survived by his wife, Judy. The couple were married Oct. 23, 1965.