What is an Ambassador?
- Our Ambassadors are highly visible, esteemed volunteers who serve as a crucial liaison between Aspire investors and the Aspire staff. Each Ambassador makes a commitment to making personal connections with our investors at events in order to build a loyal, committed membership base that will continue to support, participate and invest in Aspire.
Ambassador Objectives:
- Greet and host investors at Aspire Events (virtual and in person)
- Foster engagement at Aspire programs and events
- Nurture quality relationships
Ambassador Qualifications:
- Applications are reviewed and given thoughtful consideration by Aspire staff
- Strong communication skills
- Accountable, trustworthy
- Working knowledge of Aspire services and the business community
- Self-motivated
- Comfort in initiating open, informative dialogue
Expectations of Ambassadors:
- Represent Aspire Economic Development + Chamber Alliance in a professional manner, including dress
- Build relationships with investors at Aspire Events
- Attend 6 of 11 Ambassador Coffee Connections (virtual and in person)
- Attend Ribbon Cuttings
Coffee Connections:
- Networking opportunity for Aspire Members
Ambassadors will help host the event alongside Aspire Staff
▪ Greet and welcome new members
▪ Work registration
▪ Assist in making introductions
- Format of Program
Two different member groups will meet on rotating months; please see below for rotation.

- MEMBER GROUP ONE: Coffee Connections (new members 1-4 years)
Third Tuesday of designated months, 8:30-9:30 a.m., rotating locations
▪ January, March, May, July, September and November
- MEMBER GROUP TWO: Coffee Connections (members active with Aspire 5-10 years)
Third Tuesday of designated months, 8:30-9:30 a.m., rotating locations
▪ February, April, June, August and October
Time Commitment: 1-3 hours per month:
- Attend Aspire Events
- Attend Coffee Connections
- Attend ribbon cuttings
Benefits to Ambassador:
- Official Aspire name badge
- Personal and business gain
Ambassador Event Tickets:
- 1 event ticket to each Aspire event
Please note the following:
▪ This excludes Signature Program Events
- Women Leaders, Celebrate Aspire, Aspire Golf Classic, Aspire Economic Outlook Breakfast
▪ Event tickets are non-transferable and may only be used by the Aspire Ambassador
Rewards and Recognition:
- Spoken recognition and introduction at Aspire events
Applications are now open for the 2021 Ambassador Committee. Please go to aspirejohnsoncounty.com, click the three bars on the far right, choose the News category, followed by “This week.” All completed applications must be returned to Alex Wheeler at awheeler@aspirejohnsoncounty.com by Dec. 11.