By Angie Norris
We’re all striving for healthy and happy families. During these days of quarantine and social distancing it can be tough to keep our loved ones at home entertained, and in good mental and physical health. These activities will help your imagination and your family grow stronger.
Outside fun
A great way to get out of the house without actually leaving your home, is to have a campout in the backyard. Get your tents and sleeping bags and set up your spot. Make a small fire for roasting hotdogs and marshmallows for s‘mores. You could do fun activities such as collecting bugs or leaves, then studying them to find out what they are and how they benefit nature. You could tell flashlight stories around the campfire as a family. Have one person start the story and then pass the flashlight to another person to continue and see what kind of fun story you can come up with. You could also play flashlight tag, have a three-legged race, or make an obstacle course out of household items like totes, chairs, hand weights and jump ropes. After all your playing is done and it’s time to settle down for the night, lay down and look at the stars and moon. Try to see if you can find the constellations or shapes in the sky. These are not only exciting and fun activities but are sure to leave your kids with memories.

Spa day
Sometimes our bodies just need to relax. It’s OK to do and it’s good for your mental health. With salons and spas being closed, you could set up a home salon and have a relaxing spa day of your own with your kids. Set up a snack table with things like cucumber water, lemonade or tea. Have some things to snack on like fruits and veggies, cupcakes or cookies. Dress the part by wearing robes and slippers, or just your pajamas will do. Have fun by making homemade all-natural bath bombs or face masks. You can get recipes for these online. Cut some cucumber slices for your eyes, fill up some small tubs or buckets with warm water and bubble bath or bath salts for a foot bath, and relax on the couch with some soothing music. Another fun idea is to set up a hair or nail salon. Take turns doing each other’s hair in different styles, do each other’s makeup, or paint each other’s nails in fun spring colors. Having a relaxing day is good for us all, even the kids.
Use your imagination
Get the kids’ creative side to come out by using your imagination. Create your own family game. It could be making your own board or card game, or a sport of some type. You could create a new meal. Everyone can come up with ideas to create a dish designed just for your family. Get the ideas flowing and come up with a family song, poem, or logo.
Getting outside, relaxing and keeping your imagination flowing are just a few ways to keep your mental and physical health off of your worry list. Make this time be the time you worry less about the outside world, and more about what’s right around you.